GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Stop Marketing to Millennials

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, Jun 22, 2017 @ 8:12 AM

Yes, Millennials are the largest generation to date and make up a huge share of the U.S. workforce.

But is the obsession over marketing to Millennial consumers warranted?

With shifting paradigms surrounding adulthood, Millennials are defining maturity differently. According to a recent survey by Nationwide Current Accounts, Millennials in the U.K. don't consider themselves ‘grown up’ until age 27. Over half feel like entrance to adulthood depends on particular milestones rather than age. One in five believe they’re mature when they have children, when they move out of their parent’s home and when they start paying bills.

Continue reading to learn when Millennials will "grow up" and when garden brands need to start paying attention. 

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Topics: Marketing to Millennials

Who is Gen Z and How do We Get them Gardening?

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, May 25, 2017 @ 8:56 AM

Millennials are the buzz word of the decade. Everyone wants them, no one clearly knows how to get them. But we're not here to talk about Millennials. There's a new generation to obsess over.

Generation Z.

We’ve learned there are similarities and differences between Gen Z and Millennials, such as they both prioritize individuality and uniqueness, and are both resistant to traditional labels. But there are differences as well.

The 2015 Census Bureau data showed 51% of those under 15-years-old (Gen Z) are white, and children under five are 51% minority. This generation is not only more diverse than Millennials; Gen Z will mark the first time that the minority will become the majority.

Continue reading to dive deeper into this next generation and learn a few tricks to get them in the garden.

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Topics: Marketing to Millennials, Gen Z

How Drinking Beer Can Help Your Brand

Posted by Courtney Kates on Thu, Apr 27, 2017 @ 10:17 AM

Move over Miller Lite, craft beer is here to stay.

Craft breweries are becoming a big player in the beer industry. With over 4,000 breweries nationwide and an increasing share of the beer market, there’s definitely something to learn from the booming success of craft beer over the last five years.

Besides selling tasty cold beer, what factors contribute to this success? With craft breweries popping up left and right, plus having national and international beer distributors as tough competition, it can be hard to stay afloat.

Craft breweries are staying relevant by personalizing their brands, offering a wide variety and using a lot of creativity.

Continue reading to see what your garden brand can learn from the craft beer industry.

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Topics: PR Campaign, creating content, audience, branding, Public Relations Trends, Marketing to Millennials, Garden Media

Instagram Helps Marketers Reach New Heights

Posted by Courtney Kates on Mon, Apr 3, 2017 @ 11:04 AM

Instagram was one of the first major photo-based social networks when it launched in 2010. By the end of April 2012, there were already over 100 million active users.

After recognizing its success and the potential for competition, Facebook purchased Instagram in April 2012. They paid a total of $1 billion dollars in cash and stock and used "the power of Facebook" to help the member base grow by an additional 23% in 2013. Today, the two networks are linked, allowing users on Instagram to post photos or videos directly to both accounts simultaneously.

Today, Instagram has surpassed Twitter in user activity, with over 500 million registered profiles. It has evolved into a well-rounded platform, featuring video posts, 24-hour stories, and live streaming.

To learn more about Instagram and its growth, check out the following new research report from

Continue reading to learn more about the success of Instagram.

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Topics: Public Relations Trends, Marketing to Millennials, Instagram, Garden Media Group, social media, Social

What Marketers Need to Know About Millennials

Posted by Olivia Ward on Wed, Jan 25, 2017 @ 10:04 AM

Millennials, the largest generation to date, has officially surpassed Baby Boomers to make up the largest
 share of the U.S. workforce
. Having grown up fully immersed in digital technology, Millennials are often snubbed as narcissistic, “selfie lovers,” when they are in fact the most tech-educated generation thus far.

 Just as Baby Boomers have for the last several decades, Millennials will dominate the consumer sector. It has become increasingly important for marketers and PR specialists to recognize their unique characteristics and adapt business practices to establish effective relationships with this demographic.

Here are five tips for targeting millennials.

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Topics: audience, Marketing to Millennials, marketing

How to Build Your Brand on Instagram

Posted by Olivia Ward on Wed, Jan 18, 2017 @ 9:41 AM

Instagram, with more than 300 million active daily users, is one of the most exciting and fastest growing
 social media platforms.

It is a hot spot for engagement, as accounts can captivate followers and connect with them in unique ways. This the ideal place for new brands to establish a social media presence.

From user generated content and 60 second videos, to the recently popular feature “Instagram Stories,” brands have the opportunity to become visual storytellers and build their name.

Building a substantial social media presence is without a doubt challenging, but there are numerous tactics that can be used to succeed.

Read on to learn 5 tips for building your brand on Instagram

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Topics: branding, Marketing to Millennials, Instagram, social media

Make Your 2017 Resolutions Last

Posted by Olivia Ward on Wed, Jan 11, 2017 @ 9:32 AM

The holiday season may be behind us, but there is one more day of recognition just around the corner, National “Fall off the Wagon Day.”

The New Year is a time when motivation is at an all-time high, with promises of a lifestyle change. A year full of exercise and clean eating.

This “new year, new me” mantra might be enough to carry you through January, but once February 4th comes around, according to FourSquare, there are officially more “Check Ins” via social media at fast food restaurants than the gym.

Here is how some of consumers’ favorite green brands are taking strides to keep people involved and motivated well past February 4th.

Continue reading to learn more.

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Topics: audience, PR Strategy, Public Relations Trends, trends, Marketing to Millennials

Trending Thursday: Millennials in the Garden

Posted by Katie Dubow on Thu, Dec 22, 2016 @ 8:05 AM

This is an excerpt taken from an article by Elizabeth Petersen on Millennials in the garden in the December issue of Digger Magazine. Katie enjoyed sharing trends and insights about Millennials with Elizabeth for this insightful piece. 

As Baby Boomers have retired and downsized, their long-standing financial support of the nursery industry has fallen off.

But a new generation of gardeners called Millennials is poised to pick up where Boomers left off — grabbing their shovels, growing their own food, decorating their spaces with plants and re-invigorating the nursery industry.

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Topics: Marketing to Millennials

Trending Thursday Throwback Trends: Urban Knights

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Thu, Jul 14, 2016 @ 9:07 AM

There’s no denying that Yuccies, Millennials and Modern Homesteaders are the garden industry’s

top new consumers.  Before we identified these leading groups for 2016, we spotted one core group of people that seamlessly merged gardening with city living.

For this week’s throwback trends post, we’re highlighting a 2012 staple: Urban Knights.

Continue reading to learn more about Urban Knights.

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Topics: branding, Trending Thursday, Marketing to Millennials, Garden Trends, honesty

How I Made the Most of My Public Relations Internship

Posted by Courtney Kates on Wed, May 18, 2016 @ 10:32 AM

In public relations, it is crucial to gain real-world experience to learn about the industry. Studying communications and public relations in the classroom is beneficial, but nothing beats “learning by doing.”

For college students, the best way to gain hands-on experience is through internships.

Not only does interning provide you with beneficial work experience, it also helps you learn more about yourself, what you are good at and what career path you want to pursue in the future.

During my internship at Garden Media, I was given opportunities to work on long-term projects, complete tasks for clients and even develop relationships with the media. I gained first-hand perspective as to what it’s like to work in a small public relations agency. My internship provided me with experiences and professional relationships that will be extremely beneficial in my pursuit of a full-time career.

Continue reading to learn how you can make the most out of your PR internship.

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Topics: Public relations, hiring a public relations person, Marketing to Millennials, Garden Media, Internship



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