Your garden businesses website is looking good and on-brand, but is it not driving the traffic you had planned for?
Have you been posting relevant, dynamic content that fits your target audience on a regular basis?
If not, now's the time to start. Creating content and answering the questions your shoppers are asking is not only going to attract but is also going to hold your audience’s attention.
Converting the traffic that visits your site to customers and then converting them into brand advocates is how you keep your website working for you.
Read on to learn how to create the foundation to your garden brand’s content marketing strategy.
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PR Campaign,
garden marketing,
creating content,
garden business,
Garden Media Group,
content marketing
With autumn starting in just about a week, now is a great time to finish this quarter out strong and prepare your garden brand for the new season, too.
Play it cool - learn how to make the transition between seasons as smooth as possible.
First, analyze how your garden business did in the past few seasons in order to make fall 2014 even better.
Read on to learn 3 tips to keep your garden brand flourishing this fall.
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lawn and garden public relations,
PR Strategy,
garden trade show marketing,
content marketing
Knowing all you can about the journalists you are pitching is vital to your garden brand’s success.
It is also helpful when it comes to utilizing your time as efficiently as possible.
Muck Rack surveyed their database of journalists to figure out what tactics are best to effectively communicate with them.
Responses from over 25,000 journalists are compiled below and detail exactly what they want to see from your garden brand, from what time to pitch to which social platforms they use most.
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Media Relations,
garden business,
Garden Media Group,
key influencers
It's back to school time, which provides the perfect time for you to evaluate your gardening business blog and look for areas to improve as well.
From generating leads to increasing your SEO ranking, running a blog benefits your business in many ways. Every blog post is a new indexed page for your website, which is a new opportunity for your business to be found by search engines. All of this content helps brand your garden company as experts in your field.
For the full scoop, read below for a back-to-basics lessons on content marketing in the garden industry.
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Trending Thursday,
content marketing,
Your garden brand is producing great content but for some reason it’s not catching your target audience's attention.
The messages you are sending out aren't hitting the goals you set, and now, you need to pinpoint the problem and solve it.
Wouldn’t life be so much easier if interested prospective customers continually found you?
Continue reading to learn how to get your garden brand to capture attention and get clients to come to you.
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garden marketing,
creating content,
garden business,
Garden Media Group,
The numbers are growing, more and more people are using Linkedin to find professionally relevant content.
And with a new study conducted by LinkedIn, your garden business can post content that's been proven to work. They've studied thousands of LinkedIn users to discover what length, time and topics perform best.
What are the easy tips and tricks you can do to make your content stand out and get noticed?
Read on to learn the 3 keys to publishing your garden brand’s content on LinkedIn.
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creating content,
Public Relations Trends,
Trending Thursday,
Garden Media Group,
The world today is one of instant gratification. We want results, and we want them quickly.
The web gives us access to more information than our predecessors could have ever predicted, and because we can get results quickly, we make decisions quickly too.
And that makes public relations measurement more important than ever.
The ROI of money invested in gardening public relations should be easy to see.
Keep reading to learn 3 effective ways of making public relations measurement visually appealing and easy to digest.
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Public relations,
PR Measurement,
PR Strategy,
garden PR consultant,
lawn & garden public relations
Great brands realize that sometimes the best ideas come from outside of the office.
Social media crowdsourcing can be used as a way to find ideas, content and solutions from a large group of people who care about your product.
The goal of digital crowdsourcing is to obtain information or services from your digitial fans. Many brands are using social media crowdsourcing to expand their product line and engage consumers.
For example, are you stuck between two flower varieties to bring to market in the next year? Have your garden brand fans vote on which they like more. They'll feel value and immediately become invested in what your brand is working on.
Read more below to learn how your brand can benefit from crowdsourcing.
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Trending Thursday,
garden business,
Garden Trends,
social media
By now, you've probably heard about the ALS ice bucket challenge.
If you haven't, don't worry. If you use any social network at all, you'll probably run into it soon.
Though the exact origins of the challenge are difficult to trace, one thing is certain - ALS awareness is skyrocketing.
Don't just take our word for it, though. Keep reading to learn more about the movement, how its success has been measured, and marketing tips your garden brand can learn.
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PR Measurement,
PR Strategy,
horticultural marketing communications,
internet media
You have a year-round strategy in place to increase your presence on social networks such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Pinterest.
And while digital is great, Facebook's influence is shrinking when it comes to audience engagement. You need to be just as thoughtful and persistent when in-person networking, too.
From the Garden Writer's Symposium to Cultivate and IGC, there are lots of trade shows, conferences and networking events to choose from in the garden industry.
Picking the right trade show instantly helps you form the right relationships with other industry leaders, reporters and consumers.
Below are Garden Media's 4 networking tips for garden industry trade shows, conferences and events.
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trade show public relations,
garden trade show marketing,
garden industry public relations,