GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Pinning for Winning: Tips for Improving Garden Brand Pinterest

Posted by Nikole Gennari on Thu, Jul 2, 2015 @ 8:37 AM

It’s no secret that Pinterest is conquering the business world. Today, brands use this virtual inspiration board as a search engine, sales tool and influencer watch list. 

It may seem silly to think a business could make mistakes on Pinterest, but brands that avoid simple mistakes will see an increase in followers and meet their goals. There are three key factors that can improve a published pin.

Continue reading for more information on how garden businesses can improve their Pinterest Page.

Develop a Strategy


The most successful Pinterest accounts aren’t created by chance; they’re built with a specific strategy in mind.

It’s crucial for businesses to outline a clear Pinterest goal before they create an account because the “discovery engine” can be used in a variety of ways from general searches to trend watching.

Gardening businesses will see more success once they set a goal and select their pins to meet it. Is the business using Pinterest to drive sales? Are the boards telling a story? Can the brand use Pinterest to reach top influencers? 

Determine what it is you want from Pinterest and create your strategy from there.

Add Relevant Content

It’s also important for businesses to post relevant content that aligns with the company’s goal. While it’s important for brands to showcase products and services through their pins, creative out-of–the-box content like infographics and how-to’s are extremely popular.

Gain followers and upgrade content by pinning frequently. Since most pinners check the site daily, brands must regularly pin high quality content to share with followers. And boards that have a minimum of 10 compelling images will be more attractive to users.  

Upgrade Links

The pin description is as important as the picture. It is a chance for users to speak to other pinners directly and showcase products or ideas. The most valuable descriptions are unique to each link and include minimal hashtags. This also helps improve traffic to a business’s site.

Links also dictate a pin's success. It’s important for garden businesses to incorporate direct links into pins since Pinterest’s security filter registers shorter links created by sites like bitly as spam. 

If you're not linking back to a product, link to a blog post or another page on your website. Practically every page on your website should have an image that can be pinned. Do it. 

Download our e-Book for tips on how to craft content for success.

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Topics: Public relations, Pinterest, creating content, PR Strategy, social media



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