GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Social Studies Lesson 8: Why You Need a Newsletter and Email List

Posted by Aubrey Olson on Tue, Oct 3, 2023 @ 8:52 AM

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In today's digital world, having a direct and reliable connection with your audience is crucial. While social media platforms are valuable for reaching a wide range of people, it is important to note that the visibility of your content can be affected by the ever-changing algorithms that these platforms employ. (Which we covered in lesson 7) That's where having an email list comes in.

Today we will cover why having an email list is necessary and ways to promote your newsletter.

If you haven't already, sign up for our weekly Social Studies email series to catch up on any lessons you may have missed!

Keep reading to discover valuable tips on crafting an impactful newsletter and maximizing its reach!
Here are five reasons why having an email list is necessary for your brand:

  1. It's a platform you own - If social media disappeared tomorrow, you could still reach your audience through email. Unlike social platforms that change their algorithms or even shut down, your email list provides a secure and permanent way to communicate with your audience.
  2. It's another way to monetize your brand - With an email list, you can incorporate products, affiliates and sponsors (if you are an influencer) to be featured in this shareable content. It opens opportunities to generate income and monetize your brand beyond traditional social media channels.
  3. It can be more personalized than other platforms - Unlike social media platforms that often broadcast as the brand name, emails can be sent directly from a human’s name, creating a more personal connection with subscribers. This personal touch can strengthen your relationship with your audience.
  4. It's a cost-effective way of marketing - Email marketing has an average ROI of $44 for every $1 spent. Building and maintaining an email list can be highly effective and affordable marketing tool to promote your brand or products.
  5. It can increase engagement on other platforms - By including recaps of social media or blog posts in your newsletters, you can drive traffic to those pages and increase engagement on other platforms. Newsletters serve as a bridge between your audience and your other content, encouraging them to explore further.

Now that you understand the importance of an email list, let's consider some ways to promote your newsletter effectively:

  • Add a pop-up on your website inviting visitors to sign up for your newsletter.
  • Add a link to subscribe to your newsletter in your Instagram bio. 
  • Use compelling calls-to-action in captions, encouraging people to join your newsletter.
  • Post a story 24 hours in advance, teasing what subscribers can expect in the newsletter, and include a link to subscribe.
  • Regularly share the link to sign up for your newsletter in social media posts.


When it comes to writing for your readers in a newsletter, keep these tips in mind:

  • Stick to short paragraphs to make it easier to read and digest.
  • Make your subscribers feel they are getting an exclusive look into your expertise.
  • Write subject lines that leave your readers with questions, enticing them to open and read your emails.
  • Establish a consistent template for your newsletter to create a sense of familiarity and professionalism.

Remember, an engaged audience is more valuable than a large audience. Focus on building a connection with your subscribers and providing them with valuable content that keeps them returning for more.

Speaking of, stay tuned for our next lesson to explore how to be a good influencer on social media as you grow your presence and platform.

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