GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Courtney Brown

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Sneak Peek: Garden Media Group’s 2025 Garden Trends

Posted by Courtney Brown on Mon, Apr 1, 2024 @ 9:00 AM
It’s that time of year again - Garden Media Group’s trends!

As we quickly approach peak gardening season, we thought we’d give YOU a peek at some of the latest trends that we are seeing in the green industry.

From over-the-tippy-top plants to the most useful dog treats (maybe ever?), the gardening world is constantly developing new and improved additions for the industry. 

As we prepare our 2025 Garden Trends Report, we couldn’t hold back any longer on sharing these amazing new trends. Let’s explore the most unique and unconventional ones here.

Read on to be immersed, inspired, and mind-blown by these upcoming 2025 gardening trends!

Canopy Blooms
There is nothing better than the shaded area of your backyard on a warm spring day – or is there? If you love your properties trees but want to bring more color to the vertical area of your home, then Canopy Blooms are for you! 

Plant these flowers the exact same way that you typically would and feed them the special food that contains Arborflora Ingredients (AI) and watch your blooms sky rocket.

Pup-Post Gardening
Composting was HOT last year, and for our pet owners, it just got even easier. I know, you didn’t think it could get any easier, either. Until now!

Feeding your pet your table scraps may actually come in handy after all! Pass them your tomato slices, carrot chunks and any other vegetable that is safe and non-toxic, and just hours later they will begin the process of growing your new vegetable garden for you – right there in your own backyard.

The best part? This allows you to save coin in multiple areas – dog treats and soil amendments! Just be sure to invest in a really good vegetable wash and brush before enjoying.

Tele-pole Gardens
As homeowners continue to seek vertical elements that combine illumination with a striking sense of scale, we’ve observed the proliferation of telephone poles in yards across the U.S. Hardy in Zones 2-11.

Telephone poles offer a strong vertical growth habit and an on-trend muted color palette of soft beige. The trend of DIY and utilizing what you have available in your area, or even in your own front yard, is surging. 

We highly recommend this trend to folks who live on busy roads that often have telephone poles down – follow the trend and use what is available to you!

Grandpa Core
Garden Like It's 1929! Dust off those heirloom seeds (because vegetables were cooler in grandpa's day), vintage tools (they don't make 'em like they used to), and tweed garden attire (for that "I meant to do that" look) - gardening's going retro with #GrandpaCore! 

Grandpa Core is all about embracing the old-school charm your grandpa swore by, with a twist of sustainability and a dash of nostalgia. Outdated advice? More like time-tested secrets.

If you are still scratching your head and wondering if the GMG staff is okay… APRIL FOOLS!

If you caught on pretty quick and/or looked at the date and didn’t get fooled, doesn’t mean your customers won’t! They’ll likely find it funny to have a harmless prank pulled on them. April Fool’s Day allows companies to break out of their usual professional shell to crack some jokes and make their customers laugh.

You can use our ideas or pull an April Fool’s prank of your own by giving your product an unexpected twist – just make sure it is timing and some-what believable with enough of a stretch. 

The most important part of pulling a prank is to make SOMEONE believe it’s true. Publishing what looks like a real press release or editorial piece takes the joke to the next level, where some may think it’s actually legit. It’s all about timing and not making the joke look TOO fake. 

Understanding the essence of April Fool's Day is crucial, and it's essential to ensure that your pranks are good-natured and inoffensive. The key is to infuse humor into your actions without crossing the line into being mean-spirited or offensive. The primary objective of the occasion is to elicit laughter from your audience, not to make them feel foolish or embarrassed.

How to use April Fools to level up your marketing game?

-- Making people laugh with humor helps your brand seem more human. It tells customers that your business knows how to have fun and makes your brand easier to relate to. Remember, laughter is the best medicine.
--Chance to go viral: April Fool's Day pranks often have the potential to create a lot of excitement. Take advantage of this on social media to boost engagement and attract new followers.
-- Make the most of your creativity. Got a wild idea? Great! April Fool's Day is the ideal time to be outrageously absurd. In the current environment, a little escape from reality is welcome, so go ahead, go all out, and enjoy the fun!

Download our 2024 Garden Trends Report to stay as current as possible, and keep an eye out for ACTUAL 2025 teasers.

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Manifest Your 2024 Marketing Goals

Posted by Courtney Brown on Wed, Jan 3, 2024 @ 4:50 PM

The idea of manifesting things in your life is not new. However, the concept gained momentum in 2023 due to the plethora of social media trends surrounding it, such as influencers sharing intention techniques, vision board sharing, and #manifestationmonday, to name a few.

Folks are leaning into their wants and desires, stating affirmations, asking the universe for things, and living as though they have already gotten what they wanted. 

What goals are you manifesting for your business in 2024? Many of your goals can be met by shifting your marketing mindset.

