As a business, of course, you need to sell your product. But, being a business means far more than just your net profit.
Let's face it, if that's all your focused on, you're going to miss a trillion little steps that will get you to that point.
When it comes right down to it, the people who buy your product run your business. Scary, right? But, it doesn't have to be!
Follow our tips below to make sure you and your garden business are fostering a lifetime of customer l-o-v-e. If your customers love your product, then you'll be in a prosperous business forever!
Chatty Choices
You want your product to be on the tip of your customer's tongue! In essence, you want customers to be waiting for the chance to tell their friends about your product. It's all about the BUZZ!
To generate buzz about your product, first, make sure you've done adequate marketing research and focus groups on your product. Take customer feedback seriously, and show them you're listening (and implementing) their suggestions!
Your customers should be SO excited about your product that they simply cannot wait to talk about it!
Choose the Chunk
Once your product is perfected, amp up your public relations! The more consumers hear the three talking points of your product from the media, the more your customers will know the facts inside and out.
Make sure your tag line and marketing message is memorable and EASY. Your customers should be able to describe your product with confidence. You can't expect your customers to memorize every word on your product's packaging, so instead, arm them with three chunks of the message!
Then, your customers will confidently gush and educate their friends, co-workers, family, heck, anybody that will listen!
Cherish Your Customer
At this point, you've got your customers talking about your product, but how long will they be interested? Are you a fad or forever fashionable?
Every garden company wants to be the latter. To make your company one that will be forever loved, you must value your customer daily. The people have the power!
With social media, making your customer feel valued is easier than ever, but it still takes time. Use these social media tools to make your life as smooth as possible!
First, make sure you're responding to EVERY comment on Facebook or tweet about your product. Thank your customer for their positive feedback, or show you're listening to their concerns. Social media is the place to engage, connect, and form lasting relations with your customers.
On that note, give your followers on these platforms the inside scoop! Let your in-crowd know about special promotions, give them sneak peeks of new products, coupons, or a contest that's just for your followers! These offers may seem small, but they show your customers that you recognize their importance in your business.
Also, highlight them! Retweet them, have a customer photo or testimonial be your garden business's cover photo, or share their Instagram picture.
Again, it comes back to being valued as an individual!
Your customers should know you love them to the moon and back! At Garden Media Group, we're suckers for a handwritten thank you note to show just how much we care.
What's your go-to move to show your customers your love!?
Discover even more, easy ways to grow your garden business with our FREE E-book below!
Snaps to PaySimple for the shabby, chic heart above!