GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Four Ways to Turn New Hires into Superstar Employees

Posted by Courtney Kates on Thu, Jun 1, 2017 @ 3:15 PM

Hiring new team members can be an extensive process. After browsing countless resumes, making tons of phone calls and holding multiple interviews, you finally find the perfect fit for your team.

However, the work doesn’t stop there.

The next step – training. Properly training an employee can have a huge impact on the role they play in the company. A well trained employee will be more knowledgeable and motivated, as well as more comfortable in their new position. But, all training is not created equal.

Read more to learn how you can improve your training process.

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Topics: branding, PR Strategy, Garden Media Group, Internship, Interviews, employment

Understanding Personalities Can Lead to Success

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Feb 22, 2017 @ 5:19 PM

With more than 6 billion people in the world, it’s pretty incredible to think that there are only 16 distinct major personality types. 

According to 16Personalities, an incredibly accurate (in our opinion) and free personality test website, there are a lot of factors that make up someone’s personality. 

So what do personalities have to do with PR? A lot!Understanding your clients, coworkers and even audiences’ personalities can have a huge impact on how we interact with others, achieve success and build meaningful connections.

After all, we’re all about making connections in this business, aren’t we?

Continue reading to learn more.

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Topics: hiring a public relations person, audience, PR Strategy, Public Relations Trends, social media

Make Your 2017 Resolutions Last

Posted by Olivia Ward on Wed, Jan 11, 2017 @ 9:32 AM

The holiday season may be behind us, but there is one more day of recognition just around the corner, National “Fall off the Wagon Day.”

The New Year is a time when motivation is at an all-time high, with promises of a lifestyle change. A year full of exercise and clean eating.

This “new year, new me” mantra might be enough to carry you through January, but once February 4th comes around, according to FourSquare, there are officially more “Check Ins” via social media at fast food restaurants than the gym.

Here is how some of consumers’ favorite green brands are taking strides to keep people involved and motivated well past February 4th.

Continue reading to learn more.

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Topics: audience, PR Strategy, Public Relations Trends, trends, Marketing to Millennials

Garden Media’s Top Media Coverage in 2016

Posted by Stacey Pierson on Wed, Dec 28, 2016 @ 9:14 AM

This year is winding down, which means we’re busy as elves creating end-of-the-year reports. Getting earned media coverage meaningful for our clients is our number one priority as their public relations partner. 

All through the year, we aim to provide material helpful to our clients’ goals and bottom lines. We craft stories and press releases, work with key influencers and pitch our client’s key messages to gain coveted media placements, which is by far our top priority since these placements show our PR efforts visually.

We thought it would be fun to take a look at a few of our top media placements that we garnered this year, how each hit was achieved and why it mattered to our clients.

Drum roll please!

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Topics: PR Measurement, PR Strategy, pitching

Infographic:  Avoid these PR Buzzwords

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Dec 7, 2016 @ 9:09 AM

Jargon: special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.

Those who work in PR are all too familiar with this term. How many times a day can someone hear the word “influencer” before they’re completely bored?  

No one – especially journalists and consumers -  likes buzzwords.  So why does our industry love to use and overuse them so often?

The good news is that there’s always time to unlearn the drab words that drag our copy down.    

Read more to unlearn these overused words.

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Topics: audience, PR Strategy, Social, pitching, Infographic

The 2017 Guide to PR Measurement Part 2

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Nov 30, 2016 @ 9:11 AM

You know by now that PR firms produce the most effective measurements after listening to their clients goals.

It’s the firm’s job to clearly identify these goals, exceed expectations and produce the proper measurement that highlight the value of the work.

One way to show that you are indispensable to clients to produce measurement reports on a monthly basis. Here’s the easiest way to impress clients with your reports.

Continue reading to learn more about the best PR measurement practices for 2017.

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Topics: PR Measurement, hiring a public relations person, PR Strategy, leadership

The 2017 Guide to PR Measurement Part 1

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Nov 23, 2016 @ 9:37 AM

PR pros work hard to earn placements and build a brand’s reputation online and across a variety of business channels.

While many results are clear, much of PR is hard to quantify. Goal-setting and measurement are fundamental aspects of any public relations program. 

When it comes to measurement, firms should always take an all-inclusive approach that takes both traditional and non-traditional factors into consideration. Things such as social media, comprehension and changes in awareness among stakeholders should always be included in results.

We're always looking to revamp our practices and have done some deep diving into measurement. 

Continue reading to learn more about the best PR measurement practices for 2017.

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Topics: PR Measurement, hiring a public relations person, PR Strategy, leadership

Tips for Pitching Holiday Gift Guides

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Nov 9, 2016 @ 3:33 PM

The holiday season is right around the corner, which means you’ve probably been pitching gift guides for quite some time now. 

Holiday gift guides are a fantastic way to reach consumers and promote your product to a wide variety of audiences. Consumers flock to gift guides for the easy-to-read format and for their accessibility.

Some gift guides have even become a national holiday staple. I mean, who doesn’t love Oprah’s favorite things? Brands that want to see success in placing their product in a gift guide need to be strategic in their messaging.

Continue reading to learn how to pitch for a holiday gift guides.

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Topics: PR Strategy, product launch, holiday, pitching

Tips for Working with Clients across Different Time Zones

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Sep 21, 2016 @ 11:23 AM

Garden Media Group may be a boutique PR firm, but our presence is felt worldwide.

Our headquarters in Kennett Square, PA, works with clients in more than two countries, five states and across a handful of time zones.

We’re committed to serving clients as if we’re sitting in the cubicle next door.  

Whether in Taipei or in our own backyard, it’s our mission to make sure clients get what they need – and that we’re available when needed!

Continue reading to learn how.  

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Topics: PR Strategy, garden PR consultant, leadership, meetings, conference calls

Keep Your Business Top-of-Mind this Labor Day

Posted by Katie Dubow on Wed, Aug 31, 2016 @ 8:30 AM

The increase of back-to-school sale emails and the smell of pumpkin spice lattes in the air indicates summer is winding down and Labor Day is here!

While this long weekend is usually celebrated near water, with family, and friends, it doesn’t mean your marketing efforts should be put on hold.

Read on to learn how to create opportunities that keep your garden business on top.

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Topics: branding, PR Strategy, image building

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