GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

6 Simple Tactics to Improve The Bottom Line in the Garden Industry

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Fri, Nov 16, 2012 @ 9:00 AM

improve your bottom line with 2013 garden trendsIt’s always the little things that matter the most, even in business! While a ray of sunlight can brighten your outlook any day of the week,  integrating these tips will brighten your garden business’s bottom line.

These tips may seem small, but a 10% increase in profit is more likely to come from 20 small steps than one, big change!

In this economy, we all need to be mindful of budgeting. By integrating these easy-peasy steps, you and your lawn and garden business are taking impactful steps to improve your bottom line!

Innovate a Sales or Marketing Strategy

Let’s face it, businesses do fall into ruts. If a tactic is working, it’s easy to just keep implementing it, but change is the essence of life! By brainstorming with your green team, together, you can come up with one new strategy.

This process may only take one hour of your time, but when it’s executed, it can result in a huge increase in new business. 

Look at Your Budget Critically                                                    

Analyze every single line on your P/L. It may seem a bit tedious, but the process doesn’t take up much time. Plus, when scrutinizing every dollar spent, chances are you’ll find a way to cut down on costs in at least one area. Also, take this time to see how you can take more green action!

All action should be done with careful thought—with the Earth and budget in mind.

Cost of Technology Services

Over the last few years, there has been a huge influx of new services and technologies dedicated to making your life in the garden industry easier. While it’s exciting to be able to try these new products, it may cost more than it’s worth in the long-run. 

Look at the services and technology products you’re investing in: is the slight increase in efficiency worth the high cost?

Focus Attention Where the $$$$ Is

Not all customers are created equal when it comes to profitability. 80% of your garden business's profits will come from 20% of your customers. Crazy!

Identify your “A” customers and focus more time, energy, and effort here. After all, you get what you pay for!

Keep Up With Trends

By keeping afoot of 2013 garden trends, you’ll increase sales big time! Customers want what’s new and hot, and now, you can offer it to them. This step may be the easiest of all.

Just download Garden Media Groups 2013 Garden Trends Report below, and learn the products your customers are going to be looking for in the next year.

 Click me

Topics: trends, horticultural marketing communications, garden business



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