GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

3 New Ways to Track Your Garden Business' Reputation

Posted by Dan Ream on Mon, Jul 14, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

Contrary to popular belief, the most important commodity to a garden business isn't money.

The mysterious asset we're talking about has nothing to do with the monetary economy.

What is it?

Your brand's reputation.

You need to understand where your gardening business stands in the marketplace in order to continually improve your position.

To do this, you'll first need to measure your reputation.

Keep reading to learn 3 ways you can measure public opinion about your garden business.

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Topics: PR Measurement, garden marketing, image building, garden business, facebook

Trending Thursday: Facebook's Influence Shrinking for Garden Brands?

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, Jun 19, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

Yes, Facebook has TONS of users, more than 1 billion users internationally, or 17% of the world population at large. Twitter and Instagram, the other two big social media platforms, are still lagging behind in users with about 200 million.

Even though Facebook was once the king of social media, there's a major shift happening in how people use the platform.

As of late, Facebook's dedicated users are few and far between. 

Discover why Facebook's users are fleeing, which affects the reach, number, and time your garden business should spend on this social outlet below.

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Topics: PR Strategy, Public Relations Trends, Trending Thursday, social media, facebook

4 Data-Proven Tricks to Get Facebook Likes on Garden Business Posts

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, Mar 5, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

Getting likes on your garden business's Facebook posts may seem like throwing spaghetti against the wall. You know some sticks and performs really well while others just flop. As far as the why, it's a mystery.

Thanks to a new study compiled by researchers at the Graduate School of Stanford University and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, part of the mystery has been cracked.

Trust us, using these scientifically supported tips and tricks will help you get more bang for the same amount of time spent.

Learn the top 4 data-proven tricks to help your posts on your garden business's Facebook page get more likes, comments, and impressions below.

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Topics: lawn and garden public relations, garden marketing, Digital Branding, social media, facebook

7 Facts Your Garden Business Needs to Know about Social Media

Posted by Meg McGrory on Mon, Dec 16, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

By now, your garden business knows social media matters.

Though startling new social media research shows that how you think about social media may need to be updated.

You know who you are targeting on social media, what types of content to post, and when to update your page.

But do you know where social media ranks in terms of activity on the web?  Or how often LinkedIn gets a new member?

The following statistics may shock and surprise you, and make you rethink your garden businesses social media strategy for 2014.

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Topics: Twitter, internet marketing, garden business, Garden Media Group, social media, blogging, Youtube, facebook, LinkedIn

Top 5 Problems Brands Have on Facebook and How to Solve Them

Posted by Meg McGrory on Mon, Oct 21, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Does your Facebook page have 74 million 'likes' or are there 806,000 people talking about you?  Didn’t think so. But that doesn’t mean your garden brand can’t utilize Facebook just as well as the front runners in social media.

Though Facebook isn’t a ‘professional social network,’ it does boast 1.1 billion monthly users and 4.5 billion daily likes.  You can’t argue with numbers like that.  Facebook isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Here are five easy tips to solve the problems your business may be facing, inspired by some of Facebook’s best and brightest brands.

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Topics: creating content, garden business, social media, facebook

How to Make #Facebook Hashtags Effective on Your Business Page

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Mon, Aug 5, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Facebook Hashtags are already declared dead.

The release of hashtags on Facebook was not initially well-received as millions across the country made their status update, "This isn't #Twitter Facebook."

A new study proves that users aren't searching for companies by their hashtag, nor do posts with hashtags drive engagement. 

But, we're declaring #Facebook hashtags aren't dead. Instead, marketers and companies simply have not been using the #hashtag feature to its fullest advantage... yet.

Below are our effective tips and tricks to keep the #Facebook hashtag alive and well on your garden business Facebook page.

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Topics: PR Strategy, Digital Branding, social media, facebook

Crafting Alluring & Effective Posts on Social Media

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

While Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and the like all fall under the umbrella of social media, using each platform requires an individualized set of tricks and tips.

A new study recently found the most effective tips and guidelines for posting on different social media outlets.

Implementing these tips will allow your garden business to see a higher number of likes, retweets, views, and most importantly, engagement.

For these secrets to have a larger impact, your social media manager has to closely analyze your analytics. Facebook's new insights will help break down who your audience is and what type of posts have been most effective.

Below, we're dishing on universal tips for creating alluring, yet highly effective posts on all the social media platforms.

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Topics: Pinterest, Twitter, PR Strategy, social media, facebook

How Facebook's Graph Search Affects Garden Business Pages

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, Jul 11, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Facebook debuted Graph Search after a long holiday weekend to millions of U.S. users.

By now, you've probably heard of Graph Search since Facebook started a soft launch of the new product in January.

Facebook's Graph Search is going to allow users to search through old posts, mentions, and photographs. Basically, Graph Search is like a Bing search on Facebook--and they've even partnered with Bing to allow Web results to emerge.

Here are the ways your garden business needs to modify your Facebook page to optimize for the new Graph Search.

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Topics: creating content, PR Strategy, marketing communications, Digital Branding, facebook

Effect of 2013 Social Media Trends on Your Garden Business

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Mon, Jul 8, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

At Garden Media Group, we spend a lot of time thinking about trends--especially for the garden.

Lately, the office has been a buzz with social media trends. Facebook Fatigue and the release of Instagram video are drastically changing the landscape of social media.

Social media trends allow you to connect with your green, gardening customersPlus, it shows your audience that your brand is forward-thinking.

Keep up with the social media trends, and discover five topical changes in social media that will affect your garden business this year.

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Topics: Twitter, PR Strategy, Public Relations Trends, trends, social media, facebook

Compelling Calls to Action on Facebook and Twitter

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Mon, Jun 3, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Social media is, of course, at its core about connecting with green, gardening customers. Here, your company is able to transcend the stigma of being a money-hungry business. 

On social media, your garden company is able to meaningfully connect by showcasing your sense of humor, ability to listen, and individualized responses.

Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram provide a medium for your garden brand to show the face and personality behind your product.

Yet, in order to truly succeed in the realm of social media, you not only have to have a presence, but your digital persona should produce. The fruits of social media are different for each business: increases in likes, profit, website visits, or loyal customers.

Whatever your garden business hopes to achieve on social media, you need to create effective, meaningful calls to action with our tips below!

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Topics: Twitter, audience, Digital Branding, public relations media plan, facebook



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