YouTube celebrated its 10th birthday in February. Over the course of a decade, it has transformed from a website that features a variety of videos to a marketing and entertainment conglomerate.
Located in 75 countries and available in 61 languages, YouTube serves as a media powerhouse that has more than one billion users worldwide.
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world.
YouTube is a powerful marketing tool because videos are accessible to both domestic and international audiences. Every video posted to the site has unlimited potential.
It is also a valuable marketing tool garden companies can use to promote their brand.
Continue reading to learn more about how garden brands can utilize YouTube to build their brand and market their products.
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internet media,
Garden Media Group,
content marketing,
For this week's Spring Speaker Series, we sat down with Katie Dubow, creative director at Garden Media Group.
Daughter of founder and CEO, Suzi McCoy, Dubow has paved her own budding and vibrant path in the industry.
As Garden Media Group's first official employee, Katie has gained experience well beyond her years and has established herself as an industry PR pro.
Continue reading to learn more about Katie and her experiences in the public relations and marketing industry.
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Public relations,
Garden Media Group,
Garden Media,
Speaker Series,
question and answer,
For this week's Spring Speaker Series, we sat down with CEO and founder of Garden Media Group, Suzi McCoy. Suzi has run Garden Media for 27 years – an accomplishment worth noting.
After working with a range of clients in her early career, Suzi quickly discovered it was happy “ladies and gentleman” of the gardening industry that made every day enjoyable.
Continue to read more about Suzi’s career as an industry pro – from successes to lessons learned.
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Public relations,
advertising vs public relations,
Garden Media Group,
content marketing,
Speaker Series
We sat down with Lauren Grow for this week’s speaker series. Lauren is a junior at West Chester University. She majors in communication studies and political science.
Describing Lauren as busy is an understatement. In addition to her role as Garden Media's Intern, she’s served as the president of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) for the last two years and is an member of Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communications Honor Society. She is also an executive board member of her sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, and was elected to the governing body of Greek life on campus.
True to her name “Grow,” Lauren also gardens in her free time.
Continue reading to learn more about Lauren and her experiences in the public relations and marketing industry.
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garden marketing,
Garden Media Group,
social media,
Garden Media,
Speaker Series
Earth day officially falls on April 22 every year. This creates an opportunity for people to celebrate the planet and all it provides for its inhabitants.
It also creates an opportunity to show how your brand cares for and supports the planet.
According to the Pew Research Center, 61 percent of Americans identify a problem with the damages humans have caused to the earth and believe there is concrete evidence to support global warming. These percentages are set to continue to increase in the next several years.
For garden brands, every day is Earth Day.
The holiday presents a great opportunity for garden brands to teach consumers about the importance of living a green and sustainable lifestyle.
Continue reading to learn more about how garden brands can use Earth Day to promote their brands and teach consumers about green living.
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lawn and garden public relations,
garden marketing,
Garden Media Group,
social media,
It’s raining ideas in the office! Or at least is should be.
Public relations professionals are responsible for generating innovative campaigns and hosting buzzworthy events for clients. But what happens when those ideas run out? How do great ideas go from thoughts to concrete proposals?
Unless your office has a slot machine full of ideas on hand, most campaigns are born, cultivated and nurtured as part of a brainstorming session.
Continue reading for more tips on how a team can brainstorm effectively.
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PR Campaign,
creating content,
Garden Media Group,
For our second Spring Speaker Series, we sat down with Garden Media Group’s newest employee, Sammie Arcieri.
New to the lawn and garden industry, Sammie has experienced a crash course in all things green living. She’s even grown a few things of her own.
As an Assistant Account Manager, Sammie manages the company’s blog, oversees the intern program and continues to nurture relevant media contacts.
Continue reading to learn more about Sammie and her experiences in the public relations and marketing industry.
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marketing communications,
Garden Media Group,
key influencers,
Speaker Series
In today’s fast-paced, connected world, people are 30 times more likely to read infographics than text-based articles.
As the world becomes more visual, it is no surprise that infographics have become a standard for communicating information with consumers and the press – and there is no end in the rise on the industry horizon.
Brands can use infographics to dispense information, news and tips to readers in a visually stimulating and cost effective way.
Continue reading to learn how garden brands can use infographics to captivate and engage audiences.
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garden marketing,
Public Relations Trends,
Digital Branding,
Garden Media Group,
content marketing
For our brand new Spring Speaker Series, we sat down with Garden Media Group’s most veteran employee, Stacey Pierson.
Stacey has been with the company for more than16 years and is a public relations pro when it comes to the lawn and garden industry. As an Account Supervisor, Stacey has helped launch products and build amazing brands for her clients.
Continue reading to learn more about Stacey and her experiences in the public relations and marketing industry.
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Public relations,
press releases,
image building,
Garden Media Group,
Speaker Series
Social networks aren’t just for people anymore.
Crown Bees solution-driven Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign builds a network of native Bee Boosters who support and raise native bees.
Continue reading for more information on how to become a Bee Booster.
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Digital Branding,
garden business,
case study,