GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Bridget Langan

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Get Noticed: Making SEO Work for Your Brand

Posted by Bridget Langan on Wed, May 8, 2024 @ 12:48 PM

Today, with over 1 billion websites on the internet and a new one added approximately every three seconds, breaking through the noise and securing a spot the highly coveted first page of Google search results is the ultimate goal for brands. But here’s the empowering part: you have the tools get there. 

Let's explore the process.

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Topics: PR Strategy, Media Relations, Digital Branding, SEO, content marketing

Navigating Influencer Partnerships

Posted by Bridget Langan on Thu, Nov 30, 2023 @ 9:05 AM

Have you ever wondered how some brands seamlessly collaborate with influencers, show up regularly, and capture their audience's attention effortlessly? Navigating influencer partnerships requires strategy, research, and finesse. Social media influencers and content creators wield unprecedented power in today’s digital marketing sphere, especially in the green industry.  

Our 2024 Garden Trends Report highlights the gravity of the movement towards influencer marketing, especially when trying to reach Gen Z audiences. Growing up in a wholly digital world, Gen Z are digital natives, and these creators are now more trusted regarding product reviews over social ads and celebrity endorsements. According to LTK’s 2023 Gen Z shopper study, creators are 3.5x more influential than social media ads - so influencer marketing and promotions through short-form videos are vital for reaching Gen Z.

Did you know colleges now offer social media influencing majors? It’s a testament to how quickly this industry is evolving and why your company cannot afford to overlook it. Many factors go into finding the right influencer, which can be overwhelming. 

Read on to learn more about how to navigate influencer partnerships with ease.  

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Topics: garden marketing, horticultural marketing communications, key influencers, generation z

Sneak Peek: GMG’s 2024 Garden Trends

Posted by Bridget Langan on Sat, Apr 1, 2023 @ 12:00 AM

You know we love trends here at Garden Media, so as the new gardening season approaches, we thought it would be a great time to take a sneak peek at some of the latest trends in the green industry.

From utilitarian fashion to the latest and greatest lawn ornaments, the gardening world constantly innovates and develops new and exciting ideas.

We have been busy worker bees preparing our 2024 Garden Trends Report and decided we couldn’t WAIT to share. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most unique and unconventional trends emerging in gardening.

Read on to be amazed and inspired by these cutting-edge 2024 gardening trends!

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Topics: Garden Trends

Pursuing Pinterest: Why the Platform Should Be a Mainstay in Your Social Media Strategy

Posted by Bridget Langan on Thu, Feb 9, 2023 @ 8:43 AM

You may be thinking, Pinterest? Since when?


You may be surprised to know that Pinterest is going strong, with 250 million monthly active users. While the platform has historically been popular among Millennials and Gen X, Gen Z is catching on, too.

According to Sprout Social, Gen Z is projected to make up nearly 26 million users within the next three years. Making Pinterest a unique platform that can bridge generational gaps and should not be left out of your social media strategy.

Pinterest offers a unique marketing opportunity for garden industry brands. While the platform allows you to follow friends and see their boards, that’s not what Pinterest is all about. It is an all-in-one platform for shopping, education, inspiration, and more. Most users on Pinterest are actively researching products and preparing for their next project. 

What else makes Pinterest different?

Read on to learn why garden brands should use Pinterest to drive brand awareness and boost product sales.

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