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Trending Thursday: Facebook's Influence Shrinking for Garden Brands?

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, Jun 19, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

Yes, Facebook has TONS of users, more than 1 billion users internationally, or 17% of the world population at large. Twitter and Instagram, the other two big social media platforms, are still lagging behind in users with about 200 million.

Even though Facebook was once the king of social media, there's a major shift happening in how people use the platform.

As of late, Facebook's dedicated users are few and far between. 

Discover why Facebook's users are fleeing, which affects the reach, number, and time your garden business should spend on this social outlet below.

The Cause

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Facebook may have reached its peak. 71% of US adults are already on Facebook, according to the latest Pew Research.

With the majority of adults on Facebook, it's lost its cool factor. Plus, the average age of Facebook users continues to mature.

Specifically, users have grown tired of the 'oversharing' phenomenon that continually hijacks newsfeeds.

This is the top aspect of Facebook that users complain about, but people also are no longer keen on information being shared about them they didn't OK, the temptation and pressure to share and flaunt about yourself, and the pressure to get more likes and comments.

Consequently, Facebook users are no longer posting as much about themselves. Instead, they're doing more liking. 44% of users interact with others' content while only 10% share a personal photo or status daily.

The Damage

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Princeton researchers argue that like the Bubonic plague, Facebook will eventually die out.

80% of Facebook's users are expected to leave by 2017, according to Princeton research.

Right now, the daily time spent on Facebook is still significant, and 64% of users check in daily.

But, we're seeing a shift: there are 25% fewer US teens on Facebook now than in 2011.

The shift from Facebook to other social media platforms is happening, and it's starting with younger generations. Teens are now opting for Instagram and Snapchat, both of which Facebook owns.

What Your Garden Business Should Do Now

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  • Don't abandon your Facebook page! For the time being, Facebook still allows your garden business to connect with a large, engaged audience.

  • Do be mindful of who your target demographic is and which social sites they prefer. Use this market research to reallocate the amount of time your garden business dedicates to each social platform.

  • Do keep an eye on the reach of your gardening brand's Facebook posts. New research shows that the organic reach of gardening's businesses post have dropped from 16% in 2012 to 6% in 2014. What this means is that your brand content is only being shown to 6% of your fan base. Insider info alludes that Facebook will soon be pay to play.

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Topics: PR Strategy, Public Relations Trends, Trending Thursday, social media, facebook



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