GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Crafting Your Social Media Persona

Posted by Tyler Nolley on Thu, Apr 20, 2017 @ 10:05 AM

With the internet at the tip of our fingers, having a strong online social media presence is very important for garden brands. Consumers’ first impressions are often based on the brand’s social media platforms, making it extremely important for them to be attractive and easily accessible. An easy-to-use website and friendly brand persona can make all the difference when trying to retain support from your target audience. 


Read on for 4 tips on how to create your social media persona.
1. Dress to impress

First impressions are everything. Before you have the chance to explain yourself, a decision can be made. People make quick judgements from what they see, so an appropriate bio and description paired with an appealing cover photo are keys to


2. Avoid posting negative statements and images

Staying positive and upbeat is crucial to keeping consumers interested in your brand. Avoid bashing competitors and making derogatory statements to ensure you aren’t sending your audience the wrong message.


3. Be respectful

Due to the uproar of the past election, word choice is crucial now more than ever. Be sure to be respectful of others on social media, regardless of their beliefs. Limit political posts and captions on social media if that’s not what your brand is all about. If it is necessary to express your political views, do so in a respectful and professional manner.


4. Interact with your fans

Keep fans and followers interested in your brand by engaging with them. An easy way to do this is by adding links, pictures, emojis and hashtags to your posts. These tactics will make your content more interactive and encourage the viewers to click, like and share your posts. Facebook and Twitter make it extremely easy for brands to respond directly to their target audience.cabinet-2012875__340.jpg

According to Adweek, many brands always make social media mistakes, but these 10 brands surpass the rest when it comes to successful social strategy: Denny’s, Oreo, Netflix, Pampers, Charmin, GrubHub, Dove, GoPro, Royal Dutch Airlines, and Always. These brands are successful because they know how to embrace “their own unique social voice”. So next time you’re creating a social media campaign, take notes from these top ten expert brands.


To learn more about curating your own personal brand, check out our branding case study.

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Topics: Public relations, Twitter, audience, branding, Instagram, social media, facebook



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