GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Product Launch Case Study: Year One

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, Jul 10, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

The first year of a product launch is arguably the most important. Here, you'll make it, or never be heard from again.  

In fact, an estimated 80-95% of all new products fail completely during year one--meaning they don't return to the market the next year.

Many will say that it's sheer luck if your product makes it. But, we're here to tell you it isn't luck--it's smart planning, execution, and follow through. And, it all begins with making sure you've done the back work before you launch a new product or plant.

To have your garden product or plan launch successfully in the first year, you need a comprehensive plan that begins with identifying key influencers, a sample program to gain media exposure, and a focus on trade.

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Topics: PR Strategy, product launch

Effect of 2013 Social Media Trends on Your Garden Business

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Mon, Jul 8, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

At Garden Media Group, we spend a lot of time thinking about trends--especially for the garden.

Lately, the office has been a buzz with social media trends. Facebook Fatigue and the release of Instagram video are drastically changing the landscape of social media.

Social media trends allow you to connect with your green, gardening customersPlus, it shows your audience that your brand is forward-thinking.

Keep up with the social media trends, and discover five topical changes in social media that will affect your garden business this year.

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Topics: Twitter, PR Strategy, Public Relations Trends, trends, social media, facebook

4th of July: Home of the Brave... and the Hotdog?

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, Jul 4, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

The 4th of July is here, so you should be out celebrating our nation's holiday. Soak up the sun today, revel in the fireworks, and indulge in some barbeque.

If you need a break from the summer sun,  brush up on your holiday facts with this 4th of July infographic, filled with fun facts! Amaze your friends with your 4th of July knowledge!

Be safe, and enjoy your 4th of July!! We'll see y'all bright and early Monday morning!

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Product Launch Case Study: Pre-Product Steps

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, Jul 3, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

During the month of July, Garden Media Group is continuing our GROW! e-Book club series.

For those of you who are just joining us, our e-Book club has three steps:

  1. The actual e-Book to download 
  2. A blog post expanding on the e-Book topic of the month every Wednesday
  3. A Q&A Google+ Hangout to talk through your questions at the end of each month.

In July, GROW! is shining the spotlight on launching a new product customers will love by examing how we helped RESCUE!(R)' its famous Stink Bug Trap.

Before we share all of our insider public relations secrets, your garden business has to make sure you're ready to launch a product.

Below, we're detailing the three steps your garden business has to follow before launching a product successfully.

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Topics: audience, PR Strategy, marketing communications, case study, product launch

How to Answer Journalists' Toughest Questions

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Mon, Jul 1, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Media coverage is how you build a brand.

Both on social media and traditional media sources, this is your chance to tell your brand's story and make personal connections with your target audience.

But, the one major difference? On social media, your brand is totally in charge while in traditional media you're at the mercy of the journalist.

To better prep for media interviews with outlets of any size, be sure your brand's face can answer four of journalists' toughest questions.

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Topics: branding, PR Strategy, Media Relations, marketing communications

Instagram Video vs. Vine for Garden Marketing

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, Jun 27, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Instagram recently rolled out a video feature.  Now Vine isn't the only platform you can take quick snappy videos.

As social media and amateur video making continue to evolve, your garden business needs to be aware of the changes and know how to embrace them!

There's a head-on battle brewing between the new Instagram Video and the already beloved Vine.

Let's take a look at both platforms, and see who wins when it comes to garden marketing in this heated feud for social video!

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Topics: Instagram, internet media, social media, Vine

PR Campaign Case Study: Maintaining Momentum

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, Jun 26, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

All the elements for your public relations campaign are now in line: goals, objectives, key media, and target audience.

Your campaign has rolled out across a multitude of media outlets--and audiences are craving more.

Now that you have an action and media plan in line as well as a few media hits, you need to focus on maintaining momentum.

Your garden company cannot blast the same message in the same way year after year. To keep it interesting, add a new twist to your campaign each year.

Let's look at our PR Campaign Case Study on Costa Farms' O2 for You to illustrate the art of shifting the tactics each year while furthering your campaign's goals.

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Topics: PR Campaign, PR Strategy, Digital Branding, case study, SEO, public relations media plan, social media

Email Makeover Guide to Help Garden Industry Reach Smart Phone Users

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Mon, Jun 24, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Are you an app addict? Always downloading new apps on your smartphone?

Well then it may come as a surprise to you that people use their smartphones most for emails, not apps, not internet, not actual phone calls, but E-MAIL.

A study found 79% of smartphone users use their phone to check email. And, after checking their personal email, emails from brands - or even better emails from your garden business are their second priority in terms of importance.

And a whopping 70% said direct emails from businesses influence their buying behavior -- a great ROI! That's why mobile email marketing is definitely a worthwhile investment.

With these stats in mind, your garden business needs to take a second look at your email marketing and use these simple but powerful tips for an email makeover.

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Topics: creating content, audience, PR Strategy, marketing communications, Digital Branding, internet marketing, public relations media plan, content marketing

Create Articles People Will Actually Read in the Garden Industry

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, Jun 20, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Whenever you sit down to write something, do you imagine how impactful it will be?  Or how many eyes will read it?

Well, did you know that 40% of your articles never get read?

Yes, the one you slaved over and edited again and again.

If you're lucky, about 60% of your articles will be read! But there are secrets to increase readership and give your posts some punch.

Below, we've got some more facts about consumer reading habits... HOWEVER, we have ways to combat these findings and advice on how to produce pieces your readers will love.

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Topics: Public relations, creating content, PR Strategy, Public Relations Trends, internet marketing, internet media, content marketing

PR Campaign Case Study: Target Audience and Media

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, Jun 19, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

By now, you should have a solid understanding of the basics of a public relations campaign as well as how to define your goals and objectives.

However, you really can't begin to craft your key messages and target media outlets until you determine your key audience.

Today, we're going to focus on the key questions you need to ask about your target demographic and how to translate that to media outlets in your region and on a national level.

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Topics: PR Campaign, audience, PR Strategy, advertising vs public relations, case study, garden industry public relations



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