Move aside search advertising, there’s a new kid in town.

The common method of matching keywords to advertisements through search engines is becoming less popular.
Marketers are picking up on a new targeting trend: social advertising. According to, social advertising includes “media messages designed to educate or motivate members to engage in voluntary social activity.”
Unlike search advertising, the method that only generates clicks, social advertising relays information through social networks to deliver a more emotionally engaging experience for consumers. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter give brands an opportunity to target specific audiences and engage with social advertising tools.
Learn more about search advertising vs. social advertising as the new path for reaching the masses.
Social Advertising Delivers More
Brands get a better bang for their buck when they invest in social ads. Companies that use search advertising only benefit from clicks, whereas social advertising generates clicks and engagement.
This is how social advertising works. If a brand promotes a product through Facebook or Twitter, it will receive immediate feedback in the form of likes, comments, favorites, retweets and even repins on Pinterest.
There is a constant flow of engagement and measurement between the brand and the user through social advertising. This creates increased traffic for the brand.
Plus, when you know what is working you can do more of it and stop running messages or ads that aren't performing.
Social Ads are Visually Stimulating
Visuals are a crucial part of any ads success and social ads have the ability to influence consumers.
Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr all tap into the consumer’s senses. The appeal of all social platforms is their “magazine-esque” appearance.
Pinterest is a prime example of achieving a magazine feel through social advertising. Brands can promote their products directly on the site, which links back to the original website. This enables consumers to shop and purchase more from brands through their way of social advertising.
Long-term Consumer Engagement

Consumers who follow specific brands on social media are more emotionally engaged, therefore there will be a deeper relationship between a consumer and the brand. This is something that search ads cannot provide.
When consumers on social media platforms follow brands, there is the opportunity for constant engagement.
Users who pin a brand’s content to their personal board will frequently go back to retrieve the content the brand itself pinned. Plus, 93% of Pinterest users plan purchases using the platform.
Through this higher level of connection, brands are gaining a stronger following from independent users.
The days of search advertising are nearing an end. With increased traffic, visually engaging content, and long-term relationships, social ads provide much more for businesses than search ads ever could.