GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Lauren Grow

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Spring Cleaning: Social Media Edition

Posted by Lauren Grow on Wed, Feb 25, 2015 @ 9:00 AM

Social media has the ability to bring people all over the world together to talk about specific events. Sunday’s #Oscars proved once again that outlets like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook have a huge impact on the way consumers receive news.

What better time than awards season for garden brands to plant the seeds for a future of retweets, likes, favorites and re-pins?

Continue reading for more information on how brands can promote themselves and build a personality through social media.

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Topics: branding, marketing communications, Digital Branding, Garden Media Group, social media

Why Honesty is the Best Policy When it Comes to Public Relations

Posted by Lauren Grow on Wed, Feb 18, 2015 @ 9:00 AM

On Saturday, Feb. 7, Brian Williams, renowned NBC Nightly News anchor said, “…it has become painfully apparent to me that I am presently too much a part of the news, due to my actions.” And this distraction has led to his stepping aside from his post at the Nightly News.

The anchor has recently been accused of lying. He quickly became the focal point of news stories in homes across the country as news stations reported on these accusations and his eventual fall from grace.

In addition to his suspension from NBC, his actions have caused people everywhere to question the integrity of newscasters.

Gardening companies can take a lesson from Williams. It begins with the basics written in communications 101 handbooks across the country – honesty.

Continue reading for more information about why honesty is an integral part of the public relations industry.

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Topics: Public relations, audience, branding



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