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2018 Garden Trends Report: Nature’s Rx for Mental Wellness

Posted by Katie Dubow on Tue, Sep 12, 2017 @ 12:00 PM
Breathing Room - Costa Farms 3.jpg

Our highly anticipated 2018 Garden Trends Report unveils seven trends to rebuild mental wellness through nature.

In today’s world, it is almost impossible to escape the realities of social media, instant news, 24/7 connectivity and the mental exhaustion that follows.

In our 17th annual Garden Trends Report for 2018, Nature’s Rx for Mental Wellness, nature is the best medicine.

The 2018 report introduces seven industry trends that inspire a cleaner, more relaxed state-of-mind. It shows that when we disconnect from media and reconnect with Mother Nature, we can make steps towards rebuilding our mental wellness.

Read on to learn about the seven trends and download the report. 

We all know gardening works wonders for our physical health. In our 2018 Garden Trends report we’re looking at new ways people are transforming their spaces, indoors and out, to further improve their mental well-being

The rising trend of wellness isn’t just about keeping the body healthy anymore; it’s about keeping the mind and spirit healthy, too.

The report highlights new ideas, new garden structures and new colors to help clear our mind and step away from the infinite connectivity that is wearing us out.

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The 2018 Garden Trends Report allows us to be confident in Wabi-Sabi, going with the flow of being perfectly imperfect. It dives deeper into the role of climate change in our gardens, showing also how plants form their own social networks to cope with challenging conditions.

The seven new trends are as follows:

  1. Climate Controlled
  2. Social Network
  3. Imperfect Gardening
  4. Breathing Room
  5. Make a Splash
  6. Grow Your Own Protein
  7. Purple Reign

Gardening is again shifting to reflect global changes. The 2018 Garden Trends Report closely examines how these changes affect gardeners.

The complete 2018 Garden Trends Report: Nature’s Rx for Mental Wellness is available for free download now.

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