GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Discovering What to Buy on Pinterest

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Thu, Oct 26, 2017 @ 7:49 AM

Pinterest is known for inspiration in all aspects of life. It makes it easy for users to simply scroll through to find ideas for anything they are looking for. And with more than 150 million monthly users globally, you must know Pinterest is an important piece of your brand’s quest for social media domination.

Tim Kendall, president of Pinterest, said, “97 percent of searches on Pinterest are unbranded, meaning that people don’t go there knowing what they want to buy; they go to discover what they want to buy.”

And as Gen Z becomes less and less brand loyal, Pinterest is gaining more traction.

But how do people use it? And what is the best way for your garden brand to get discovered?

Continue reading to see how your brand can utilize Pinterest.

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Topics: Digital Branding, social media

Five Habits of Successful People You Can Put Into Practice Today

Posted by Tracey Brown on Thu, Oct 19, 2017 @ 7:10 AM

All of us have pondered the question “How can I become successful?” But what is the answer? In researching professional growth topics, I came across several blogs about the keys to success.  Everything from how much sleep you get to how you spend your free time and who you associate with.

Growing up I was always told the keys to success were hard work, never stop learning and spend time with successful people in the area you want to be successful in. Turns out that was really good advice.

While exploring articles about habits of successful people including what they do on their off time, I found some really basic habits that can make a huge impact.  I asked a few individuals to read some articles and highlight the habits that resonated with them the most. My sample audience included members of The Silent Generation, Generation X (Gen-X), Generation Y (Gen-Y, Millennials), and Generation Z (Gen-Z). I enjoyed seeing what each generation perceived as the most important habits and why.

Read more to find out the habits of successful people.

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Chatbots are Here to Stay – Leverage Them for Your Garden Company

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Oct 18, 2017 @ 2:36 PM

As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence (AI) is taking the spotlight. AI can be incredibly expensive to introduce in everyday life, but with chatbots, that’s no longer an issue.

Chatbots are computer programs that typically use text based live chat interface to carry out tasks for customers on behalf of the business instead of using real humans, such as Alexa and Siri.

Chatbots have been successful in customer service for years, but now is when more and more companies are jumping on board. Instead of having someone to answer all of their customer’s questions, bots are able to take on the easy questions to not inconvenience workers. They are saving industries huge amounts of money.

Social media and banking apps have adopted chatbots in the biggest way. Both have the ability to answer frequently asked questions easily. They are also personalized to each customer’s account for added personalization and not to mention, privacy.

Continue reading about how to utilize chatbots for your business.

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Topics: Public relations, social media

Optimize Your Space to Optimize Your Time: Tips for an Organized Office Space

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Thu, Oct 5, 2017 @ 8:14 AM

It’s the perfect time of the year. The sun is still shining, but fall is swooping in with cooler days and even cooler nights. Summer is officially over, which means it’s time to refocus on staying productive at work.

We spent so much time over the summer dreaming of being anywhere but our desk — enjoying the beach, the sun, the warmth. Fall brings weekend festivals, apple picking, and pumpkin everything! Staying productive during the work week will free up time and energy to go and enjoy fun filled weekends.

Organizing your office can be simple — if broken up through tasks and days. You don’t have to deep clean a whole desk, let alone a whole office in a day. By focusing on a little bit at a time, organizing an office can (and will) lead to a more productive you.

Continue reading for tips on organizing office space.

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Think Before you Post: Social Media Editing

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Thu, Sep 28, 2017 @ 11:16 AM

We’ve all seen them; the accidental grammar or spelling mistake on a social media post.

A post where we knew that’s not what the company meant, but how it came across. Case studies show that it can either harm a business incredibly, or it can be twisted to be funny or even harmless.

Companies have had to come back from some of the biggest mistakes, stating they are closing, but only meaning for the day or using a slogan that says #UpForWhatever associated with alcohol. These fauxpas need to leave company culture because they can do some serious damage.

Don’t worry! There are editing tips from Hootsuite that help stop mishaps from happening before they begin.

