GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

State of Social 2023: Trends, Insights, & Benchmarks for Garden Brands

Posted by Aubrey Olson & Keri Wilson on Wed, Mar 8, 2023 @ 11:47 AM

Meltwater, an online media monitoring company, recently launched a report that shared current trends in social media for 2023. 

The report offered findings from over 1,700 marketing and communications professionals globally. The short: paid and organic social media are expected to increase in 2023. Garden businesses must stay at the top of their game and adapt while also increasing their skillset. 

In the report, social media platforms were ranked by usage and popularity. Facebook is still holding the top ranking, followed by LinkedIn and Instagram. YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok remain relevant while being slightly less popular than the top three. Short-form video is hot right now on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. 

Read on to learn more about how social media has maintained and even gained importance during the current economic development. 

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Topics: garden marketing, creating content, Twitter, branding, PR Strategy, Media Relations, marketing communications, Public Relations Trends, Digital Branding, trends, internet marketing, Instagram, public relations media plan, Garden Media Group, Garden Trends, social media, Youtube, marketing, facebook, Garden Media, Social, technology

Very Peri Plant Picks: Pantone's Color of the Year in Your Garden

Posted by Becky Paxton on Fri, Dec 17, 2021 @ 1:18 PM

Pantone’s 2022 Color of the Year, “Very Peri,” a custom periwinkle with hints of violet-red, is popping up on taste makers’ radars around the country. From delicate blossoms to vibrant foliage, you can find periwinkles and purples in a vast array of landscape plants. As trendy pollinator, edible, and cutting gardens are poised to capture gardeners’ attention in spring 2022, the following periwinkle plants offer an inspiring infusion of this year’s “it” color.

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Topics: Public relations, garden marketing, marketing communications, trends

Why TikTok is Here to Stay and Why You Should Care

Posted by Lindsay Day on Wed, Sep 1, 2021 @ 10:32 AM

In the modern digital age, new social media platforms pop up every other day. And as quickly as they come, they often fizzle out faster than you can say YikYak, ClubHouse, or Vine. It’s a whirlwind for anyone trying to create a digital marketing strategy!

When TikTok came to the stage, many assumed it, too, wouldn’t last. Yet it continues to be the number one downloaded app, and users average 80 minutes a day scrolling through endless videos. We predict it is here to stay.

Read more to learn how this “clock” app works and how your garden brand can use it. 

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Topics: marketing communications, trends, content marketing, social media, facebook, Social, Gen Z, technology

Early, Online, and Uncertain: Navigating 2020 Holiday Trends

Posted by Becky Paxton on Tue, Oct 20, 2020 @ 12:43 PM

If the sight of Christmas decorations next to Halloween candy on store shelves makes you raise an eyebrow, you may want to get used to it – because a trend has arrived that garden retailers can’t afford to ignore.

In recent years, 43% of holiday shoppers planned to start shopping in November. But signs are indicating a major shift this year, and retailers need brace themselves: holiday shoppers are shopping EARLY in 2020, and their preferences have changed.

Read more to learn 3 must-have tips for positioning your brands this holiday season.

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Topics: Pinterest, marketing communications, trends, Instagram, advertising, Cyber Monday, marketing, emails, holiday

Inside Scoop on the 2021 Garden Trends

Posted by Courtney Brown on Wed, Apr 1, 2020 @ 12:00 AM

We work year-round to source trends for our Garden Trend Reports. And what better day than April 1 to share with you some of the biggest trends we’re predicting for 2021.

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Topics: trends, Garden Trends

Plant One Forward from Summer Rayne

Posted by Katie Dubow on Fri, Mar 20, 2020 @ 12:02 PM

You may have seen the recent posts on Instagram or YouTube from Homestead Brooklyn, but in case you haven't, we wanted to share an initiative she is sprouting called "Plant One Forward".

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Topics: Digital Branding, trends

Hootsuite Release Top Social Media Trends for 2020

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, Jan 9, 2020 @ 3:44 PM

We love trends. Mostly garden trends but we are also suckers for social media trends. This year, the team behind social media management tool Hootsuite has released a list of what they deem to be the most likely social media trends in 2020, following a survey of over 3,000 marketers.

As the new year starts many of you are busy in your content marketing planning. First, stop and  plan for the next big moments in social.

Their top picks included personalized messaging, bold political statements and the continuing rise of TikTok as a platform giant, among others.

Read more for a deep dive into the four game-changers for social media, according to Hootsuite.

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Topics: trends, social media

Garden Media Group Previewed 2020 Trends at Cultivate’19

Posted by Katie Dubow on Mon, Jul 15, 2019 @ 3:36 PM

This month, garden industry insiders gathered at Cultivate’19, AmericanHort’s annual conference in Columbus. Garden Media Group’s Katie Dubow explored what the future holds.

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Topics: Trending Thursday, trends, Garden Trends

2020 Garden Trends Sneak Peek

Posted by Katie Dubow on Mon, Apr 1, 2019 @ 3:22 PM

We work year-round to source trends for our Garden Trend Reports. And this year, we couldn't wait a day past April 1 to share some of the biggest trends we’re predicting for 2020.

Grow a Garden on Your... Face

First it was garden crowns, and then it was garden beards, but the newest trend in flowers in your... garden brows. The trend features whimsical garden-themed accents fit for a fairy, including tiny flowers and butterfly stickers intricately placed on and around the brows, as well as a lush-green base that imparts a grassy effect. 

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Topics: Trending Thursday, trends, Garden Trends

Green Business Trends

Posted by Katie Dubow on Mon, Feb 18, 2019 @ 1:05 PM

GreenBiz just released their 12th State of Green Business report, which takes a hard look at where corporate sustainability practices stand worldwide, as well as outlining a number of trends to watch for in 2019.

Thank you to Jen White for bringing this report to our attention!Her newsletter, GreenTalks, is one of my must-reads. 

In 2017, 85% of S&P 500 companies published a sustainability report, up 20% from 2013. This is good news and much like our 2019 Garden Trends Report, this State of the Green Business report looks positive. 

Read more to see what the top 10 top trends in green business are.

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Topics: trends, Garden Trends



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