GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Trending Thursday Throwback Trends: Urban Knights

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Thu, Jul 14, 2016 @ 9:07 AM

There’s no denying that Yuccies, Millennials and Modern Homesteaders are the garden industry’smiddle-ages-1430003_960_720.jpg

top new consumers.  Before we identified these leading groups for 2016, we spotted one core group of people that seamlessly merged gardening with city living.

For this week’s throwback trends post, we’re highlighting a 2012 staple: Urban Knights.

Continue reading to learn more about Urban Knights.

Urban Knights

Gardens started popping up in the most unexpected places in 2012. Space no longer dictated where greenery could grow. People living in urban environments—the Urban Knights—found creative ways to grow plants and fight for green causes.

“Urban knights live in sustainable, convenient and enjoyable places while providing solutions to peak oil and climate change."

These environments increase availability for living, working and recreational opportunities and add up to a high quality of life well worth living. These spaces enrich, uplift and inspire the human spirit.

Urban outdoor spaces replicate the European tradition of outdoor plazas for sunning and socializing. “Parklets” repurpose two to three parking stalls along a block into a space for people to relax, drink a cup of coffee, and enjoy the city around them.  

Urban knights flock to pedestrian spaces lush with trees, flowering shrubs, flowered paths and eating areas.”


Flash Forward

The garden industry’s new consumers still uphold values and ideas that traditional Urban Knights adopted early in the game. Yuccies, Millennials and Modern Homesteaders living in cities view small spaces like kitchen countertops and balconies as prime real estate to grow herbs and vegetables.

Brands looking to resonate with modern Urban Knights must remember that consumers are savvy and value experiences over material things.  Quality is the most essential thing Yuccies look for in a product, and brands that aren’t genuine and forthcoming with their mission won’t find success in the modern market.

Garden industry consumers still believe in green causes and expect brands to do their part in speaking out and support initiatives that help improve the environment.


Urban Knights ruled the gardening world in 2012. Download our 2016 trends report to see what’s new in the industry this year!

2016 Garden Trends Report Call to Action

Topics: branding, Trending Thursday, Marketing to Millennials, Garden Trends, honesty



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