Continue reading to save your company from social media mishaps.

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How to Brand: Keep Yourself in Mind

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Thu, Sep 21, 2017 @ 10:34 AM

PR professionals are always looking for ways to make their clients shine the brightest. Whether that is getting their name in print, promoting and posting about them on social media, or getting an interview to air, it is their passion to see their client’s company name everywhere. Branding a garden business is one of the things we at Garden Media Group do best.

But what about when you want to develop your personal brand? Have you ever thought about that?

A personal brand shows off who you are and the person you want to be to the world. Most people know this as a reputation. When you’re in school, you can be known for being the smart kid, the stinky kid, the fast kid, or the bully. Humans are susceptible to associating people they know to things they relate with. As you grow up, these associations start to shape you.

If you want to develop a personal brand you need to think about how your decisions, actions and values shape that brand.

Continue reading to find out how more about your personal brand and how to make it shine.

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Topics: branding, decision-making, professional development

The Generic Generation

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, Sep 14, 2017 @ 8:52 AM

Every brand and company wants to reach new customers. Brand builders will help you define your exact target audience, identify competition, and develop strategies to create repeat customers. But, there may be bad news. 

New research shows that more than half of millennials have no use for big brands.

Don't worry, there's hope for small brands yet, (even the big brands can still survive the millennial itch) if you understand what makes this generation tick and how to reach them.

Learn how to appeal to the Generic Generation.

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Topics: branding, Digital Branding, Marketing to Millennials

Think Outside the Box: Brainstorming 101

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Sep 13, 2017 @ 8:13 AM

Brainstorming can be a great way to come up with the best new idea, product or solution. But how often do you get stuck with “been there done that” or “it didn’t work in the past”? 

I know I get caught up in my own head and cannot get past an idea until it is a confirmed “No” – or I say it out loud to someone and then realize it was probably not the best idea.

Richard Tait knows this all too well. As a creative consultant, he has held brainstorm sessions for countless companies to help solve issues they were facing. He told us an old story about a major department store chain and how they were able to turn around sales with a simple sales conversation and a strategically designed piece of paper. Crazy, right?

During our monthly ‘Lunch with a Pro’ workshop, Richard returned to our office to help our team figure out the best way to brainstorm.

Continue reading to find out what can jumpstart your brainstorm and what not to say to any idea during a brainstorming session.

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Topics: Garden Media Group, Brainstorming, lessons, Lunch with a Pro

2018 Garden Trends Report: Nature’s Rx for Mental Wellness

Posted by Katie Dubow on Tue, Sep 12, 2017 @ 12:00 PM

Our highly anticipated 2018 Garden Trends Report unveils seven trends to rebuild mental wellness through nature.

In today’s world, it is almost impossible to escape the realities of social media, instant news, 24/7 connectivity and the mental exhaustion that follows.

In our 17th annual Garden Trends Report for 2018, Nature’s Rx for Mental Wellness, nature is the best medicine.

The 2018 report introduces seven industry trends that inspire a cleaner, more relaxed state-of-mind. It shows that when we disconnect from media and reconnect with Mother Nature, we can make steps towards rebuilding our mental wellness.

Read on to learn about the seven trends and download the report. 

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Topics: Garden Trends

Gen Z is not the next Millennial

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, Sep 7, 2017 @ 8:20 AM

Generation Z, born between 1997-present, are not the new Millennial. People often believe this cohort closely resembles Gen Y, however, this is merely a misconception.

These dynamic young consumers control $44 billion in spending power and are already cultural disruptors in their own right.

To engage Gen Zs, marketers need to address the characteristics, priorities, and ideals that are driving their decision-making, and will continue to throughout their lives.

Brands must update their practices to better accommodate Zs’ distinct generational traits, habits, and lifestyles in order to be market leaders today—and remain relevant tomorrow.

Keep reading to learn more about this powerful generation and how to reach them.

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Topics: Digital Branding, Marketing to Millennials, Gen Z



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