GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

10 Tips for Effective Trade Show Marketing

Posted by Katie Dubow on Wed, Jan 3, 2018 @ 8:02 AM

Trade shows are one of the best places to learn, network, garner new business, attract new customers and interact face-to-face with trade show attendees.

They are also a huge investment. Are you making the most out   of every dollar that you're putting into garden industry trade shows? 

Chances are, your garden business could be doing more. 

Mastering the art of PR at a trade show is not easy.  You will  have a lot of balls in the air if you're trying to both sell and  market at the same time. 

But, don't overlook marketing! It is just as important as selling.

Read on for 10 tips for to master garden industry trade shows, conferences and events

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Topics: trade show public relations, branding, garden trade show marketing

Millennials are DIYers

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, Dec 14, 2017 @ 6:48 AM

As millennials step into becoming homeowners, Home Depot sees them ringing up more do-it-yourself projects at its stores.

A  recent CNBC Report  on  Home Depot’s latest earnings says the retailer had an “impressive increase” in same-store sales with people spending the most on tools, lumber, garden accessories and flooring.

While hurricanes and wildfires account for some increases, Home Depot said another reason was “younger shoppers who prefer DIY.”

So if you're in the small group of brands who think millennials are not your target market, think again.

Read more to see how to engage with this DIY generation.

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Topics: branding, Marketing to Millennials

Give and Take, the Physics of Office Communication

Posted by Tracey Brown on Wed, Dec 13, 2017 @ 1:30 PM

Give and Take. One of the most simplified principles of physics. Energy, inertia and other terms help explain the physics principle but what about in business? What are some Give and Take principles for business?

Sharing Feedback (give) and Effective Listening (take) are the two I’ll be focusing on. Both can be very difficult to do but they are extremely important and don’t need to be stress inducing. Sharing feedback can make people feel uncomfortable for both the giver and the receiver and listening effectively can be challenging when you have so many other things on your mind.

Continue reading for some tips on how to do both with ease.

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Topics: marketing communications, leadership, public speaking

Holiday Spending Up with Young Adults

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, Nov 30, 2017 @ 9:10 AM

With Black Friday behind us, who do you think will be the big spenders this holiday?

According to a recent survey by The National Retail Federation (NRF), young adults ages 18-24 plan on spending more this holiday season compared to last year.

54 percent of consumers overall, plan to spend about the same as last year, while 24 percent plan to spend more. Among those aged 18-24 — which includes the oldest members of Generation Z — 46 percent say they will spend more than last year.

“As Gen Z and Millennials get older, their purchasing power increases, and the rise in disposable income is sure to be seen by retailers,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said. “This group of consumers has spent time carefully researching gifts for friends, family and themselves, and are ready to begin knocking out their shopping lists.”

What do these holiday spending trends mean for garden businesses?

Read more to find out how to ensure these big spenders are shopping your products or store.

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Topics: Marketing to Millennials, holiday, Gen Z

5 Tips to Prioritize PR in Your Company's Budget 

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Nov 29, 2017 @ 7:47 AM

TrendKite just released a fantastic article with tips to secure your PR budget for the new year.

While Garden Media Group handles this on a different end, we know some of our readers need to fight for every dollar in their company's marketing budget so we wanted to share tips on being the most effective you can be.

Companies often take the money that is budgeted for PR and put it into a different area of marketing. It is up to PR professionals to fight for their budget - and hopefully an increase.

Continue reading for tips on how to secure your PR budget for next year.

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Topics: Public relations, PR Strategy, Digital Branding

You're Missing the Mark with Old People

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Nov 22, 2017 @ 7:56 AM

Everyone gets old, if we're lucky. But getting old doesn’t mean you stop caring about your well-being, looks and insecurities, so why do businesses assume as much?

In a recent Atlantic article, “Why Businesses Misunderstand Old People,” Joseph Coughlin touches on this intriguing thought.

According to the article, 80 percent of Americans who could benefit from hearing aids aren't seeking them out. 

