GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Branding Case Study: Answering the 4 W's of Your Garden Brand

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, May 15, 2013 @ 9:03 AM

branding, marketing, SMART goals, measurable goals, garden industry goals, garden media groupCongratulations! Since you have outlined your three branding words, you're on the way to creating a stellar brand.  You know who you want to be, and now, you've just got to figure out how to get there.

It's time to describe who your brand is in more detail.

The easiest way to define your brand is by answering the 4 W's of your garden brand.

The 4 W's of Your Garden Brand

With all the time we've spent interacting with journalists, we've learned just how important the 4 W's (who, what, why, and when) are. By answering these basic questions about your garden brand, you can walk forth with confidence. 

These questions will build on the basic brand words you've already outlined.


Who are you trying to reach? Take a moment, and envision your typical consumer. The more you know about who you're trying to reach, the better you can reach them.

Start by outlining the age bracket, gender, socioeconomic status, values, and interests.

Be as specific as possible and focus on hard numbers at this point. By focusing on quantitative data now, you'll know where to best focus your efforts.

Then, you'll take the data you've found and put time and energy into media outlets that your key demographic reads.


What does your garden business hope to achieve? What do you believe in?

These are the BIG questions, the ones you feel as though you could write a thesis answering. But, this is the stage where you need to take your branding words and translate them into a mission statement.

Your mission statement needs to address: what you do, what need you fill, who you serve, and how you serve.

The best mission statements are simple, concise, and illustrative. Get step by step instructions to writing a mission statement here.


Why do you exist? Why is there a need for your garden business?

Here, you outline why your business is needed. What are you hoping to achieve in concrete terms. You created your garden business because you saw a gap in the industry, so here's your chance to tell your story and express the necessity of your products!


How are you different than everyone else, When should you make this known?

This question builds off of the last. You know there's a specific need for your product, but do your customers? The time is now to verbalize what makes you unique!

In this step, you need to compare yourself to the competition and see where you differ and truly stand out. By examining the competition, you can begin to brand yourself on your one-of-a-kind persona and product.

Once you've answered the 4 W's for your garden brand, the next step is setting SMART goals. 

Be sure to visit next Wednesday to skillfully continue to build your brand.

Until then, read how we created the Knock Out Rose's memorable brand with our case study!

New Call-to-Action


Thanks to Onward to Your Past for the 5 W's image! 

Topics: garden marketing, audience, branding, PR Strategy, garden business, case study, garden industry public relations



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