GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips


Posted by Courtney Kates on Wed, Oct 28, 2015 @ 10:42 AM

#MyResumeDoesntMention was trending on Twitter last week. More than 12,000 tweets were sent out about the subject and they ranged from funny to obscure, but most talked about skills valuable in the workplace.

Building a resume can be hard. Compiling education, work experience and essential strengths into a single page is crucial to appearing qualified and accomplished. A lot of outside skills and experiences often don’t make the cut, but can still be utilized in a professional environment.

Read on to learn how to transfer real-life experiences into professional attributes.

#MyResumeDoesntMention: My beautiful garden and DIY projects

In many fields, creativity is absolutely a skill. Designers, writers and photographers pride themselves on their creative work. But in reality, most people are more creative than they think. Gardening, cooking and crafting are just a few different outlets used to express creativity.


Creative thinking often leads to innovative problem solving and increased productivity in the workplace. According to Fortune Magazine, “creativity is rapidly shifting from a ‘nice to have’ to a ‘must have’ quality for all types of successful organizations.” Although it might not be something to add to a resume, it is definitely a beneficial skill to talk about in interviews or show off in the workplace.

#MyResumeDoesntMention: My scuba diving class and European vacation

Traveling to an unfamiliar city, starting a different job or even trying a new restaurant are common risks that people take every day.

Risk taking often has a negative connotation, because with risk comes the chance of failure. However, without risk, there is no opportunity to grow.

While risk-taking skills might not make it to a resume, they often show confidence and can set employees apart in the workplace. Being brave enough to suggest new ideas and challenge the status quo leads to success.

#MyResumeDoesntMention: My Twitter obsession

sm_blog-2Naturally, the trending hashtag provided many jokes about having a lot of Twitter followers and being retweeted by celebrities. Although this might seem far-fetched as a skill, it’s becoming increasingly important to be social media savvy.

Businesses are learning the value of and starting to understand how to utilize trending hashtags, who to follow and how to gain followers. Although Millennials are often criticized for their social media obsession, businesses with successful social media campaigns stand out from the crowd.

Although these skills might not appear on a resume, they can be conveyed through personality and work ethic. Employers don’t just want someone with a degree and experience; they want someone who will fit in with the company values and culture.

Download our eBook to learn more about how to successfully utilize social media!

social media 101

Topics: Public relations, Twitter, Garden Media Group, social media, Garden Media



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