Whenever you sit down to write something, do you imagine how impactful it will be? Or how many eyes will read it?
Well, did you know that 40% of your articles never get read?
Yes, the one you slaved over and edited again and again.
If you're lucky, about 60% of your articles will be read! But there are secrets to increase readership and give your posts some punch.
Below, we've got some more facts about consumer reading habits... HOWEVER, we have ways to combat these findings and advice on how to produce pieces your readers will love.
Content is King
We just can't say this enough! But are you royalty? Your content is what is going to establish you as a leader in the garden industry. It's what will make your customers want to keep coming back because you write what they like to read.
The Power of Scroll
When you're writing, content is at the forefront of your mind--as it should be. However, before you post, you need to really think about the organization of your material and the scroll bar on the side.
10% of people don't scroll through your article at all!
You've got to showcase the most enticing information at the top of the page. Test it out, and see if you'd keep reading before you post.
Secret to High Readership
If you want your readers to be actively engaged in your content, which means reading the whole piece, you've got to include images and videos.
Research shows, 100% of readers will finish a piece that contains videos and images.
Think about it: images and videos are far more inviting than huge blocks of text, and they take far less time to read.
Perfect example: Buzzfeed boosts "social content" and a major chunk of their website is telling stories through captions on images and videos. They've found great success with this medium, which is why they constantly implement it.
Give your readers what they want.. and they want more memes, gifs, images, and videos.
Shift in Storytelling
Centuries ago, the greatest authors were the ones with the longer length, super detailed descriptions, like Hawthorne.
Using more text doesn't work in the digital age. People no longer want to be told; they want to see.
We have the technology (coupled with the short attention span), so use it.
Storytelling is no longer about text; it's about utilizing videos and images with short phrases--like this.
More visuals and less text is the best chance of success for your garden business's story.
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Read more about the reality of readers here!