GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

6 Tips to Pitch the Perfect Guest Post

Posted by Jourdan Cole on Thu, Oct 29, 2015 @ 3:56 AM

Do you dream of seeing your byline on a popular gardening site?

Make that dream a reality by sharing your expertise and becoming a guest blogger. You will reach new audiences and break into new markets with just one simple post.

Once you've made the decision to become a guest blogger, you might have to send a lot of cold emails before you find someone who’s interested in sharing their web space with you. You need to have a well-developed pitch that demonstrates that you’re the expert and the blog’s readers are going to love what you have to say.

Find out how to pitch the perfect guest post below.

Find the right opportunity

Research different blogs to see if there is a genuine match between what a site offers and what you can write about. If one isn't a match, move on to another and continue to do your homework.

And if a blog is specifically asking for guest bloggers, you know you’ve found the right source.

Leading up to your pitch, the best way to build credibility is to build a rapport with blog editors — comment on their posts, engage with them on Twitter, email them to start a genuine conversation.

Don't forget to stay ahead of the curve by keeping up on new trends and topics.

Draft your idea

Create an outline of your idea for your guest post in case the editor asks for a draft.

When you’re brainstorming, remember that this guest post isn’t about you or your product. It’s about educating a new audience. Save the information about your business for your author bio.

Have a specific topic in mind and come up with the headline while you write. Narrow in on a topic that people are interested in reading about and learn how to master the art of storytelling.

Keep it short

Before you pitch an editor, take the time to find out more about them and their blog. Be specific in your pitch and do not waste their time.

You want to be perceived as friendly and sincere. This is not a one email-fits-all situation and it’s crucial to use professional language. Draft your pitch and make sure it gets to the point.

Craft a great subject line

The subject line is the first interaction your editor has with your pitch. It’s the difference between having your email opened or automatically deleted.

Use a clever subject line that ties together the core of pitch. Avoid using all caps or click-bate tactics to get your reader to open the email.

Introduce Yourself

Finally, include a short bio. What have you done in the past year that qualifies you to be an expert garden blogger? Give specific details about how many stories you’ve written, where you’ve been published and why your credentials make you the ideal candidate for this post.

Press send and follow-up

Perhaps you didn’t hear back about your pitch. Construct a follow-up email and suggest a different topic to write about.

Guests posts build relationships, start conversations and drive traffic back to your website. By creating valuable content, you’re going to see that convert over time into more fans, followers and readers. Help your brand stand out online by creating a new circle of influence. 

Want to learn more about crafting content? Check out our ebook. 

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