GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

How Working in Public Relations is like Dating

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Feb 11, 2015 @ 9:00 AM

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, which means thousands of people across the country will demonstrate their love and affection thought cards, candy and dinner.

While a lot of people offer different opinions about the Feb. 14 holiday, there’s one thing professionals in this industry can agree on: working in public relations is like dating.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, here is a list of reasons why we equate this industry to the dating scene. 

Continue reading for more information about why working in public relations is like dating.

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Topics: Public relations, branding, Garden Media Group, garden industry public relations, Valentine's Day

Trending Thursday: How Garden Brands Can Appeal to the New Consumers

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Thu, Feb 5, 2015 @ 8:17 AM

Elena of Avalor is the newest princess slated to appear on the Disney Junior network in 2016.

While Disney fans are used to meeting a variety of new characters on a regular basis, Elena proves significant because she is the first "princess inspired by Latin cultures." 

According to Mashable, “Elena, described as a "confident and compassionate" 16-year-old, will be introduced in a 2016 episode of Sofia the First and that arc will set the stage for the launch of a solo series, Disney said.”

Elena of Avalor’s introduction also demonstrates a new top garden trend: appealing to a diverse customer base.

Garden brands need to focus on the industry’s top new consumers for 2015: Hispanics, millennials and young men. 

Continue reading for information on how brands can connect with the new consumers.

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Topics: audience, Trending Thursday, Marketing to Millennials, Garden Media Group, Garden Trends

Tips for Closing Emails. Sincerely, Garden Media

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Jan 21, 2015 @ 8:58 AM

It’s no secret that email is the most convenient form of communication when it comes to most daily tasks, but especially in public relations. PR professionals use email hourly to pitch media, coordinate interviews and talk to clients around the world.

Garden brands also use it to connect with consumers in a variety of ways.

While it is easy, instant and efficient, the tone of a message doesn’t always translate from screen to screen.

According to PR Daily, an email send off, also known as a valediction, can be just as important as the body of the message itself.

Its list of 39 ways to close an email demonstrates that valedictions can also show creativity while still remaining professional.

Garden brands that structure their emails professionally and show creativity will see higher response rates.

Continue reading for tips on how to close an email.

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Topics: creating content, branding, PR Strategy, Garden Media Group, emails

Trending Thursday: Tips to Make Your Garden Brand Pop

Posted by Courtney Brown on Thu, Jan 15, 2015 @ 9:11 AM

People aren’t just wearing denim anymore – they’re using it in the garden. 

The worn down hues of denim give off a comfortable and contemporary look to almost anything, including outdoor spaces.

The 2015 garden trend, Color Pops, has two faces. The first is all about standing out in the crowd and being noticed. This year, gardeners will rely on bold teal and pink to take their outdoor spaces to the next level.

The second is a more cool, vintage feel. Pastel hues and rustic textures like denim will make a statement, proving that all types of color can “pop” when paired correctly.

Having denim in your garden may seem strange, but that’s what makes it interesting to others and helps you personalize your garden space.

This 2015 garden trend not only applies to gardens. Brands that operate with a “Color Pop” strategy will gain more recognition and see a boost in sales.

Continue reading for tips on how to incorporate this 2015 trend into your garden brand’s media strategy.

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Topics: PR Strategy, trends, Garden Trends, social media

What Public Relations Firms can Learn from Awards Season

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Jan 14, 2015 @ 9:11 AM

Awards season is here, which means television audiences have another chance to see artists recognized for their work, admire celebrities as they walk the red carpet and most importantly, watch Tina Fey and Amy Poehler host the Golden Globes for the last time (or so they say).

These shows also allow viewers at home to participate in a classic tradition - speculating about wins. Garden Media’s favorite Golden Globes win of the evening was Gina Rodriguez - Jane the Virgin – for Best Actress in Musical or Comedy. Not only did she beat out serious competition in her category, the award shed light on the industry’s growing group of new consumers, Hispanics.

Just because televised awards shows are considered extravagant, formal events in Hollywood, doesn’t mean recognition is only reserved for the rich and famous.

Those invested in the PR industry know that “awards” come in a variety shapes and sizes, and can be filtered through a lot of different mediums.

Continue reading to learn how PR insiders recognize clients, coworkers and members of the media for their hard work.  

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Topics: Public relations, Twitter, audience, Garden Media Group, social media

Trending Thursday: Healthy Living and Your Garden Brand

Posted by Merissa Blum on Thu, Jan 8, 2015 @ 8:37 AM

Healthy lifestyle: the new craze.

Not only are consumers interested in healthy consumption, but the 2015 Garden Trends Report says they are becoming more conscious about the wellness aspects of their activities and purchases as well.

Consumers want to engage with brands that help to support their goal of achieving a healthy lifestyle and all around well-being.

Read on to learn about how your garden brand can market a healthy-lifestyle. 

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Topics: Trending Thursday, trends, Garden Media Group, Garden Trends, marketing

‘Taylor Swift’ your Garden Brand in 2015

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Jan 7, 2015 @ 8:33 AM

Cat lover. New York City enthusiast. Reigning millennial pop queen. Public relations genius.

Taylor Swift is everywhere.  And if 2014 was any indication, she isn’t going anywhere for a long time, whether you like it or not.

Swift’s latest album, 1989, dropped Oct. 27, 2014. It sold 1.2 million copies in its first week and remains on the top of iTunes charts.

Additionally, Swift has 48.6 million followers on Twitter, 16.5 million fans on Instagram and has mastered Tumblr since joining in September.

She didn’t fall into this new-and-improved image entirely by chance. Garden brands that take a page from her PR book will ultimately see an increase in sales and brand ambassadors. 

Continue reading to learn how your garden brand can “Taylor Swift” in 2015. 

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Topics: Public relations, hiring a public relations person, audience, branding, Garden Media Group

Why PR and Content Marketing Should Be Planted in the Same Pot

Posted by Merissa Blum on Thu, Dec 18, 2014 @ 8:26 AM

Repurposing is a piece of content marketing that can be extremely beneficial to your garden brand.

In the past, public relations and content marketing were two separate entities.

Today, these two focuses rely on one another.

Read on to learn how important repurposing content can be to your garden brand.

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Topics: garden marketing, audience, garden business, Garden Media Group, content marketing

Trending Thursday: Three Content Marketing Trends for 2015

Posted by Merissa Blum on Thu, Dec 11, 2014 @ 9:02 AM

Content marketing, a way to reach an increasingly wary audience, shows no signs of slowing down in 2015. Rather than using traditional methods of outbound marketing, businesses are finding that content marketing attracts customers and builds real trust between brands and people.

Wondering what types of content marketing your brand should be engaging in for 2015?

Look no further! We have compiled a list of the top marketing trends that your garden brand should start using now.

Continue reading to learn about three trends that are key to your garden business’s success.

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Topics: Trending Thursday, trends, internet marketing, Garden Media Group, marketing

How Email Savvy Garden Brands Succeed

Posted by Courtney Brown on Wed, Dec 10, 2014 @ 4:51 PM

There are a lot of busy bees working in the garden business world during the day.

Communication is always key and with technology advancing, emails are becoming more popular than picking up a phone and calling someone.

Continue reading for quick tips to help your garden brand get in touch with someone efficiently and without being overwhelming.

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Topics: creating content, audience, Garden Media Group, garden industry public relations, emails



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