For our brand new Spring Speaker Series, we sat down with Garden Media Group’s most veteran employee, Stacey Pierson.

Stacey has been with the company for more than16 years and is a public relations pro when it comes to the lawn and garden industry. As an Account Supervisor, Stacey has helped launch products and build amazing brands for her clients.
Continue reading to learn more about Stacey and her experiences in the public relations and marketing industry.
What is your strength when it comes to Public Relations?
My ability to build strong relationships with clients and the media. I still keep in touch with many of my media contacts from my first few jobs in the tech industry because I’ve developed friendships with these folks. In PR, it’s really about making and retaining contacts. Being responsive and reliable when media and clients are in need of your services is also key.
What is the most important thing when it comes to building and maintaining strong client relationships?
Being friendly, knowledgeable and responsive while going that extra mile for a client or media person has been my mantra from the beginning of my career.
Who’s your favorite person to follow on social media?
For purely visual content, I love following Bri Emery from Design Love Fest on Instagram. Her photos are absolutely beautiful and provide great inspiration for my own home and personal life.
What industry news do you read?
For my daily news, I follow Mashable on Facebook and Twitter. Between those two platforms, I’m able to keep in-the-know of what’s going on on a national level. It’s also a great outlet to learn about what’s new in the technology, social media, entertainment and lifestyle industries
What has been the biggest change in public relations since you started your career?
I think one of the biggest changes I’ve seen during my 23 years in the PR Industry would be the evolution of the press release. Years ago, we would write a release and send it via bulk mail to our targeted media outlets. Now, it’s sent via email or posted on social channels like Twitter or Facebook. We now have the ability to contact the media across so many different platforms compared to what we did previously.
What do you think is up-and-coming in public relations? What does the future of the industry look like?
I think PR will always be evolving. I believe the process of creating relevant content will be a skill that all PR Professionals must embrace and master. This is the key to success when it comes to promoting and building the brands content marketing is changing the nature and function of public relations.
Garden Media’s spring speaker series will be published on the Grow! Blog every Wednesday.