#MyResumeDoesntMention was trending on Twitter last week. More than 12,000 tweets were sent out about the subject and they ranged from funny to obscure, but most talked about skills valuable in the workplace.
Building a resume can be hard. Compiling education, work experience and essential strengths into a single page is crucial to appearing qualified and accomplished. A lot of outside skills and experiences often don’t make the cut, but can still be utilized in a professional environment.
Read on to learn how to transfer real-life experiences into professional attributes.
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Public relations,
Garden Media Group,
social media,
Garden Media
Many business people are taught how to manage a company though years of classes and seminars. But do they ever really learn how to lead?
Whether it’s a large corporation or a small business, learning to be a leader and one who others will follow is the key to success.
Leaders and managers differ in their decision making approaches, visions and values. Those who understand these differences and why they are important will build stronger teams in the long run.
Read more about the important differences between managing and leading.
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Public relations,
marketing communications,
Garden Trends,
Garden Media,
Everyone knows Instagram is one of the most important, useful and successful social media platforms of our time. With over 300 million active monthly users, more than 90 percent of which are under the age of 35, Instagram is especially useful in reaching millennials. And they aren’t just using it for selfies.
Through the use of hashtags on both Twitter and Instagram, social media activism is becoming a rising trend. Millennials love to be aligned with a cause and they are using hashtags to raise awareness about those causes. Businesses and celebrities are taking note and following their examples.
Continue reading for more information about why businesses should support a cause and show they care.
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Public relations,
Digital Branding,
social media,
Garden Media,
The travel and tourism industry is expanding every year. People are traveling more often, further away and for longer periods of time. These trips provide unforgettable memories, but can also serve as a unique learning experience. Traveling can teach flexibility, risk taking and crisis management, all of which are essential skills in the workplace.
Continue reading for more information about how traveling can help your garden business.
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Public relations,
lawn and garden public relations,
garden business,
Garden Media Group,
Published more than 24 years after his death Dr. Seuss’, What Pet Should I Get? is the latest addition to his already vast collection of children’s books. The public will cherish this new story for years to come.
In true Dr. Seuss fashion, the book features vibrant illustrations and perfectly paired rhymes. Brother and sister are allowed to choose a new pet for their family and when they arrive at the pet store they see cats, dogs, fish, birds and even monkeys. The decision becomes overwhelming for the children.
Though the book appeals directly to children, its underlying theme is universal: decision making is important.
In business, challenging decisions have to be made. Even the smallest decision can have an impact on the company, client or community as a whole.
Here are some helpful tips to alleviate stress when garden brands are faced with a difficult decision.
Continue reading for tips on how to make decisions with ease.
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Public relations,
PR Strategy,
garden business,
garden industry public relations
For all companies, building and developing a captivating brand persona is key for marketing strategies. Yet, many overlook another big component of success: personal marketing.
Like a corporate brand, creating a personal brand requires a tactical approach. It can be challenging, but those who figure out the skill sets needed to promote themselves, see their careers climb to new heights.
Continue reading for more tips on how to market yourself and nab that dream job.
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Public relations,
content marketing,
Those who list “multitasking” as a skill on their resumes should consider revising. According to Devora Zack, CEO of Only Connect Consulting, multitasking cuts productivity by 40 percent.
When we work on two projects at once, our brains are actually switching back and forth between each activity non-stop. Our bodies think multitasking is a good thing because each time we start a new task, our brains gets excited.
Science proves; however, that multitasking decreases productivity and exhausts the brain.
Continue reading for more information about how to focus at work.
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Public relations,
creating content,
Shark Week is back and better than ever.
And with this summer being one of the most recorded shark sighting seasons on record, this week long event could make a big splash.
It's summer of the shark and the public is eager to know what drives these aquatic beasts.
Broadcasted in over 72 countries with more than 4 million viewers, Discovery channel’s Shark Week is the most watched series on television.
Besides learning the knowledge of a subject that is not taught in school, what is the draw for these viewers? Why are so many people obsessed with Shark Week? In honor of this annual event ending this past Sunday, let’s look at some lessons PR pros can learn from the masters of the ocean.
Keep reading to find out how PR pros and garden marketers can take a bite out of Shark Week.
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Public relations,
creating content,
garden PR consultant,
garden business
It’s no secret that Pinterest is conquering the business world. Today, brands use this virtual inspiration board as a search engine, sales tool and influencer watch list.
It may seem silly to think a business could make mistakes on Pinterest, but brands that avoid simple mistakes will see an increase in followers and meet their goals. There are three key factors that can improve a published pin.
Continue reading for more information on how garden businesses can improve their Pinterest Page.
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Public relations,
creating content,
PR Strategy,
social media
Gardening takes work. But once you've started, and have success, the reward far outweighs the hours of hard work you've put in planting, weeding and watering. Then, you're hooked.
PR is like that, too. Hard work for a big reward.
Here are a few things we’ve learned from our time in the garden that have translated into our PR activities.
Continue reading to find out why PR is like gardening.
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Public relations,