GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

The Elephant in the Room: Artificial Intelligence

Posted by Alexandra Tett on Tue, Jul 24, 2018 @ 8:23 AM

Artificial Intelligence is looming in the corners of every PR firm’s office. The good news is, this advanced tech may be here to help, not get you fired.

The fear factor associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is that the software is rapidly taking over human jobs that require data processing and recognizing patterns in data. Long gone are the days of interns practicing data entry.

When you have a bot writing and pitching ideas to the media, human usefulness in PR is most definitely on the hot seat. The million dollar question is: can you really replace human intelligence? If not intelligence, human connection and relationships?

Find out the answer below!

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Topics: software, technology, economy

The Demands of Culture: Key Demographics

Posted by Alexandra Tett on Thu, Jul 19, 2018 @ 9:31 AM
It is necessary for the success of any PR campaign to know the demographics of the target audience and, most importantly, to not leave any key demographics out.

In the United States, we have an extremely large Hispanic population, accounting for 18 percent of the nation’s total population. Their consumer spending power, totaling $1.4 trillion in 2016, is reason enough to adjust your company’s marketing strategy to appeal to the Hispanic demographic.

To learn more about how culture affects the marketing and PR industries, read below!

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Topics: marketing, decision-making, networking, employment

Imperfect Garden - Don't Stress the Small Stuff

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Jul 11, 2018 @ 8:35 AM

Imperfect Gardening is the next deep dive of Nature’s Rx for Mental Wellness, the theme for the 2018 Garden Trends Report.

If you missed the other deep dives, here are Breathing RoomsSocial NetworkClimate Controlled and Make a Splash

Nowadays people are overstimulated and overworked. There seems to always be something going on, but sometimes it is best to take a step back and enjoy the imperfections. Especially in the garden.

More people need to practice the ancient Japanese Wabi-Sabi. Wabi-Sabi appreciates imperfections in life and the ability to age gracefully.

When applied to the garden, the practice is relaxing and enjoyable.

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Topics: trends, Garden Media, health and wellness

Thinking Ahead of the Social Media Game: Virtual Reality

Posted by Alexandra Tett on Wed, Jun 27, 2018 @ 10:52 AM

Yet again, social media is stepping up their game. Currently, the most engaging form of media is video. Well, not for long! The next big thing is coming and it is going to shake things up. What could possibly be more virtually engaging than a video? The answer is Virtual Reality.   

Virtual Reality (VR) will leapfrog video like video leapfrogged photographs. It will bring an unprecedented level of engagement to the table and force yet another advance among everyone’s social media accounts.

Read below to find out exactly how VR will revolutionize the digital world!

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Topics: professional development, software, how-to, technology

How to Write the Perfect 280 Characters

Posted by Alexandra Tett on Thu, Jun 21, 2018 @ 10:54 AM

Writing an engaging post in 280 characters is the newest form of poetry. It is an art form that is imperative to capturing your digital audience. 

Even though Twitter has allotted an additional 140 characters, per the change last year, there is still a struggle with having enough space.

How do you get to the point without coming off as blunt? How do you summarize your content coherently?

Below are a few steps that will help you overcome this challenging task.

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Topics: Twitter, lessons, how-to

Keeping Up with Current PR Trends

Posted by Alexandra Tett on Tue, Jun 12, 2018 @ 10:49 AM

We are halfway through a glorious 2018, so because we love trends, let’s take a minute to look at some of the hottest trends in public relations!

Trends are important because it gives everyone a look at the direction the industry is taking. They give a more or less accurate reading on what is working and what is not.

Trends are an outline of what is popular which can influence business decisions. Not to mention, trends are a major source of content for the industry

In case you’ve been missing out, read below for a quick guide to four of the latest and greatest PR trends.

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Topics: PR Strategy, trends, professional development

Five Handy Social Media Etiquette Tips for Your Company

Posted by Alexandra Tett on Thu, Jun 7, 2018 @ 9:37 AM

How much information can you gather from a first impression?

 First impressions set the tone for any relationship, personal or professional. These days, we not only make first impressions face to face, but online as well. According to AdAge, people are able to retain news feed information after only 1.7 seconds of viewing on a mobile device.

You have one point seven seconds to make a good impression, GO!

Continue reading to learn a few ways to ensure you’re making a good impression and prevent your reader from scrolling by.

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Topics: social media, hashtag, how-to

Teens Abandon Facebook for Other Platforms

Posted by Katie Dubow on Tue, Jun 5, 2018 @ 8:27 AM

Half of teenagers in the United States (45%) are online for almost all their waking hours. But where are they and how do marketers reach them?

The social media landscape, in fact the entire internet, looks so different than it did just three years ago. And while Facebook has still remained the giant, it has new competition for teen’s time.

Pew Research revealed that 51% of teenagers (13-17) use Facebook—a drop of 20% from three years ago. Which was a drop from years before that, too.

The Pew Research’s survey also highlights a priority for images and videos to capture teens’ attention. They are embracing visual- and mobile-first platforms.

Read on to learn what platforms they prefer and how to capture their attention there.

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Topics: trends, Marketing to Millennials, Instagram, Youtube, facebook, Snapchat, Gen Z

How Long Should Your Videos Be?

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, May 16, 2018 @ 7:45 AM

People have easier access to information - whether from websites, videos or their phones. Leveraging video marketing is increasingly the most powerful way to promote your brand online.

In fact, by 2019, global consumer Internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer Internet traffic, according to SmallBizTrends.

More people are interacting with videos today than ever before so it’s vital to use a video marketing strategy to connect with your audience.

Social media has been a great component for helping us get the video out. But with all the different platforms, is it fine to share the same video across them?

Continue reading to find out how long videos should be for each platform.

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Topics: social media, how-to, video marketing

Make A Splash – Featuring Water

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Tue, May 1, 2018 @ 8:35 AM

Make a Splash is the next segment of Nature’s Rx for Mental Wellness, the theme for the 2018 Garden Trends Report, we are diving deeper into.

If you missed the other deep dives, here are Breathing Rooms, Social Network and Climate Controlled

There’s tremendous support for water as a decorative feature and environmental tactic. Preparing the garden to embrace storms and excess rainfall will not only help save water but also help to control storm water runoff.

The growing trend of filtering water with plants helps with healthy water management, while still keeping beauty in the garden.

So, where do we begin?

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Topics: trends, gardening, Garden Media, health and wellness



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