GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Four Ways to Turn New Hires into Superstar Employees

Posted by Courtney Kates on Thu, Jun 1, 2017 @ 3:15 PM

Hiring new team members can be an extensive process. After browsing countless resumes, making tons of phone calls and holding multiple interviews, you finally find the perfect fit for your team.

However, the work doesn’t stop there.

The next step – training. Properly training an employee can have a huge impact on the role they play in the company. A well trained employee will be more knowledgeable and motivated, as well as more comfortable in their new position. But, all training is not created equal.

Read more to learn how you can improve your training process.

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Topics: branding, PR Strategy, Garden Media Group, Internship, Interviews, employment

Time Away from Work Actually Improves Business

Posted by Courtney Kates on Wed, May 24, 2017 @ 2:13 PM

Memorial Day Weekend is right around the corner and at Garden Media we’re finalizing our travel plans, getting excited to visit family or friends, or simply looking forward to a long, relaxing weekend.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for everyone.

Project Time Off, a movement powered by the US Travel Association, encourages people to take a vacation. Research shows that year after year, fewer Americans are using all of their allotted vacation hours. While many think skipping out on vacation and working extra hours is beneficial for their careers, it may actually have the opposite effect.

Read more to learn how going on vacation can improve your business.

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Topics: Public Relations Trends, garden business, Garden Media Group, Garden Media, vacation, health and wellness

Cause Marketing Done Right – Heineken Creates Eye Opening Campaign

Posted by Courtney Kates on Wed, May 10, 2017 @ 11:16 AM

We’ve already talked about the controversial Pepsi ad and the factors that contributed to its failure. To do cause marketing the right way, the campaign must be consistent with the brand and relatable to the target audience. Heineken has recently created a great example of a powerful cause marketing ad.

The international beer distributor created a four minute ad with the tagline “Open Your World.” The video shows strangers with opposing views working together and discussing their contrasting beliefs over a beer. The ad has received widespread praise and definitely works to bring people together, instead of tearing them apart.

Let’s examine these two beverage companies with two political ads — why did Heineken’s ad succeed and Pepsi’s ad fall short?

Continue reading to learn more about Heineken’s Worlds Apart experiment.

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Topics: Public relations, PR Campaign, branding, advertising, Garden Media Group, content marketing, Social

How to Be the Olivia Pope of Your Company

Posted by Tyler Nolley on Tue, May 2, 2017 @ 10:59 AM

How do you spend your Thursday nights? If you don’t already, join the club and tune into ABC’s hit show Scandal, starring Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope. Aside from a thrilling plot, this show offers a true emulation of the life of a PR professional. Olivia Pope and her gladiators are the strategic master minds that run Washington, D.C and there’s a lot to learn from their success.

Read more for skills that can help you become the Olivia Pope of your industry.

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Topics: Public relations, branding, Media Relations, Garden Media Group, employment

Cause Marketing Gone Wrong – What You Can Learn From Pepsi’s Ad Blunder

Posted by Courtney Kates on Mon, Apr 17, 2017 @ 2:31 PM

Charlie Brown’s pal Linus once told us, “There are three things that I’ve learned never discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.”

We’re not so sure about the Great Pumpkin, but we know the religion and politics piece no longer rings true. Especially with the anonymity of social media, people are not afraid to publicly voice their opinions on political and social issues.

So, how do brands take a stand?

Well, the answer might be – they shouldn’t.

Pepsi is under attack for launching an ad that tried to tackle social injustice and racial inequality. The company faced such strong backlash against the ad that it was pulled shortly after its release. However, the damage was already done.

No, Pepsi wasn’t trying to be insensitive. But perhaps they were trying too hard to relate to younger generations and the issues they care about the most.

Cause marketing can be beneficial for brands when done correctly. However, it is important to approach the subject with great sensitivity.

Continue reading to learn how your brand can successfully utilize cause marketing.

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Topics: audience, branding, advertising vs public relations, advertising, Garden Media Group, Garden Media

PR Career Path – Experience vs. Education

Posted by Tyler Nolley on Thu, Apr 13, 2017 @ 11:14 AM

Young PR professionals might ask themselves “what’s more important – gaining valuable experience or continuing your education?” Well, it depends. A degree is as beneficial as you make it, so if you use the knowledge wisely, it can definitely be advantageous. However, real-world experience is also very important when entering the PR world.

There are benefits and disadvantages to both options. Here are some key factors to consider when weighing your options.

Read more to learn about the different outcomes of continuing your education.

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Topics: Public relations, branding, Garden Media Group, Garden Media, Internship

Instagram Helps Marketers Reach New Heights

Posted by Courtney Kates on Mon, Apr 3, 2017 @ 11:04 AM

Instagram was one of the first major photo-based social networks when it launched in 2010. By the end of April 2012, there were already over 100 million active users.

After recognizing its success and the potential for competition, Facebook purchased Instagram in April 2012. They paid a total of $1 billion dollars in cash and stock and used "the power of Facebook" to help the member base grow by an additional 23% in 2013. Today, the two networks are linked, allowing users on Instagram to post photos or videos directly to both accounts simultaneously.

Today, Instagram has surpassed Twitter in user activity, with over 500 million registered profiles. It has evolved into a well-rounded platform, featuring video posts, 24-hour stories, and live streaming.

To learn more about Instagram and its growth, check out the following new research report from

Continue reading to learn more about the success of Instagram.

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Topics: Public Relations Trends, Marketing to Millennials, Instagram, Garden Media Group, social media, Social

Exclusive Sneak Peek at 2018 Garden Trends Report

Posted by Courtney Kates on Sat, Apr 1, 2017 @ 10:17 AM

It might feel like 2017 just started, but here at Garden Media Group, we are working hard on our 2018 Garden Trends Report. Since we’re looking into the future, we have decided to give you an exclusive sneak peek at some of the biggest trends we’re predicting for next year.

Continue reading for a sneak peek at our 2018 trends.

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Topics: Public Relations Trends, trends, Garden Media Group, Garden Trends, Garden Media

Spring Cleaning For Your PR Business

Posted by Courtney Kates on Thu, Mar 30, 2017 @ 10:25 AM
At Garden Media Group, spring is our favorite time of the year. After a cold and dreary winter, we welcome warm spring days and sunny skies with open arms.

The season’s change provides a fresh start. After being stuck inside all winter, spring is a great time to open up your windows, let in some fresh air, and turn over a new leaf. The spring cleaning tradition stems from these feelings of newfound energy and clarity.

Spring cleaning is a common routine in many homes, both indoors and out. While organizing your house and prepping your yard for spring are both great habits to develop, spring cleaning should be done at work, too.

Continue reading to learn how your business could benefit from a little spring cleaning.

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Topics: lawn & garden public relations, Public Relations Trends, trends, Garden Media Group, Brainstorming

How Pitching Can Help You Land Media Hits

Posted by Tyler Nolley on Thu, Mar 23, 2017 @ 3:03 PM
The way in which PR professionals contact reporters and producers sets the tone for future relationships. Treating the media with respect and being polite goes a long way when you’re building trust and creating mutually beneficial relationships. This makes the job a lot more fun and easier for everyone.

The secret is all in the pitch.

Continue reading to learn how to create a perfect pitch.

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Topics: Media Relations, lawn & garden public relations, Garden Media Group, Garden Media, pitching



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