GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Get Noticed: Making SEO Work for Your Brand

Posted by Bridget Langan on Wed, May 8, 2024 @ 12:48 PM

Today, with over 1 billion websites on the internet and a new one added approximately every three seconds, breaking through the noise and securing a spot the highly coveted first page of Google search results is the ultimate goal for brands. But here’s the empowering part: you have the tools get there. 

Let's explore the process.

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Topics: PR Strategy, Media Relations, Digital Branding, SEO, content marketing

10 Tips for Crafting the Perfect Blog [Data]

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, Jun 29, 2017 @ 8:02 AM

I recently read a fantastic article from Hubspot about crafting the Perfect Blog Post.

While we follow a number of these suggestions, being reminded of each step from start to finish is so helpful. So bookmark this page and get writing.

1. Start with the Perfect Headline

A headline grabs the reader's attention and compels them to click. People have short attention spans -- 8 seconds -- and the headline is one of the first elements that help readers decide if they want to click. In fact, 60% of readers don't read past the headline, which presents a big opportunity.

Here's how to write a great headline:

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Topics: SEO, blogging

6 Tips to Pitch the Perfect Guest Post

Posted by Jourdan Cole on Thu, Oct 29, 2015 @ 3:56 AM

Do you dream of seeing your byline on a popular gardening site?

Make that dream a reality by sharing your expertise and becoming a guest blogger. You will reach new audiences and break into new markets with just one simple post.

Once you've made the decision to become a guest blogger, you might have to send a lot of cold emails before you find someone who’s interested in sharing their web space with you. You need to have a well-developed pitch that demonstrates that you’re the expert and the blog’s readers are going to love what you have to say.

Find out how to pitch the perfect guest post below.

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Topics: audience, branding, SEO

How Garden Brands Can Create Picture Perfect Content

Posted by Nikole Gennari on Thu, Jul 16, 2015 @ 11:05 AM

Today’s consumers are visually oriented. About 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and it is processed 60,000 times faster than text.

A catchy headline can only go so far, but including a picture raises the bar for success. In PR, image is everything. Likewise, the images incorporated in social media are just as crucial.

Continue reading for more information about how garden brands can incorporate images into their social media strategies.

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Topics: garden business, SEO, content marketing, social media, blogging

Google Gives Small Businesses an Advantage

Posted by Katie Dubow on Tue, Jul 14, 2015 @ 10:00 AM

I recently spoke at Cultivate '15 about how garden businesses need to use SEO tactics and Google search features and updates to their advantage.

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Topics: SEO, social media

Preview 2016 Garden Trends at Cultivate ’15

Posted by Katie Dubow on Fri, Jul 10, 2015 @ 10:10 AM

Cultivate, AmericanHort’s yearly conference, promises to offer industry insiders a sneak peek into what’s trending in horticulture for 2015 and beyond.

Garden Media plans to add to that buzz when President Susan McCoy previews the firm’s 2016 Garden Trends Report at Cultivate ’15.

“Syncing with Nature” identifies seven new garden trends that will shake up the industry in the coming year.

The 2016 report concludes that consumers are “rewilding” themselves and gaining a newfound appreciation for both the earth’s precious resources and nature centers found in their own backyards.

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Topics: trade show public relations, trends, SEO, social media

Trending Thursday: Keep Your Garden Brands' Pinterest Seasonal

Posted by Merissa Blum on Thu, Oct 9, 2014 @ 9:04 AM

Who doesn’t want to increase their Pinterest followers and repins?

Pinterest has become the go-to search engine when looking for DIY crafts, activities and ideas.

Now that it's fall, seasonal keywords like autumn and Halloween are in the air!

Keep up with all of the latest trends, including seasons, to attract more attention to your garden brand's Pinterest site and gain more followers. Pinterest users are all over this seasonal change!

Continue reading to learn how to get your garden brand’s Pinterest site noticed this fall.

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Topics: Pinterest, trends, SEO, Garden Media Group, marketing

Trending Thursday: Back to Content Marketing Basics

Posted by Jourdan Cole on Thu, Sep 11, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

It's back to school time, which provides the perfect time for you to evaluate your gardening business blog and look for areas to improve as well.

From generating leads to increasing your SEO ranking, running a blog benefits your business in many ways. Every blog post is a new indexed page for your website, which is a new opportunity for your business to be found by search engines. All of this content helps brand your garden company as experts in your field.  

For the full scoop, read below for a back-to-basics lessons on content marketing in the garden industry.

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Topics: Twitter, Trending Thursday, SEO, content marketing, blogging

3 Simple Tips to Improve your Gardening Business Blog

Posted by Megan Psenicska on Wed, Apr 9, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

It has been said time and time again: Your garden business needs a blog.

It's not just about driving traffic to your website, but a green, glorious company blog sets you apart as an authority in your field.

Plus, blogging is a great way to offer expert advice and gently remind your customers that you are the “go to place” for information and ideas, and heck, even products!

However, maintaining a garden blog is an investment of time, energy, and creativity. Fresh ideas and interesting topics that free flow in the first few weeks may be more difficult to come by on a regular basis.

Read on to discover 3 simple tips to keep your garden blog fresh and top of mind for your customer, too!

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Topics: garden marketing, gardening, garden business, SEO, Garden Media Group, content marketing, blogging

PR Campaign Case Study: Maintaining Momentum

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, Jun 26, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

All the elements for your public relations campaign are now in line: goals, objectives, key media, and target audience.

Your campaign has rolled out across a multitude of media outlets--and audiences are craving more.

Now that you have an action and media plan in line as well as a few media hits, you need to focus on maintaining momentum.

Your garden company cannot blast the same message in the same way year after year. To keep it interesting, add a new twist to your campaign each year.

Let's look at our PR Campaign Case Study on Costa Farms' O2 for You to illustrate the art of shifting the tactics each year while furthering your campaign's goals.

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Topics: PR Campaign, PR Strategy, Digital Branding, case study, SEO, public relations media plan, social media

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