GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

3 Things That Stink About Your Blog Headline, and How to Fix Them

Posted by Jill Swartzentruber on Wed, Jul 22, 2015 @ 10:42 AM

You've done the easy part: brainstormed a topic, wrote the blog and gathered images. Last, but certainly not least, headlines are the hardest yet most important element of a blog post.

We advise writing a headline after the body is written because the headline should summarize the entire article.

While there is no specific formula for the perfect blog title, research has shown that there are a few techniques that prove successful.

Continue reading to find out the hidden formula for creating a booming blog headline.

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Topics: audience, press releases, content marketing, blogging, emails

How Garden Brands Can Create Picture Perfect Content

Posted by Nikole Gennari on Thu, Jul 16, 2015 @ 11:05 AM

Today’s consumers are visually oriented. About 90 percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and it is processed 60,000 times faster than text.

A catchy headline can only go so far, but including a picture raises the bar for success. In PR, image is everything. Likewise, the images incorporated in social media are just as crucial.

Continue reading for more information about how garden brands can incorporate images into their social media strategies.

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Topics: garden business, SEO, content marketing, social media, blogging

PR Firms Take Note: Be a Summer “Must See” like Shark Week

Posted by Jill Swartzentruber on Wed, Jul 15, 2015 @ 10:12 AM

Shark Week is back and better than ever. 

And with this summer being one of the most recorded shark sighting seasons on record, this week long event could make a big splash.

It's summer of the shark and the public is eager to know what drives these aquatic beasts.

Broadcasted in over 72 countries with more than 4 million viewers, Discovery channel’s Shark Week is the most watched series on television.

Besides learning the knowledge of a subject that is not taught in school, what is the draw for these viewers? Why are so many people obsessed with Shark Week? In honor of this annual event ending this past Sunday, let’s look at some lessons PR pros can learn from the masters of the ocean.

Keep reading to find out how PR pros and garden marketers can take a bite out of Shark Week.

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Topics: Public relations, creating content, audience, garden PR consultant, garden business

Google Gives Small Businesses an Advantage

Posted by Katie Dubow on Tue, Jul 14, 2015 @ 10:00 AM

I recently spoke at Cultivate '15 about how garden businesses need to use SEO tactics and Google search features and updates to their advantage.

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Topics: SEO, social media

Preview 2016 Garden Trends at Cultivate ’15

Posted by Katie Dubow on Fri, Jul 10, 2015 @ 10:10 AM

Cultivate, AmericanHort’s yearly conference, promises to offer industry insiders a sneak peek into what’s trending in horticulture for 2015 and beyond.

Garden Media plans to add to that buzz when President Susan McCoy previews the firm’s 2016 Garden Trends Report at Cultivate ’15.

“Syncing with Nature” identifies seven new garden trends that will shake up the industry in the coming year.

The 2016 report concludes that consumers are “rewilding” themselves and gaining a newfound appreciation for both the earth’s precious resources and nature centers found in their own backyards.

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Topics: trade show public relations, trends, SEO, social media

Instagram Helps Garden Businesses Explore The World

Posted by Nikole Gennari on Thu, Jul 9, 2015 @ 9:00 AM

Instagram, an app that allows users to edit and share photos, wants to become the go-to source for information and trends.

Instagram recently updated several search features, allowing the app to become increasingly more user friendly.

The search icon now offers an expansive menu of dynamic content and trending tags. One of Instagram’s newest functions allows users to explore live updates happening around the world.

Instagram CEO, Kevin Systrom, told Wired magazine “It’s a real-time visual pulse for what is happening in the world.”

Read on for more information on how garden brands can utilize the new Instagram updates.

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Topics: Digital Branding, garden business, Instagram, social media, hashtag

Q&A with Garden Center Magazine

Posted by Katie Dubow on Tue, Jul 7, 2015 @ 4:45 PM

I recently sat down with Brooke Bates from Garden Center Magazine to talk about my social media presentation at Cultivate '15 in Columbus, Ohio next week.

Below is a snippet of our conversation. Read the full post here. And, come see the presentation in full on Monday, July 14 at 4:00 P.M. in Ballroom One.  

Q: What can attendees expect from your session at Cultivate?

A: I hope people learn new tips and tactics for the platforms they already have, to drive people back to their website, which in turn drives people into their store or toward their product. I like to use examples that are industry-specific, not just how anyone can do social media.

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Topics: trade show public relations, gardening, social media

Pinterest Turns Web Browsing into a Virtual Shopping Experience

Posted by Jill Swartzentruber on Thu, Jul 2, 2015 @ 2:20 PM

What began as a virtual scrapbook experience has evolved into a one stop shop for all tech-savvy shoppers.

Pinterest is sweeping out the middle man and letting users browse and purchase items straight from its mobile site with the new “Buyable Pins” option, rolling out to users as we speak.

With this upgrade, Pinterest has the ability to launch into the number one spot for e-commerce. As of now, they are right behind Facebook in terms of online sales generated from social media.

According to Shopify, Pinterest brings in an average sale of $50, which is higher than any other social media platform.

93 percent of users plan out their purchases by using Pinterest, and orders on Pinterest from mobile devices have increased by 140 percent in the past two years.

Continue reading to find out how Pinterest’s Buy It Now button can help Garden businesses boom.

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Topics: Pinterest, Digital Branding, internet marketing, garden business, social media

Pinning for Winning: Tips for Improving Garden Brand Pinterest

Posted by Nikole Gennari on Thu, Jul 2, 2015 @ 8:37 AM

It’s no secret that Pinterest is conquering the business world. Today, brands use this virtual inspiration board as a search engine, sales tool and influencer watch list. 

It may seem silly to think a business could make mistakes on Pinterest, but brands that avoid simple mistakes will see an increase in followers and meet their goals. There are three key factors that can improve a published pin.

Continue reading for more information on how garden businesses can improve their Pinterest Page.

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Topics: Public relations, Pinterest, creating content, PR Strategy, social media

Four Ways PR is Like Gardening

Posted by Jill Swartzentruber on Wed, Jul 1, 2015 @ 10:00 AM

Gardening takes work. But once you've started, and have success, the reward far outweighs the hours of hard work you've put in planting, weeding and watering. Then, you're hooked.

PR is like that, too. Hard work for a big reward.

Here are a few things we’ve learned from our time in the garden that have translated into our PR activities. 

Continue reading to find out why PR is like gardening.

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Topics: Public relations, audience, branding, gardening, marketing



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