Read on to learn 5 ways to manifest marketing success and other goals in 2024.

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Topics: Garden Media Group, marketing

GMG Hosted a Media Breakfast with the Stars at Cultivate ‘23: Here’s What We Learned

Posted by Courtney Brown on Mon, Sep 11, 2023 @ 4:41 PM

Trade shows can bring in hundreds, if not thousands, of like-industry individuals from vendors and publicists to influencers and general admission attendees, and everywhere in between.

And we know catching the eye of folks in the midst of the crazy trade show floor can be chaotic and sometimes impossible. So hosting dinners and after-parties are a great way to connect with specific folks you want to and get them to pay special attention to your brand or product. At Cultivate this year, we opted for a Breakfast with the Stars.

---Read on to see what we learned from hosting an intimate breakfast prior to the trade show and how it benefited our clients. ---

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Topics: trade show public relations, PR Strategy, garden trade show marketing, networking

The Do's and Don'ts of Video Call Etiquette

Posted by Courtney Brown on Thu, Mar 4, 2021 @ 12:10 PM

Can you believe that stay-at-home orders went into place almost a whole year ago? The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused quite the ripple in the world of office jobs.

The old rule of thumb with email etiquette (as we’ve heard it) was that if it takes more than three emails to get your point across, then pick up the phone and call.

Now we have to add in the Zoom factor.

Video conferences have become the new way of holding meetings since the stay-at-home orders went into place. Google Meet, AnyMeeting, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Ring Central, Skype… the list goes on and on. These platforms have given companies a way to connect with each other, clients, customers, and colleagues. But what is the proper etiquette for a phone call vs. a video call?

Here are some dos and don’ts of video conference etiquette.

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The Best Gardening Podcasts of 2020

Posted by Courtney Brown on Mon, Dec 7, 2020 @ 2:54 PM

Here at Garden Media, we are huge fans of podcasts. From true crime, to pop culture, to self help and advice, we are hooked.

According to Convince and Convert, there is a huge jump in active podcast listeners in 2020. 75% of Americans are now familiar with podcasting; this is approximately 212 million people and an increase of over 10 million in just one year. Could this be due to the stay-at-home orders? I think so.

Today, we are going to dive into our favorite gardening podcasts. And, we want to hear from you, too! What are your favorites podcasts? What are your favorite episodes? Let's hear it!

Read on for our eight favorite gardening podcasts of 2019.

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Topics: podcasts

Grow! with Katie Guest Peggy Riccio

Posted by Courtney Brown on Wed, Nov 4, 2020 @ 3:58 PM

Today’s guest on Grow! with Katie is Peggy Riccio of PegPlant!

Peggy is a garden writer, speaker and blogger out of the DC area. She has her own website,, as well as a podcast with our good friend, Teri Speight, called Gardens n’ Plants where they talk about what they are growing, how their plants are doing, and all things gardening!

Peggy is an expert when it comes to cooking with herbs, especially for the holiday season.

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Topics: Interviews

Grow! with Katie Guest Chris Thorogood

Posted by Courtney Brown on Wed, Oct 28, 2020 @ 2:17 PM

Today’s guest on Grow! with Katie is a fun one! We got to hangout with the Illustrating Botanist, Chris Thorogood.

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Topics: Interviews

Grow! with Katie Guest Derek Haynes

Posted by Courtney Brown on Wed, Oct 21, 2020 @ 1:51 PM

Today’s guest on Grow! with Katie, is none other than THE Crazy Botanist, Derek Haynes.

Derek’s love for all things plants came at a young age, and he carried that into adulthood, graduating from North Carolina State with Bachelors of Plant Biology.

Derek is also involved in the Plant Daddy Hangouts, which focus on celebrating and connecting those at the intersections of Blackness, masculinity & plant love.

He is also part of the podcast The Plant Kiki! Check that out here.

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Topics: Interviews

Grow! with Katie Guest Riz Reyes

Posted by Courtney Brown on Wed, Oct 14, 2020 @ 3:12 PM

Today’s guest on Grow! with Katie is the Garden Manager of McMenamins Anderson School, Riz Reyes.

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Topics: Interviews

Grow! with Katie Guest Doug Oster

Posted by Courtney Brown on Wed, Oct 7, 2020 @ 2:24 PM

Today’s guest on Grow! with Katie, is Emmy-award winning producer, television host and garden writer, Doug Oster.

Doug is the floral shoe wearing, Emmy Award-winning producer, television host and garden writer. Many things have come and gone in this industry, but Doug has been a constant. You can hear him on The Organic Gardeners Radio Show, see him on KDKA-TV's Pittsburgh Today Live and find him on social media. He is an amazing story-teller, and truly love to garden. 

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Topics: Interviews



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