GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Unplug from the Internet – Treat Yourself to a Digital Detox

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Aug 30, 2017 @ 11:00 AM

Technology is arguably the best invention to happen since sliced bread. It allows us to FaceTime with far away family members, watch our friends live their lives through social media, know the great things happening all around the world and show off our achievements for our friends and family to see.

On the other hand, being plugged in all the time is exhausting. As a society we are constantly distracted, not being present in real life situations, missing out on once in a lifetime moments. We are stressed out with the notifications popping up on our phones, the constant emails coming through and the strain our eyes experience staring at screen for hours on end.

As a result, our physical and mental wellness is suffering, yet we can’t break the pattern. It has become the norm so much so that we aren’t realizing how it affects our bodies on the day to day basis.

One by one, let’s work on taking a break from the demands of the internet and devices and have a digital detox.

Trust me, that Facebook post will still be funny later.

Continue reading for three ways to go on a digital detox – even if you are surrounded by technology.

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Topics: emails, lessons, health and wellness

How Using Hedgewords Might Be Making You the Underdog

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Aug 23, 2017 @ 7:47 AM

The problem people find with emails is that it is difficult to communicate the tone of your voice. 

Depending on the mood the person on the receiving end is in will determine how it is read.

The thing you were trying to joke about? It might be read as being snooty. The friendly email sent to cover up the annoyance you feel? It will sound immature.

When you send a professional email that may sound rude, you can feel compelled to add a smiley face or put a “LOL” next to it. You need to stop doing that now – you will start to see a difference on how you are treated in the workplace.

Learn how to eliminate useless words from your emails and start getting to the point.

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Topics: branding, emails, lead, professional development

Four Tips for Creating Media Relations Magic at Your Next Trade Show

Posted by Stacey Pierson on Thu, Aug 17, 2017 @ 7:15 AM

I recently attended my seventeenth GWA (The Association for Garden Communicators) Conference in beautiful Buffalo, NY.

It’s hard for me to believe I’ve been in garden PR for almost 20 years (gasp)! I guess I love what I do, right? It’s always a joy attending this yearly conference, which allows me to reconnect with many of my garden friends that I only get to see once a year. And, of course, making new friends, too!

After working and attending a variety of industry events throughout my career, I want to share a few tips for connecting with the media that will help you be more successful when pitching. After all, this is a great opportunity for face time and relationship building!

Let’s dig in with these quick tips for making media relations magic at your next trade show.

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Topics: trade show public relations, Media Relations, social media, Garden Media

Organizing and Maintaining a Clean Inbox

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Aug 16, 2017 @ 10:10 AM

Email has revolutionized communication. It has been a wonderful way to get a quick response – you can have a reply in just a few minutes!

While emails were a great invention, they may cause unneeded stress in and out of the workplace.

Are you one of the almost half of Americans that feel the need to check emails in the bathroom to stay on top of them? Then you know the feeling. Emails quickly pile up, drafts go unsent and you lose track of what’s important.

Keeping an organized inbox reduces stress and anxiety and helps you be better prepared for the day. Net Credit came out with a great infographic to help prioritize your inbox.

Waking up to a full inbox is an easy way to start your day off wrong.

Studies show it takes 64 seconds to get back on track after an email notification pops up. More than 1/4th of the workweek is spent on email with more than 3/4th of employees becoming more stressed using email.

Continue reading to see how to achieve ‘Zero Inbox’.

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Topics: emails, Infographic, employment, work place efficiency

How Snapchat’s Changing Consumer Marketing by Swiping Up

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Aug 9, 2017 @ 7:30 AM

Snapchat is once again changing the consumer marketing game, making it easier for users to send links

 to each other.

With Snapchat’s newest update, anyone can attach a link to a snap to send to their audiences. With the tap of the paperclip, enter in your website and anyone can enjoy it.

In the constant head-to-head battle between Snapchat and Instagram, this puts Snapchat back on top. Instagram has been using trends that work on Snapchat and vice versa. Currently, Instagram stories do not allow regular users to add links to their stories – only verified users or advertisements are allowed.


Continue reading to learn what is different and how your garden brand can take advantage of the changes.

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Topics: Digital Branding, social media, Snapchat, lessons

Three tips to improve your software efficiency at work.

