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Brandon Brown

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Gardens are Spreading Their Way Into the World of Sports

Posted by Brandon Brown on Thu, Oct 28, 2021 @ 3:55 PM

A love of gardens and plants have been prevalent throughout history at many major event spaces and attractions. Recently, the love of gardening is breaking into the sports world and has become the center of attention at some major league baseball (MLB) stadiums. With interest in gardening continuing to become more and more popular, even the players and faculty have joined in to help create these gardens. Here are some of our favorite gardens in the MLB.

  • The San Diego Padres have taken gardening to the next level. The Petco Park bullpen has a garden featuring herbs, tomatoes, and 18 varieties of peppers. This has not only become popular with the fans, but the players have tended to the garden and use what they grow for their own salads and other meals. Luke Yoder, Petco Park’s director of field operations, has been tending to the Padre's garden. Yoder said during an interview, “If you name it, we’ve grown it or have it,” They have grown over 18 varieties of peppers from 15 countries. Yoder says, “The pitching coaches and players like to play with them and pop one every once in a while, to get them going.”

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Topics: Garden Trends, social media, Sports marketing



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