In the gardening world, the print catalog has always been a standby.
But, they're expensive and often sent to a broad list of people, who frankly throw it in the trash.
Instead for your garden brand to gain true, meaningful traction, you need to provide interesting content to the people who crave it.
Enter the new digital, social catalog of 2013--and beyond. Read on to discover how you can create your own innovative, green catalog.
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creating content,
PR Strategy,
marketing communications,
lawn & garden public relations,
Digital Branding,
horticultural marketing communications,
content marketing
This week, I'm at Hubspot's Inbound Marketing Conference in Boston and am loving every second of it! Don't worry, I'll share more knowledge and content marketing wisdom when I return.
But, I could not wait to share Seth Godin's insights on how "we are all inbound now." As you probably guessed, seeing and hearing "America's Greatest Marketer" was absolutely amazing!
So amazing in fact that I could not wait to run back and blog about it--in typical content marketing fashion!
Read on to discover Seth Godin's tips and tricks for navigating the world of marketing that he shared at Inbound 2013!
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garden marketing,
creating content,
marketing communications,
horticultural marketing communications,
content marketing,
inbound marketing
There's a best and worst time for everything. Coffee after 11 pm is not the best idea, nor is hiring a PR firm December 1st to boost Christmas sales.
When hiring a public relations firm, be sure you have the timing right too.
Below are the four worst times to hire a PR firm in the home and garden industry.
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lawn and garden public relations,
hiring a public relations person,
PR Strategy,
lawn & garden public relations,
garden industry public relations
Content marketing, brand journalism, inbound marketing, blogging. Call it what you will, but the concept is all the same. Creating content by your garden business about relevant topics for your target audience.
No longer are you reliant on traditional media sources to tell your garden brand's story. With content marketing, the power is in your hands.
Creating your own content is one of the best ways to connect with your audience, increase engagement, and improve SEO.
When investing your time in your content marketing plan, make sure you're doing it as best as you can. Creating killer content takes time, so be smart about your execution and promotion.
Read on to discover 5 ways to improve your content marketing in less than 10 minutes.
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creating content,
marketing communications,
internet media,
content marketing,
inbound marketing
Sit straight! No elbows on the table! Look at me when I'm talking to you!
Mothers across the country will be happy to know that their constant "advice" to help you better present yourself is actually incredibly valuable.
93% of our communication is nonverbal, and it actually matters very little what you say, but how you say it. Only 7% of our understanding is from spoken words.
Body language is something that is often subconscious because we instinctively position ourselves how we're comfortable. It's time to take it a step further. Use your body language to your advantage in the garden industry.
Integrate these 6 easy, quick, and most importantly, influential body language tricks to appear more confident, in control, and trustworthy.
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PR Strategy,
marketing communications,
garden industry public relations
Once you've begun interviewing public relations firms for your garden business, you're getting serious.
Your garden business should be whittling down a list of goals and objectives and honing in on potential public relations firms.
But before you go any further in the process of hiring a public relations firm, be sure you know what not to do. You don't want to be left ripping up your contract in vein like the poor souls on the right.
Below are 3 mistakes to avoid when hiring a public relations.
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PR Campaign,
hiring a public relations person,
PR Strategy,
Garden Media Group
Building brand recognition to many small companies means slapping their logo and tagline on absolutely every item that leaves their office.
While logos are certainly one of the most important aspects of creating brand recognition, what happens when people already recognize your brand?
Unbranding is the newest public relations and marketing trend in 2013. It's essentially going beyond the logo and relying exclusively on an image of your product for marketing.
For unbranding to be successful, your garden business first needs to have a winning logo.
Below are our tips for creating a stellar logo to last for the long haul--and tips to go beyond it once your brand has national awareness.
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PR Strategy,
marketing communications,
lawn & garden public relations,
Public Relations Trends,
Digital Branding,
image building,
Reddit is one of the most powerful websites and social communities on the internet--though you wouldn't guess it by looking at their website design.
Last month alone, there were over 55 million unique visitors. Pretty impressive.
Making it on the home page of Reddit is the new equalivalent of making it on the front page of The Washington Post. Plus, Redditt fame will very often translate into even more stories in traditional media sources.
Read on to discover the power of Reddit for your garden business--and the best practices for marketing on the platform.
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PR Strategy,
Digital Branding,
public relations media plan,
social media
Once you feel like you really, truly know what public relations is, it's time begin looking for the right firm to hire.
The search for the perfect public relations firm can be a bit daunting all on your own, so we're here to help.
Just searching "public relations firms" in Google is not going to cut it. Plus, 20% of the Google firms will only show up because they're close in location to you--not because they're the best overall fit for your business.
To find the public relations firm that is just the right fit, be sure to examine the following criteria.
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hiring a public relations person,
lawn & garden public relations,
garden industry public relations
Facebook Hashtags are already declared dead.
The release of hashtags on Facebook was not initially well-received as millions across the country made their status update, "This isn't #Twitter Facebook."
A new study proves that users aren't searching for companies by their hashtag, nor do posts with hashtags drive engagement.
But, we're declaring #Facebook hashtags aren't dead. Instead, marketers and companies simply have not been using the #hashtag feature to its fullest advantage... yet.
Below are our effective tips and tricks to keep the #Facebook hashtag alive and well on your garden business Facebook page.
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PR Strategy,
Digital Branding,
social media,