GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

The Latest on Leaving the Leaves

Posted by Keri Wilson on Thu, Sep 5, 2024 @ 1:36 PM

Leave the Leaves Month (October)

A growing understanding of the ecological benefits of fallen leaves and the negative impacts of traditional lawn care practices has led to the observance of Leave the Leaves Month in October. This sustainable practice directly benefits a variety of wildlife, including pollinators, beneficial insects, birds, and small mammals, by providing shelter, habitat, and food sources. It can also improve soil health, reducing the need for fertilizer and other harmful chemicals.

Leave the Leaves Month is an excellent opportunity for garden businesses to promote eco-friendly landscaping by sharing their expertise and sustainable practices.

Read on to learn more about Leave the Leaves Month and how to incorporate facts and tips into your fall content.

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Topics: marketing communications, marketing, leave the leaves



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