GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Watch Super Bowl Commercials, It Improves Your Brand

Posted by Erin Dunne on Thu, Jan 28, 2016 @ 10:49 AM

football_1.jpgDuring the 2015 Super Bowl, Budweiser released #BestBuds, an emotional commercial about a friendship between their beloved Clydesdale horses and a puppy, which probably made you tear up more than the Seahawks fans at the end of the game.

While you will inevitably sob into your chips, dips and beers during the 2016 Super Bowl, you can at least learn some skills about marketing your brand along the way.

If anything, the Super Bowl commercials teach us about how to effectively market your brand, particularly on social media.

Continue reading to learn how Super Bowl commercials can help improve your brand.

Appeal to your audience

The commercials aired during the Super Bowl are crafted to target their specific audience in an effort to generate interest around their product or service.

The end goal is to get the audience aware of what they are offering and increase the company’s revenue.  While most companies can’t afford to buy airtime, they can afford to manage social media.  

Before brands create an account or post on any social channels, they should, take note of their followers, and their follower’s interests. Think about the target audience your brand wants and adjusts posts accordingly.

Brands struggling to make an impact on social media should usehashtags, interesting pictures and talk about current events in their posts to gain new followers and awareness.

Make your message stand out

The Super Bowl commercials are proof that creativity is crucial. Consumers are bombarded with hundreds of nuggets of information per day, and only a few of the best get talked about the following day, week, even year.

Budweiser took an average puppy and turned it into a character in a story that stood out from the other ads filled with attractive women, clubs, alcohol and cars, lots of cars. 

In order to make your message stand out, paint the best possible image of your brand and show what makes it special.

Couple ideas, like a puppy and a horse, that would not normally go together to make a memorable contrast. Appealing to your audience’s emotions and needs will also help them to remember your company.

Develop the message so that it focuses on the consumer and what they need, instead of the brand itself.

As you are chowing down on the football snacks, arguably one of the more important parts of the Super Bowl, pay attention to the commercials that stand out and use them as inspiration for your brand’s next campaign.

For more tips on perfecting your brand on social media, check out our ebook below!

social media 101

Topics: PR Campaign, PR Strategy, marketing communications, advertising, marketing



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