We’ve talked a lot about the importance of marketing to Millennials.
But, who is next?
Last week, MTV released a new name for the next generation: the self-proclaimed Founders.
So, who are they...?
We’ve talked a lot about the importance of marketing to Millennials.
But, who is next?
Last week, MTV released a new name for the next generation: the self-proclaimed Founders.
So, who are they...?
Topics: audience, branding, PR Strategy, trends, internet media, garden industry public relations, social media, Garden Media
With more than 100 million monthly users globally, you must know that Pinterest is an important piece of your brand’s quest for social media domination.
And with two-thirds of the content being Pinned from businesses, brands that pin daily, have original content and large followings are more likely to get their name out to the masses.
Users are browsing the site for everything from inspiration to how-to's. And the site recently introduced a buy it now button for those who want to make a purchase on the spot.
Make the most of this platform to increase your brand's presence.
Read on for 5 tips for creating great content for Pinterest.
Topics: Pinterest, creating content, Digital Branding, social media
2016 is quickly approaching, which means it’s time to refresh your garden brand’s Pinterest strategy.
Over the past five years, Pinterest has become the second most high-powered search engine (behind Google) that delivers your content directly to target audiences that want to see it.
The best thing about Pinterest: content survives long-term on the platform.
The second best thing, Pins continue to drive traffic back to your website long after you initially pin it.
A study by Piquora found that 40 percent of pin clicks happen within the first day, 70 percent happen within the first two days, and the remaining 30 percent of clicks happen 30 days and beyond.
This is truly social marketing gold. A tweet lives for about 2.8 hours (if you’re lucky) and a Facebook post lasts 3.2 hours. Pins practically live forever on the site and 80 percent of the images on Pinterest are repins,
Get started creating your 2016 Pinterest strategy with these six tips.
Topics: Pinterest, audience, branding, Digital Branding, social media
#MyResumeDoesntMention was trending on Twitter last week. More than 12,000 tweets were sent out about the subject and they ranged from funny to obscure, but most talked about skills valuable in the workplace.
Building a resume can be hard. Compiling education, work experience and essential strengths into a single page is crucial to appearing qualified and accomplished. A lot of outside skills and experiences often don’t make the cut, but can still be utilized in a professional environment.
Topics: Public relations, Twitter, Garden Media Group, social media, Garden Media
Whether you pin, tweet, like or connect, chances are your business is growing on social media.
Social media is a great way to open up communication between your brand and your consumers. Posting often on platforms like Facebook and Snapchat gets your content in front of an engaged group of listeners.
Your fans want to hear from you, and it’s time to kick up the content. But, you’d be booed off of social media if you constantly posted your products and their price tag. Knowing what to post doesn’t have to be tricky, you just need to sow seeds in three flower pots — seeds that educate, seeds that entertain and seeds that engage.
Learn how to sow the seeds of social media using three pots.
Topics: creating content, social media, facebook, Social
Everyone knows Instagram is one of the most important, useful and successful social media platforms of our time. With over 300 million active monthly users, more than 90 percent of which are under the age of 35, Instagram is especially useful in reaching millennials. And they aren’t just using it for selfies.
Through the use of hashtags on both Twitter and Instagram, social media activism is becoming a rising trend. Millennials love to be aligned with a cause and they are using hashtags to raise awareness about those causes. Businesses and celebrities are taking note and following their examples.
Topics: Public relations, branding, Digital Branding, Instagram, social media, Garden Media, Social
Downward facing... IPA?
Lululemon, the popular active wear company best known for its popular line of yoga pants and active wear, has released a new product: beer.
The company is set to debut its Curiosity Lager at the Seawheeze yoga festival in Vancouver this weekend. The new beverage is geared toward men.
The launch of this beer from an active wear brand poses a critical public relations question: How far should brands stretch their boundaries into new markets?
Topics: branding, Marketing to Millennials, garden industry public relations, Garden Trends, social media
Last week, Garden Media saw Martha Stewart speak at IGC East. During her talk, she stressed the importance of individuality and pushed for garden centers to appeal to the industry’s new consumers: millenials.
We touched on some things you didn't know about Martha in Part I of this series.
Topics: trade show public relations, garden trade show marketing, Garden Media Group, social media
Snapchat, the popular Millennial photo sharing app, is revolutionizing themselves as a company.
While Snapchat has incredible features, the brand’s philosophy is the real winner.
With a cautious attitude, the company continues to incorporate geofilters, a fun way to share where you are, and advertisements into their app without disrupting the overall experience.
While they’ve broken down walls for users to see what is going on in the world, Snapchat maintains a friendly relationship with companies that advertise on the app.
Continue reading for more information about how Snapchat’s policy teaches businesses how to create better content.
Topics: Media Relations, advertising, content marketing, social media, Snapchat
Move aside search advertising, there’s a new kid in town.
The common method of matching keywords to advertisements through search engines is becoming less popular.
Marketers are picking up on a new targeting trend: social advertising. According to businessdirectory.com, social advertising includes “media messages designed to educate or motivate members to engage in voluntary social activity.”
Unlike search advertising, the method that only generates clicks, social advertising relays information through social networks to deliver a more emotionally engaging experience for consumers. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter give brands an opportunity to target specific audiences and engage with social advertising tools.
Learn more about search advertising vs. social advertising as the new path for reaching the masses.
Topics: Pinterest, Twitter, social media, facebook, Tumblr
info@gardenmediagroup.com | 610.444.3040 | In the heart of Chester County, PA
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