A New Year means out with the old and in with the new, so where exactly does that put Facebook? Facebook has over 1 billion users, so it’s definitely here to stay. Yet, the social media mogul certainly is changing.
Facebook is no longer for the hip and the young. It’s simply transforming how we connect and communicate with all ages. This year the average age of a Facebook user has officially bumped up to 30.
Facebook’s revolution means that it is even MORE powerful than ever. Facebook still has twice the user base of Twitter; plus, 60% of Facebook users check into the site daily.
Even in 2013, Facebook is still rocking it, which means you and your business need to rock it too! To help you get Facebook Fabulous, adapt some of the tips below ,and watch the users and interactions fly in.
Pop a Photo
In our text-heavy world, we just want a pretty picture. Isn’t that why Instagram is gaining more and more followers every day? Translate that visual beauty to your Facebook page. A post with a photo gets 39% more interaction. Try uploading an image that will make your fans smile or laugh, even if it has nothing to do with your business-- as long as it's consistent with your brand!
Make sure the photos are unique to your green, garden brand. Flaunt your individuality with an image that captures your company’s vibe. Maybe the prettiest bloom in the office?
Show Your Digital Teeth : D
Humans want to connect to each other with nonverbal cues, but in the digital world of Facebook, we need to make due. Enter the emoticon. Let the world know what you’re feeling not with a lengthy poem, but with a click of your keyboard. 57% higher likability happens when you include any emoticon. Wondering what’s the most popular? Just look up : D ! Second in line, : P
Short is Oh So Sweet
Facebook doesn’t have a character limit, but there have been times when I wish it did! Posts should be short and simple. Cut to it already! A long post every now and then is alright, but let’s be frank: if you have a lengthy soliloquy, take it the company blog. 80 characters or less is the optimal length.
Be Direct
If you want your fans to like/share/comment on a post, just say so! Fans want to help you out; they love your brand—that’s why they’re there! Lay all your cards on the table, and speak your mind. Plus, when you write the direction out, your results will improve significantly.