GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Keep Your Business Top-of-Mind this Labor Day

Posted by Katie Dubow on Wed, Aug 31, 2016 @ 8:30 AM

Laborday.jpgThe increase of back-to-school sale emails and the smell of pumpkin spice lattes in the air indicates summer is winding down and Labor Day is here!

While this long weekend is usually celebrated near water, with family, and friends, it doesn’t mean your marketing efforts should be put on hold.

Read on to learn how to create opportunities that keep your garden business on top.

Partner with Bloggers

There are many talented garden bloggers who have built a following of dedicated readers who already trust and value their opinions. Get to know a few of these bloggers and see if you like their style – and if they match your garden business' persona.

Inquire about partnership opportunities such as testing products for reviews or submitting guest blog posts.

If it fits your brand’s persona, hijack the news! A guest blog post about regional Labor Day events or outdoor Labor Day décor are sure to get comments and likes.

Be sure to ask the guest blogger to share the content with their social network, too, which in turn exposes your company to whole new audience.

Employee Spotlight

Do you have an employee who volunteers every month, has never missed a day of work or is just an overall outstanding person?

IMG_1668.jpgTake the theme of this weekend’s Labor Day to highlight the accomplishments of one of your company’s excellent employees. Interview them and make it a Q&A. Explain what they do in the office and truly highlight their out-of-office life.

You will offer well-deserved recognition to the featured employee and also set a positive example for other employees to follow.

Just make sure the employee has no issue with being publicly acknowledged or appearing on camera first.

Host an event

Ethan_Quinn_and_Noah.jpgSales are an obvious choice for some types of companies such as garden centers or e-commerce stores, but you might have a hard time coming up with a Labor Day event to draw customers in.

First, determine your target audience. Then, get creative.

When deciding what type of event to host, think about the lifestyle, interests and daily challenges of your customer base.

Park Avenue Tavern and Restaurant recently held a suit-fitting event because they realized many of their customers wear suits every day! More than 70 men showed up to get fitted for a suit, sip on scotch, have their shoes shined and receive a hand-rolled cigar.

What is your customer missing in their life?

Market Your Brands' Patriotism

Associating products and brands with certain values is not a new tactic, however, as consumers become more socially conscious, they seek brands with powerful purposes that they can trust.

Leveraging patriotism to your garden brand’s benefit is about building a deeply emotional and engaged connection with consumers. And, it's been a public relations and marketing tactic that has worked and resonated for decades.

Be authentic, believe in your customers dreams and show your brands’ true colors.

No matter which tactics you choose, Labor Day is a great opportunity to get customers excited about your business.

Now, go enjoy the season’s last hurrah! But first, download our e-book on branding:

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Topics: branding, PR Strategy, image building



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