Can your CEO blog? was the question posed on the front page of USA Today.
And the answer according to an article written by Del Jones, is "Maybe. Maybe not."
The USA story notes that while CEOs of smaller tech companies and PR firms are blogging, so far no Fortune 1000 CEO or chairman has launched a blog.
Here's the inside skinny from author and corporate blogging consultant Debbie Weil who was interviewed for this USA Today article.
Topics: lawn and garden public relations, lawn & garden public relations, horticultural marketing communications, blogging
6 Tips from Lawn & Garden Marketing Pros for Writing a Press Release
Happy New Year and cheers to 2013! Let's make the year a BIG and successful one. And let's start with the press release.
We often hear, “Anyone can write a press release!” And that may be true, writing a press release that is picked up by the lawn and garden media and shared by bloggers is another story. Here at Garden Media we try to make our news releases “news worthy” by following these 6 golden rules.
Topics: trade show public relations, garden PR consultant, garden trade show marketing
We are officially signing off until the new year! The Garden Media Group Team is SO incredibly grateful for your support all year-round.
We are truly wishing you, your family, and friends the happiest holidays to date! Drink lots of egg nog, laugh a ton, and of course, soak up (and exude) the generosity and kindness of the holiday season.
What is Inbound Marketing and Why does the Green Industry Need it?
Topics: garden PR consultant, content marketing, inbound marketing
Online Content and How it Fits into Green Public Relations
If you read this blog, you know that content is king. But, does it matter where that content lives, whether it's online or in print?
Print is a medium that our clients still live for and we still see value in and getting a hit in the Wall St Journal or Southern Living is a home run. But, what if magazines and newspapers follow the Newsweek trend and move all of their content online? According to the Pew Research Center’s statistics on print vs. online media, more than half of Americans currently receive their news from digital sources, and the number of people relying on social media exclusively for their news has doubled in the past two years. The trend to digital is increasing everyday.
Topics: lawn & garden public relations, content marketing, inbound marketing
Check out this infographic! This is right in line with Costa Farms' O2 For You Program, which touts the benefits of indoor plants. Plants make us happy, healthy and even more productive!
Indoor houseplants safely, naturally and effectively clean the air you breathe by naturally recycling the air around them
NASA research has proven that specific varieties of indoor plants remove VOCs, Volatile Organic Compounds, from the air around them. As a result studies conducted by NASA and later by the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) and Wolverton Environmental Services, Inc., proved not only the ability of indoor plants to clean the air but also proved which plants are more effective for specific toxins.
Read more about the benefits of plants here.
To find out more about trends in the garden industry, download out trends report.
Topics: garden marketing, trends, Garden Trends
Content Marketing for the Lawn and Garden Industry
This week we've been discussing content marketing, how it works and ways to increase your brands reputation in the lawn and garden industry.
But the one question we keep getting asked is, what kind of content works best?
There are dozens of forms of engaging content, but here are 12 types of content to focus on and how they can be used as part of any content marketing plan.
Topics: lawn and garden public relations, branding, content marketing, blogging
Topics: garden marketing, trends, Garden Trends
Garden Trends: Emerald Green, Pantone’s Color for 2013
Being a PR firm for the lawn and garden industry allows us to see a lot of green during our day, aren't we lucky?! While, green isn’t usually the color that stands out, it’s far more common for the spectacular blooms to steal the show, Pantone has identified Emerald Green as the color for 2013.
Topics: trends, garden business, Garden Trends