GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

How Drinking Beer Can Help Your Brand

Posted by Courtney Kates on Thu, Apr 27, 2017 @ 10:17 AM

lance-anderson-245146.jpgMove over Miller Lite, craft beer is here to stay.

Craft breweries are becoming a big player in the beer industry. With over 4,000 breweries nationwide and an increasing share of the beer market, there’s definitely something to learn from the booming success of craft beer over the last five years.

Besides selling tasty cold beer, what factors contribute to this success? With craft breweries popping up left and right, plus having national and international beer distributors as tough competition, it can be hard to stay afloat.

Craft breweries are staying relevant by personalizing their brands, offering a wide variety and using a lot of creativity.

Continue reading to see what your garden brand can learn from the craft beer industry.

Personalize Your Brand

yutacar-28290.jpgWith an increased awareness of what goes into their bodies, consumers want to know where their food and drink come from.

They could grow their own hops and start a backyard brewery, but drinking local beers are the next best thing. Knowing where ingredients come from builds trust with consumers.

So how can other businesses emulate this model?

While your garden business might not be local to your clients or consumers, you can still build trust and loyalty.

  • Be transparent. Honesty, with both your clients and consumers, goes a long way. Especially if you’ve made a mistake.
  • Use personalization. Tell your story. At Garden Media, we’re always sharing our stories on Facebook and Instagram. Social media makes sharing easier than ever before, even with people across the globe.
Our Story


Variety and Customization

Consumers’ favorite flavor is new. Millennials, who often make up an important part of target audiences, especially love trying new things. Since craft breweries offer such a wide variety of options, consumers can try a different beer every time.

Millennials also have very little brand loyalty, so the best way to win them over the competition is to have a wider variety that keeps them coming back for more.

Customization entices consumers that are looking for something unique. Offer products in a variety of flavors, shapes, sizes and colors to keep consumers interested. Breweries often make smaller batches of more varieties, which widens their audience and adds an exclusivity appeal. If there isn’t a lot of something or it’s a limited time offer, people want it more.


bellybuttonbeer.jpgIt should go without saying, but we’re going to say it anyway – creativity is king, especially in public relations. Craft breweries are always coming up with new and exciting varieties of beer. You can drink a beer that is flavored with anything from clams, chocolate, avocado, or belly button lint – we’re not kidding.

When creating killer campaigns, don’t be afraid to test the boundaries and try something new. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a big risk but often leads to the most creative ideas.

If this Australian brewery can sell beer brewed with belly button lint, you can sell just about anything if you’re creative enough.

Want to learn more about marketing to millennials? Download our eBook to learn more about this key demographic.

How to Market to Millennials

Topics: PR Campaign, creating content, audience, branding, Public Relations Trends, Marketing to Millennials, Garden Media



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