GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Discovering What to Buy on Pinterest

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Thu, Oct 26, 2017 @ 7:49 AM

Pinterest is known for inspiration in all aspects of life. It makes it easy for users to simply scroll through to find ideas for anything they are looking for. And with more than 150 million monthly users globally, you must know Pinterest is an important piece of your brand’s quest for social media domination.

Tim Kendall, president of Pinterest, said, “97 percent of searches on Pinterest are unbranded, meaning that people don’t go there knowing what they want to buy; they go to discover what they want to buy.”

And as Gen Z becomes less and less brand loyal, Pinterest is gaining more traction.

But how do people use it? And what is the best way for your garden brand to get discovered?

Continue reading to see how your brand can utilize Pinterest.

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Topics: Digital Branding, social media

The Generic Generation

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, Sep 14, 2017 @ 8:52 AM

Every brand and company wants to reach new customers. Brand builders will help you define your exact target audience, identify competition, and develop strategies to create repeat customers. But, there may be bad news. 

New research shows that more than half of millennials have no use for big brands.

Don't worry, there's hope for small brands yet, (even the big brands can still survive the millennial itch) if you understand what makes this generation tick and how to reach them.

Learn how to appeal to the Generic Generation.

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Topics: branding, Digital Branding, Marketing to Millennials

Gen Z is not the next Millennial

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, Sep 7, 2017 @ 8:20 AM

Generation Z, born between 1997-present, are not the new Millennial. People often believe this cohort closely resembles Gen Y, however, this is merely a misconception.

These dynamic young consumers control $44 billion in spending power and are already cultural disruptors in their own right.

To engage Gen Zs, marketers need to address the characteristics, priorities, and ideals that are driving their decision-making, and will continue to throughout their lives.

Brands must update their practices to better accommodate Zs’ distinct generational traits, habits, and lifestyles in order to be market leaders today—and remain relevant tomorrow.

Keep reading to learn more about this powerful generation and how to reach them.

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Topics: Digital Branding, Marketing to Millennials, Gen Z

How Snapchat’s Changing Consumer Marketing by Swiping Up

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Aug 9, 2017 @ 7:30 AM

Snapchat is once again changing the consumer marketing game, making it easier for users to send links

 to each other.

With Snapchat’s newest update, anyone can attach a link to a snap to send to their audiences. With the tap of the paperclip, enter in your website and anyone can enjoy it.

In the constant head-to-head battle between Snapchat and Instagram, this puts Snapchat back on top. Instagram has been using trends that work on Snapchat and vice versa. Currently, Instagram stories do not allow regular users to add links to their stories – only verified users or advertisements are allowed.


Continue reading to learn what is different and how your garden brand can take advantage of the changes.

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Topics: Digital Branding, social media, Snapchat, lessons

Infographic: The Anatomy of an Influencer

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Feb 15, 2017 @ 5:41 PM

Influencer: It’s one of those vague PR buzzwords that everyone seems to overuse. But what is an influencer exactly? And why are these people so important?

An influencer is a person who has an undefinable positive impact on an industry or demographic. These “normal people” often play key roles on social media and have a breadth of contacts with media outlets, consumer groups and industry leaders.

Brands ultimately want to break through to these dynamic people. According to Influencer Analysis, “such individuals are not simply marketing tools, but social relationship assets.”

Today’s top brands use influencers to reach large audiences in an authentic way. Before they do this successfully, they must study their target influencer and know what makes them tick. Here’s how they do it.  

The Anatomy of an Influencer

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Topics: PR Campaign, Digital Branding, Infographic

Trending Thursday Throwback Trends: Curated Consumption

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Thu, Dec 1, 2016 @ 9:03 AM

In this week’s Trending Thursday post, we’re looking back nearly a decade to 2005 where the online revolution was in full force.

People were just beginning to use the internet – which was easily accessible nation-wide – as a fountain of knowledge that helped them learn about new products like never before.

This widespread access to new information lead to consumers feeling overwhelmed by choices in garden centers and other stores. In order to combat this feeling, consumers turned to trusted personalities to help make choices for them.

Continue reading to learn more about Curated Consumption.

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Topics: branding, Digital Branding, Trending Thursday, Garden Trends, social media

Millennial Week Unconference: Part 3

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Nov 2, 2016 @ 2:05 PM

I attended the Millennial Week Unconference in DC a few weeks ago where I was inspired by a handful of speakers to stay motivated, stay positive and stay on top of my personal brand.

Here’s a brief recap of what the speakers had to say.

Continue reading to hear what industry leaders has to say at Millennial Week’s Unconference.

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Topics: branding, Digital Branding, Brainstorming, leadership

Millennial Week Unconference: Part 1

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Oct 19, 2016 @ 2:41 PM

Last weekend, I attended the Millennial Week Unconference in DC where I had the opportunity to learn
about leadership, social media strategies and branding from top leaders in the field.

Not only was the experience insightful to me on a personal level, it opened my eyes to new digital and traditional strategies for exceeding client expectations.

Here’s a brief recap of what the speakers had to say.

Continue reading to hear what industry leaders has to say at Millennial Week’s Unconference.

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Topics: creating content, branding, Digital Branding, content marketing, social media, leadership

Infographic: Be a Media Relations Champion

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Oct 12, 2016 @ 9:05 AM

Public relations professionals wear a lot of hats and develop a wide array of skills needed to make their clients successful.  Things like pitching and social media contribute to stellar campaigns, but did you know there’s a lot more that goes into refining one area of expertise?

This infographic from PR Daily shows exactly how to achieve the most success in the field.

Continue reading to learn the best tricks of the trade.  

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Topics: Digital Branding, social media, key influencers, pitching, Infographic

Trending Thursday: NaTECHure Deep Dive

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Thu, Sep 15, 2016 @ 9:22 AM

You know by now that NaTECHure combines technology and nature to create an enhances outdoor experience.

This trend has the potential to create new generation of nature lovers.

Here’s a look into the essence of what makes NaTECHure popular. 

Continue reading for a deep dive into NaTECHure.

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Topics: garden marketing, Digital Branding, Trending Thursday, Garden Trends, Garden Media

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