GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Dream Big. Be a Unicorn.

Posted by Jill Swartzentruber on Wed, Aug 5, 2015 @ 7:08 AM

For all companies, building and developing a captivating brand persona is key for marketing strategies. Yet, many overlook another big component of success: personal marketing.

Like a corporate brand, creating a personal brand requires a tactical approach. It can be challenging, but those who figure out the skill sets needed to promote themselves, see their careers climb to new heights.

Continue reading for more tips on how to market yourself and nab that dream job.


Be a Superhero

People look up to superheroes. They have distinct characteristics that no one else has.

Anyone, whether you're looking for a new job, working in the PR industry or just trying to find ways to promote your personal brand, needs to market themselves like a superhero.

What can you do that no other person can? Highlight your best feature and then tell the world.

Even the strongest of superheroes have flaws – but they understand and work around those flaws at all costs. Take this into account when developing your personal brand. All humans have flaws, but the best way to overcome them is to first acknowledge and understand what they are.

Those that know and truly believe in their best qualities and recognize their weak ones will stand apart from the rest.

Be “That” Person

Being "that" girl or "that" guy doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. When it comes to work, "those" people possess traits that other people don’t have. Be "that" person who always lands new clients or "that" person who is amazing at math and never goes over budget.

A Forbes article talked about a conversation a woman had with her boss. In that conversation, the woman was asked who she would refer for a certain positionShe said she knew multiple people, but the only person that came to her mind was her colleague who was great at communicating. While this colleague may have come across as annoying at times, she was “that” girl who was persistent. Her name jumped out first and it was she who got the recommendation.

Be the person that is always in someone’s head. Be the one who never backs down and who always tries.


Be a Unicorn

Yes, a unicorn. Be someone a company has never seen before.

If a company interviews 100 people for the same position, they will certainly hire the unicorn over the boring candidate. With any mythical creature, there are rewards and recognition when one is proven to be found. Companies know unicorns only come by once in a blue moon, and they will try everything they can to keep them. 

Professionals that prove they’re the real deal see the most success.  All in all, it comes down to thinking. What makes you better than all the rest?

Read our e-Book on how you can brand your products to match your style!

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Topics: Public relations, branding, advertising, content marketing, marketing



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