GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Tracey Brown

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Give and Take, the Physics of Office Communication

Posted by Tracey Brown on Wed, Dec 13, 2017 @ 1:30 PM

Give and Take. One of the most simplified principles of physics. Energy, inertia and other terms help explain the physics principle but what about in business? What are some Give and Take principles for business?

Sharing Feedback (give) and Effective Listening (take) are the two I’ll be focusing on. Both can be very difficult to do but they are extremely important and don’t need to be stress inducing. Sharing feedback can make people feel uncomfortable for both the giver and the receiver and listening effectively can be challenging when you have so many other things on your mind.

Continue reading for some tips on how to do both with ease.

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Topics: marketing communications, leadership, public speaking

Five Habits of Successful People You Can Put Into Practice Today

Posted by Tracey Brown on Thu, Oct 19, 2017 @ 7:10 AM

All of us have pondered the question “How can I become successful?” But what is the answer? In researching professional growth topics, I came across several blogs about the keys to success.  Everything from how much sleep you get to how you spend your free time and who you associate with.

Growing up I was always told the keys to success were hard work, never stop learning and spend time with successful people in the area you want to be successful in. Turns out that was really good advice.

While exploring articles about habits of successful people including what they do on their off time, I found some really basic habits that can make a huge impact.  I asked a few individuals to read some articles and highlight the habits that resonated with them the most. My sample audience included members of The Silent Generation, Generation X (Gen-X), Generation Y (Gen-Y, Millennials), and Generation Z (Gen-Z). I enjoyed seeing what each generation perceived as the most important habits and why.

Read more to find out the habits of successful people.

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Three tips to improve your software efficiency at work.

Posted by Tracey Brown on Thu, Aug 3, 2017 @ 8:00 AM

You probably have a software program you’ve worked with for years and it still meets all your needs. You’ve used it so long you know all the shortcuts, or do you?

Recently, I took an online tutorial for MS Excel, a program I’ve used more than half my life. Before taking this course, I thought I knew the bulk of what the program could do l and that I was completing the processes in the best possible way. However, I learned so much in just one hour that will save me a significant amount of time in the long run.

We too often resort to the phrase, “Been there, done that.” When any system gets updated, we should take the time to learn what’s new.

Continue reading to learn why it’s important to improve your software use at work.

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Topics: lessons, employment, tutorials, work place efficiency, software, how-to

Don't Get Stuck in the 'Been There. Done That' Routine

Posted by Tracey Brown on Thu, Jul 20, 2017 @ 9:01 AM

What’s the best way to learn how to use a new software or brush up on the ones you already use? Tutorials are available for every software application out there and it’s worth brushing up your skills every now and then.

You probably have a software program you’ve worked with for years and it still meets all your needs. You’ve used it so long you know all the shortcuts, or do you?

Recently, I took an online tutorial for MS Excel, a program I’ve used more than half my life. Before taking this course, I thought I knew the bulk of what the program could do l and that I was completing the processes in the best possible way. However, I learned so much in just one hour that will save me a significant amount of time in the long run.

We too often resort to the phrase, “Been there. Done that.” When any systems get updated, we should still take the time to learn what’s new.

Continue reading to learn why it’s important to teach an old dog new tricks.

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Topics: branding, Marketing to Millennials, image building, garden business

Professional Development Plans: Low Risk Investment for High Rate of Return

Posted by Tracey Brown on Wed, Jul 19, 2017 @ 8:41 AM

Do you encourage your staff to pursue professional development on a regular basis? Do you allow them time to improve their skills while on the clock? If not, why?

The ROI when a staff member can improve themselves is a low investment with a high rate of return for the company.

Many think, if I train them better, they are going to leave me. But that may not be true!

According to workforce studies, companies that promote professional development have a higher retention rate than those that don’t.

In an article from The Chicago Tribune, research shows that “career development is crucial for employers seeking to retain talent.”

Staff improving themselves doesn’t mean they will head out the door with the knowledge, but rather the opposite. Research shows that professional development can create a more loyal employee. And isn’t that a win/win for the company? A more knowledgeable employee who wants to stick around!

Read on to learn how a professional development plan can improve your business.

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Topics: Garden Media Group, professional development

Part Two: How PR is like Matchmaking 101

Posted by Tracey Brown on Wed, Sep 7, 2016 @ 9:22 AM

You know by now that working in the PR industry is similar to attending matchmaking bootcamp.

Research, listening are a few things PR professionals need to do to match the perfect client with the perfect customer. Timing plays a huge role, too.

We’ve identified additional things that make brands irresistible to consumers.   

Read on to learn how you can become better PR matchmaker.

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Topics: Public relations, hiring a public relations person, garden business, Garden Media, leadership

How PR is Matchmaking 101

Posted by Tracey Brown on Wed, Aug 31, 2016 @ 1:30 PM

Today is National Matchmaker Day- yes there is a holiday for everything. This holiday marks a particularly important one for PR professionals, because it is a great day to learn how to make the best match for your customers.

Just being Mr. Reliable or Ms. Congeniality isn’t enough. When looking for the perfect match, you need to pull out all the stops and know every aspect of your potential partner.

Being a good matchmaker, or PR professional, is about the ability to listen and understand the habits, passions and hobbies of the pair.

Asking the right questions can be the difference between success and failure in setting up an interview, pitching a new client or even simply enjoying a meal with a prospect.

Read on to learn how matchmaking relates to PR and how you can become a better matchmaker.

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Topics: Public relations, garden marketing, image building, leadership, decision-making



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