Is it poor marketing channels? Maybe. But according to Coughlin, traditional hearing aids make people feel old, and no one wants that

As influencers in the garden industry, we need to take this into account.The scale of the gardener demographics is largely tilted to an older audience, and if you are missing the mark on what they want, your message will fall flat.

Continue reading to see what businesses are doing to accommodate the older generation.

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Topics: Digital Branding, social media, Campaign

Utilize How-To Content to Capture Your Audience

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Thu, Nov 16, 2017 @ 8:12 AM

What do an abacus, a calculator and an iPhone have in common? They all represent a decline in learning everyday practices.

Less real world learning opportunities are offered in school today while more Googling anything continues to rise. The latest internet meme revolves around knowing what mitochondria are, but not how to file taxes – or even how to care for houseplants.

Generations Y and Z are all about YouTube and will look up just about anything from how to boil an egg, change a flat tire or French braid hair. In fact, no feat is too small for YouTube. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that America’s Retailers Have a New Target Customer: The 26-Year-Old Millennial. This age bracket, bigger than any other, is pushing companies to revamp marketing and products, including a lot of remedial education.

Being able to follow step-by-step instruction offers more to its user than assuming they know what to do with the product. Companies that offer how-to content are quickly climbing the ladder to the most influential brands.

REI’s loyal customer base is the leading example; they have over 500 in-depth articles and videos. In addition, they also have a LIVE chat feature and Q&A on their website.

Continue Reading to see how your brand can utilize How-To content.

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Topics: creating content, Digital Branding, content marketing

Opposites Attract: Vogue and Vice edition

Posted by Katie Dubow on Wed, Nov 15, 2017 @ 7:50 AM

At a recent Hubspot conference, creative director Katie Dubow learned the importance of getting different perspectives for your idea, brainstorm session or project.

"You can't think in new ways if there isn't diversity of perspective and experience," said Elaine Welteroth, editor-in-chief, Teen Vogue.

The new collaboration between Vogue and Vice is a perfect example of this because as the new Project Vs tagline says, "opposites attract.”

Learn more about Project Vs, set to launch in 2018, and how going outside the box can attract new audiences and strengthen your brand.

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Topics: Marketing to Millennials, content marketing, Brainstorming

5 Takeaway's for Garden Brands from Hubspot's INBOUND '17

Posted by Katie Dubow on Wed, Nov 8, 2017 @ 9:03 AM

Creative director Katie Dubow recently attended Hubspot's INBOUND 2017 inbound marketing conference in Boston.

The conference was filled with lessons on the future of inbound marketing, the new features of HubSpot and better ways to reach customers with data-driven, unique content.

Energy was high. From the speakers (Michelle Obama, John Cena, Issa Rae, Billie Jean King, just to name a few) to the session topics (Courageous Creativity, The Quest for True Belonging, Content for the FOMO Generation and more) it is one of the most inspiring marketing conferences to attend.

Here are the big themes marketing professionals are talking about world-wide.

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Topics: creating content, inbound marketing, video marketing

Garden Media Group recognized as a Top Woman-Owned Business and Top PR Firm

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Nov 1, 2017 @ 12:27 PM

October 2017 - (Philadelphia) IMPACT Marketing & PR, Inc. was recognized in the Philadelphia Book of Lists as a Top Woman-Owned business and Top PR firm for 2017. Suzi McCoy founded IMPACT Marketing 30 years ago.

Garden Media Group, a subsidiary of IMPACT, was founded 20 years ago to serve the horticulture, gardening and outdoor living industries. Our boutique public relations firm gets results fast because we have our finger on the pulse of the industry and the ear of influencers from top outlets – from Better Homes & Gardens and Magnolia Journal to the sweeping social media outlets. Our clients are both national and international and come to us to make them popular with their target market. We also publish an annual garden trends report, one of the most widely read reports in the industry.

Continue Reading to learn about our Queen Bee and how GMG was born.

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Topics: Public relations, lawn and garden public relations, garden marketing, marketing communications, Garden Media Group, garden industry public relations



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