GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

The Latest on Leaving the Leaves

Posted by Keri Wilson on Thu, Sep 5, 2024 @ 1:36 PM

Leave the Leaves Month (October)

Untitled design (9)A growing understanding of the ecological benefits of fallen leaves and the negative impacts of traditional lawn care practices has led to the observance of Leave the Leaves Month in October. This sustainable practice directly benefits a variety of wildlife, including pollinators, beneficial insects, birds, and small mammals, by providing shelter, habitat, and food sources. It can also improve soil health, reducing the need for fertilizer and other harmful chemicals.

Leave the Leaves Month is an excellent opportunity for garden businesses to promote eco-friendly landscaping by sharing their expertise and sustainable practices.

Read on to learn more about Leave the Leaves Month and how to incorporate facts and tips into your fall content.

The Case for Leaf Litter

Untitled design (11)A 2023 survey by the National Wildlife Federation revealed a knowledge gap that garden centers have the opportunity to fill. While most people understand the ecological benefits of leaving fallen leaves, only a quarter (25%) practice it. Fortunately, there's a growing openness to this practice, as 8 of 10 people (82%) are open to changing their habits in the future.

While many homeowners may be tempted to rake up every leaf in autumn, leaving them on the lawn benefits your yard, the creatures that inhabit it, and the environment. Here's how:

Natural fertilizer – As leaves decompose, they release nutrients that enrich the soil, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.
Essential habitat for wildlife – Many insects and small animals find shelter and food in leaf litter, making it a vital component of a healthy ecosystem.
Insulation – A layer of leaves can provide insulation for trees, shrubs, and perennials, helping protect plants' roots from extreme temperatures.
Erosion control – Leaf litter helps to protect the soil from erosion, especially during heavy rains or windstorms.

PR and Marketing Opportunities

Untitled design (12)The topic of leaving leaves can be an excellent opportunity for public relations campaigns. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Social Media Campaign – Create a social media campaign using the hashtag #leavetheleaves. Share informative posts about the benefits of leaving and the results you’ve experienced, and encourage your followers to share their own experiences.
Community Events – Organize a community event focused on leaf litter's ecological benefits and importance, or host a nature walk to highlight the wildlife that relies on leaf litter.
Partner with Local Organizations – Collaborate with local environmental groups, parks, recreation departments, or gardening clubs to promote leaving the leaves.
Media Outreach – Contact local news outlets and offer to do interviews or write articles about the topic. This can help raise awareness and generate positive publicity.

Leave the Leaves Month offers a unique opportunity for public relations professionals to engage with their audience on a timely and relevant topic by promoting environmental sustainability and community engagement. Here's why:

Seasonal Relevance – The month coincides with fall when many people are focused on yard work and environmental issues. This makes it a natural fit for promoting relevant products, services, or initiatives.
Environmental Awareness – Leaving the leaves positively impacts the environment by providing habitat for beneficial insects and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. This aligns with the growing interest in sustainability and eco-friendliness.
Community Engagement – Encourage community participation by organizing leaf-composting workshops or promoting local initiatives that support environmental conservation.
Social Media Engagement – Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to share visually appealing content related to leaving the leaves, such as photos of colorful fall foliage, the progression of leaf composting, or info on how different species of wildlife and beneficial bugs use the fallen leaves.
Partnerships and Collaborations – Partner with local organizations, businesses, or influencers to help amplify the message and reach a wider audience.
Media Relations Opportunities – Pitch topics to local news outlets about the benefits of leaving the leaves to generate informative media coverage and increase brand visibility.

Tips for Effective Communication

  • Use visuals: Share photos and videos of healthy lawns and flowerbeds with leaf litter.
  • Tell stories: Share anecdotes or personal experiences about the benefits of leaving leaves.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid using overly technical language to make your communication relatable.
  • Be engaging: Use a conversational tone and ask questions that encourage interaction.

By leveraging these opportunities to promote the benefits of leaving leaves, you can help to increase environmental awareness, contribute to a healthier ecosystem, and create engaging campaigns that resonate with your audience to foster a sense of community.

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