GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Branding Case Study: Humanizing a Garden Business

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, May 22, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

So, you've got everyone on board with your new gardening brand. You know how to describe your brand in three simple words; and, you've answered the 4 W's.

Now, you've have to work on making the world love your gardening brand.

To do this, you've got to get your brand in front of local and national media. 

The best way to ensure you get placements on t.v., magazines, and newspapers is to humanize your garden brand. 

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Topics: garden marketing, audience, branding, advertising vs public relations, Digital Branding, garden business, case study

Join our e-Book Club TODAY

Posted by Susan McCoy on Mon, May 20, 2013 @ 8:27 AM

At Garden Media we know that without a good reputation, you’re sunk. As experts in creating brand leaders within the garden industry, we know a lot about the power of a good reputation, and we’re excited to share some of our insider secrets with you!

Each month we have decided to release a new e-book featuring a case study that illustrates a specific public relations strategy, along with tips on building your reputation and strengthening your brand.

“Branding The Knock Out® Rose”, the first case study in the series, outlines the public relations strategies used to help launch The Knock Out® Rose, now one of the best-selling shrubs in America.

But the most exciting part of the case study series is our new monthly eBook club.  At the end of each month, I’ll host a On Air Hangout on Garden Media’s Google + page.  Just sign up for our virtual book club to receive the eBook of the month, discussion topics and an invitation to the On Air Hangout.  During the Hangout we will dig deeper into the case study and answer all your questions.

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Topics: branding, ebook club

The Importance of Caring for Yourself

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, May 16, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

With the amount of time we spend thinking about all things gardening and marketing, it's easy to forget one of the most integral aspects of success in a business: you.

As the leader of a successful business, I know you take work home with you -especially during the busiest season of the year.

For gardeners, early spring is the time when flowers, seeds, soils, and chic containers are flying off the shelf.

Well, we think it's time to take a brief mental break from sales increases.

In order for your garden business to be successful, you need to learn the importance of self-care.

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Topics: garden marketing, horticultural marketing communications, garden business

Branding Case Study: Answering the 4 W's of Your Garden Brand

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, May 15, 2013 @ 9:03 AM

Congratulations! Since you have outlined your three branding words, you're on the way to creating a stellar brand.  You know who you want to be, and now, you've just got to figure out how to get there.

It's time to describe who your brand is in more detail.

The easiest way to define your brand is by answering the 4 W's of your garden brand.

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Topics: garden marketing, audience, branding, PR Strategy, garden business, case study, garden industry public relations

Exactly How Important is Public Relations?

Posted by Katie Dubow on Mon, May 13, 2013 @ 8:40 AM

In the late nineteen twenties the two largest manufacturers of breakfast cereal, Kellogg's and Post, were vying for the hearts and wallets of the American people. But with the Great Depression looming in the distance, and spending on the top of everyone's minds, only one company could come out on top.  Can you guess who?

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Topics: garden marketing, branding, advertising vs public relations, case study, advertising

LinkedIn's Fatal Flaw

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, May 9, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

While companies like Facebook and Twitter continue to duke it out, one social media platform stands alone: LinkedIn.

LinkedIn has never had any competition. It remains the only professional network.

Yet, there is one fatal flaw that millions of LinkedIn users are making daily.

Learn how to avoid the flaw and continue to stand out on LinkedIn!

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Topics: Digital Branding, image building, internet media, LinkedIn

Branding Case Study: Branding Personality

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, May 8, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Ah, the sweet smell of spring! We've endured the April showers, and now, it's finally time for May flowers! But, that's not all that's blooming...

Throughout the month of May, Garden Media Group will hone in on one of our favorite concepts: branding!

Each and every Wednesday throughout the month of May, our Grow blog will be examining a new aspect of branding.

Stick with us, and by the end of the month, your flowers will be in full bloom--and so will your garden business's brand!

To begin the journey, we're discussing one of the most important and initial steps of branding a business: defining your brand personality and product.

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Topics: garden marketing, hiring a public relations person, branding, PR Strategy, case study, Garden Media Group, garden industry public relations

Boost Your Memory with these 6 Brain Foods

Posted by Zack Bennitt on Mon, May 6, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

What did I need from this room?  Where did I put my keys? What is her name?

On any given day, we ask ourselves countless questions like these--all centered on mental lapses. 

Forgetting things is often a part of our lives and as humans age, we remember tasks less and less. Luckily, we have a solution, and no, it does not involve cluttering your desk with multi-colored sticky notes. It's easy, simple, and delicious.

Joy Bauer, author of Food Cures, informs us that,  "A sharp memory depends on your total number of brain cells, the smooth flow of communication between the cells and the health of cells." So in order to have a sharp memory, you must spark brain cells!

To increase your memory and reduce forgetfulness, Bauer suggest snacking on these six, brain-enhancing foods below!

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Topics: trends, Garden Media Group

8 Types of Content Consumers Crave

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, May 2, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

As much as we talk about social media, press releases, and witty infographics, the medium simply will not matter if there isn't strong content backing it up.

Content is king and will be for the foreseeable future. Before you go blazing a new digital medium trail, you’ve got to pause and think before you do.

If you want your mediums to be successful, your content has to set the foundation. Meaning before you think about the how, you need to think long and hard about the what.

Strong, interesting content is the only way to ensure your clientele keeps coming back to you.

To get your mind wheels a’turning, here are eight types of content that consumers are proven to love.

Implement these tips next time you post on social media or write a press release, and voila, you’re the brand they’ll forever return to.

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Topics: creating content, PR Strategy, marketing communications, Public Relations Trends, Digital Branding, internet marketing, internet media, content marketing

Social Media Analytics Made Simple

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, May 1, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Your business can’t juggle every social media outlet. If you try, you’ll end up pulling all of your hair out—and see very little pay off.

To truly master the art and daily practice of social media, your garden business has to be mindful about tracking your success. Using social media tools and tracking devices, you can easily learn what social media platforms are the most successful while also discovering what posts are most popular.

Below, we’ve outlined three powerful tools to track and analyze your social media success that are simple, secure, and versatile.

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Topics: Pinterest, creating content, Twitter, Digital Branding, Instagram, social media, facebook



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