Garden Media Group may be a boutique PR firm, but our presence is felt worldwide.
Our headquarters in Kennett Square, PA, works with clients in more than two countries, five states and across a handful of time zones.
We’re committed to serving clients as if we’re sitting in the cubicle next door.
Whether in Taipei or in our own backyard, it’s our mission to make sure clients get what they need – and that we’re available when needed!
Continue reading to learn how.
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PR Strategy,
garden PR consultant,
conference calls
You know by now that NaTECHure combines technology and nature to create an enhances outdoor experience.
This trend has the potential to create new generation of nature lovers.
Here’s a look into the essence of what makes NaTECHure popular.
Continue reading for a deep dive into NaTECHure.
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garden marketing,
Digital Branding,
Trending Thursday,
Garden Trends,
Garden Media
It’s impossible to escape the hashtag these days. The tiny # symbol has successfully infiltrated most social media platforms and is used for a variety of difference reasons online.
Public relations professionals and social media managers alike use hashtags to garner attention to their brands and connect with like-minded consumers on the web. Hashtags are also a fast, easy way to communicate directly with customs and brand ambassadors.
While the # may seem simple, there is a lot of strategic planning that goes into choosing the right hashtag and using it.
This infographic from the Huffington Post shows how to best use this powerful social media tool.
Read more to Harness Hashtag Power
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Public relations,
social media,
NaTECHUre is a top trend in the gardening industry for 2016.
It’s no secret that virtual reality engages kids with gardening and nature in fun, new ways. When technology and nature combine, kids get off the couch and head outside to the garden.
Garden brands looking to be successful need to pay attention to the virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) craze.
There are a lot of things PR pros can do to incorporate VR and AR in their strategies and bring their clients into the future.
Read on to learn how to incorporate virtual reality in your PR strategy.
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Public Relations Trends,
Digital Branding,
Trending Thursday,
Garden Trends
You know by now that working in the PR industry is similar to attending matchmaking bootcamp.
Research, listening are a few things PR professionals need to do to match the perfect client with the perfect customer. Timing plays a huge role, too.
We’ve identified additional things that make brands irresistible to consumers.
Read on to learn how you can become better PR matchmaker.
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Public relations,
hiring a public relations person,
garden business,
Garden Media,
For today’s trending Thursday post, we’re highlighting the NaTECHure trend from our 2016 Garden Trends Report.
NaTECHure is the intersection of two of the hottest trends in education: technology and nature.
When technology and nature come together they get people off the couch outside. The latest example of this is the Pokemon craze, but other new apps and virtual reality engage kids with gardening and nature in fun, new ways.
Learn more about NaTECHure from our latest YouTube video.
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Public relations,
garden marketing,
Trending Thursday,
Garden Trends,
Today is National Matchmaker Day- yes there is a holiday for everything. This holiday marks a particularly important one for PR professionals, because it is a great day to learn how to make the best match for your customers.
Just being Mr. Reliable or Ms. Congeniality isn’t enough. When looking for the perfect match, you need to pull out all the stops and know every aspect of your potential partner.
Being a good matchmaker, or PR professional, is about the ability to listen and understand the habits, passions and hobbies of the pair.
Asking the right questions can be the difference between success and failure in setting up an interview, pitching a new client or even simply enjoying a meal with a prospect.
Read on to learn how matchmaking relates to PR and how you can become a better matchmaker.
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Public relations,
garden marketing,
image building,
The increase of back-to-school sale emails and the smell of pumpkin spice lattes in the air indicates summer is winding down and Labor Day is here!
While this long weekend is usually celebrated near water, with family, and friends, it doesn’t mean your marketing efforts should be put on hold.
Read on to learn how to create opportunities that keep your garden business on top.
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PR Strategy,
image building
You know by now that Petscaping is about creating a safe place for pets to roll, run and roam outside.
Pet owners are thinking more and more about how to make their gardens safe for every member of the family.
Protecting dogs and cats from harmful chemicals is as important as protecting precious plants from pets. Creating a chemical free environment from the ground up is key for a safe outdoor space.
Continue reading for deep dive into Dogscaping.
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Trending Thursday,
Garden Trends,
Garden Media,
You can create a social media account in no time. One thing you can’t build overnight? Your brand.
In this day-and- age anything from companies to apps to people can be considered brands, and it takes time and dedication to make your presence relevant on the web.
This infographic from Lifehack offers a few simple steps for gaining traction online.
What does your brand say about you?
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Digital Branding,
social media,