GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Social Studies Lesson 7: Mastering the Algorithm

Posted by Aubrey Olson on Mon, Sep 25, 2023 @ 3:50 PM

Hey there, welcome back to Social Studies!pexels-photo-4565770

Though notoriously always in flux, understanding the algorithm's consistent nuances and implementing effective strategies can boost your reach and positively impact your audience.

This lesson will demystify some of the algorithm's quirks and give you some tips and tricks to work with, not against, the Instagram algorithm.

If you haven’t signed up for our weekly Social Studies email series for Lessons 1-6, check them out first!

Keep reading to learn the top 10 tips for algorithm-friendly practices to incorporate into your social presence!

Below are ten tried and true practices you can adopt to feed the algorithm and up your Instagram. Stick with these strategies, and your reach and engagement on the platform will grow over time.

1. Create Consistent Quality Content 
Consistency is essential when it comes to algorithms. Even if your views are down, continue producing high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Instagram rewards accounts that consistently deliver valuable and engaging posts.

2. Engage Actively with Others
Engagement plays a significant role in increasing your rank. Comment on other accounts, and be responsive to comments on your posts—especially during the first hour after posting, as this signals strong engagement to the algorithm. See lesson 5 about community and moderation guidelines to dig deeper into best practices when commenting!

3. Ask for Feedback
Direct messages are a powerful tool for engaging your audience and increasing your algorithm ranking. Ask for feedback and encourage conversations in your DMs to build a strong connection with your followers.

4. Avoid Editing Posts Immediately
Avoid editing your posts for at least 24 hours after publishing them. Editing too soon can lower engagement, as the algorithm may perceive it as spammy behavior.

5. Utilize Carousels
Carousels are highly effective in increasing engagement. Place your prettiest image first to entice followers to swipe through your entire post. Carousels keep followers engaged longer, which is beneficial for the algorithm.

6. Create Savable Content
Create content your audience will want to bookmark and save for future reference. The more saves your posts receive, the higher you'll rank with the algorithm.

Tip: Try promoting gardening tips and tricks with your product- information that can be helpful for seasons to come!

7. Hashtags and Keywords
Use relevant hashtags, but avoid excessive use and repetitive hashtags. Rotate your hashtags and incorporate key search words into your captions to enhance discoverability.

8. Alt Text Optimization
Take advantage of alt text in your posts to make them more accessible to visually impaired users. Include keywords or describe the content to improve your post's visibility.

How to include alt text:

  1. Create a post on Instagram.
  2. Tap "Next" after taking or choosing the photo and making any edits.
  3. Tap "Advanced Settings".
  4. Under "Accessibility," tap "Write Alt Text."
  5. Write your alt text and tap "Done."
  6. Share your image on Instagram as usual.

9. Engage for 30 Minutes Daily
Spend at least 30 minutes each day engaging with other users' content. Liking, commenting, and interacting with others will boost your visibility in the algorithm, plus you'll be a part of the larger gardening conversation!

10. Keep Followers on Instagram Longer
The algorithm rewards accounts that keep users on the platform for extended periods. Use videos, swipe-ups, and carousels to prolong followers' time on your content.


While growing your gardening social media, use the algorithm to work with you rather than against you. But lucky for us, it's not rocket science! Just focus on creating great content that people will want to engage with and interact with your followers.

Using some of the tips we've shared above can help boost your rank and visibility on Instagram. And remember, the algorithm likes when you're active, diverse, and consistent, so keep that in mind when planning your posts.

We've got more great tips coming your way in our next lesson, where we'll explore how to leverage newsletters and email lists to take your garden brand's social to the next level. So, keep an eye out for that!

In the meantime, we wish you the best of luck in mastering the algorithm and tending your social platform!

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