Posted by Tracey Brown on Thu, Aug 3, 2017 @ 8:00 AM

You probably have a software program you’ve worked with for years and it still meets all your needs. You’ve used it so long you know all the shortcuts, or do you?

Recently, I took an online tutorial for MS Excel, a program I’ve used more than half my life. Before taking this course, I thought I knew the bulk of what the program could do l and that I was completing the processes in the best possible way. However, I learned so much in just one hour that will save me a significant amount of time in the long run.

We too often resort to the phrase, “Been there, done that.” When any system gets updated, we should take the time to learn what’s new.

Continue reading to learn why it’s important to improve your software use at work.

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Topics: lessons, employment, tutorials, work place efficiency, software, how-to

Figuring Out How Brains Work Differently, Together

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Aug 2, 2017 @ 6:18 AM

Creativity and innovation go hand-in-hand at thinking outside the box. It allows the brain to be used to create something out of nothing or even to fix something when it’s not working. But what happens when you get stuck in the box?

The Kirton Adaption-Innovation (KAI) is an evaluation tool that measures your style of creativity and problem solving based on your range of adapting or innovating. If you want to do things better, you probably would score higher on the adaptive range. Want to be different? You’d be on the innovative side. Thomas Edison was probably adaptive, while Albert Einstein was probably innovative.

Richard Tait invited Garden Media to try it for ourselves at our monthly ‘Lunch with a Pro’ workshop.

Richard, who has a Ph.D. in physics, co-founded the DuPont Company’s worldwide Creativity and Innovation Center. Today he is an international consultant in innovation and new corporate and product ventures.

GMG invited Richard for a lunch and learn to help our team brainstorm bigger and better ideas for our clients.

Read on to continue learning about Richard, KAI and what Garden Media learned.

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Topics: Brainstorming, lessons, decision-making, professional development, Lunch with a Pro

Being Productive This Summer

Posted by Megan O'Connell on Wed, Jul 26, 2017 @ 7:26 AM

Summer is the best time of the year to be outside — soaking up some sun, being in nature and enjoying the day. You may also find that it is the hardest part of the year to be stuck in an office, losing out on that summer glow and daydreaming about being anywhere but your desk.

While it may be hard to focus on what is in front of you, with some readjusting (and some motivation), you can get back on track to power through this season!

Continue reading for 5 tips on staying productive this summer.

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Topics: lessons, health and wellness

Don't Get Stuck in the 'Been There. Done That' Routine

Posted by Tracey Brown on Thu, Jul 20, 2017 @ 9:01 AM

What’s the best way to learn how to use a new software or brush up on the ones you already use? Tutorials are available for every software application out there and it’s worth brushing up your skills every now and then.

You probably have a software program you’ve worked with for years and it still meets all your needs. You’ve used it so long you know all the shortcuts, or do you?

Recently, I took an online tutorial for MS Excel, a program I’ve used more than half my life. Before taking this course, I thought I knew the bulk of what the program could do l and that I was completing the processes in the best possible way. However, I learned so much in just one hour that will save me a significant amount of time in the long run.

We too often resort to the phrase, “Been there. Done that.” When any systems get updated, we should still take the time to learn what’s new.

Continue reading to learn why it’s important to teach an old dog new tricks.

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Topics: branding, Marketing to Millennials, image building, garden business

Professional Development Plans: Low Risk Investment for High Rate of Return

Posted by Tracey Brown on Wed, Jul 19, 2017 @ 8:41 AM

Do you encourage your staff to pursue professional development on a regular basis? Do you allow them time to improve their skills while on the clock? If not, why?

The ROI when a staff member can improve themselves is a low investment with a high rate of return for the company.

Many think, if I train them better, they are going to leave me. But that may not be true!

According to workforce studies, companies that promote professional development have a higher retention rate than those that don’t.

In an article from The Chicago Tribune, research shows that “career development is crucial for employers seeking to retain talent.”

Staff improving themselves doesn’t mean they will head out the door with the knowledge, but rather the opposite. Research shows that professional development can create a more loyal employee. And isn’t that a win/win for the company? A more knowledgeable employee who wants to stick around!

Read on to learn how a professional development plan can improve your business.

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Topics: Garden Media Group, professional development



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