GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

What We're Thankful for This Year

Posted by Katie Dubow on Mon, Nov 25, 2019 @ 3:53 PM

We have a Thanksgiving tradition at Garden Media. Each Thanksgiving, we stop, think, and share our gratitude with each other and our clients.  

So before Black Friday madness kicks off, we'd like to spend a few minutes reflecting and being thankful for what we have.

From friends and family to the little things, discover what the Garden Media team is thankful for this year.


suzi-quinn"Professionally I'm a lucky business woman. Having just celebrated our 30th anniversary, I'm thankful for a wonderful team both now and in the past. They all have made us who we are today. I'm thankful for great clients both past and present. They have believed in us to help build their fabulous brands. I'm thankful for continued inspiration, ongoing enthusiasm and well-honed creative skills. I'm thankful to have the kind support of my husband Fred and the partnership and backup of my daughter Katie. I'm thankful for the friends I've made in this wonderful lawn and garden industry. I'm thankful to live in a great country that allows us to fulfill our dreams." - Suzi, Queen Bee.

Halloween 2019 (1)"I am so thankful for our clients, because without them, we wouldn't be here. They have high expectations, look to us for advice and appreciate what we do. For that, I am grateful. I am also thankful to work with a top notch team, side by side with my mom. I watch in awe as she charms everyone she meets, is always able to see the big picture and laughs, a lot." - Katie, Account Supervisor.

family-1"I am thankful for the technology that keeps me close to my loved ones when they are states away and for every moment I get to be in the presence of family and friends. Life is precious and time really does fly, so any amount of time I get to spend with my loved ones is priceless to me. I am also thankful for my GMG family! I get to work with a wonderful group of people who love and support one another and excel in what they do for our clients.” - Tracey, Office Manager

Me and morg"Each year I’m so very thankful that I work with a wonderful group of people on a daily basis plus I have family that is not only healthy but caring and loving." - Stacey, Account Supervisor

me and hawk"I am very thankful for my GMG family. Each person here has taught me so much in the past year. It’s been challenging sometimes, as most worthwhile things are, but also truly amazing. I’m also thankful that I work for a woman owned and operated business, where our own families and our own wellbeing is considered to be vitally important. That is quite unique in this country. On a more personal note, our seventh grandchild was born this past summer and all seven are healthy, bright and happy, as are our children. I’m blessed to have amazing friends and family and time off over the holidays to be with them. Most of all, I’m thankful for my husband. It’s pure joy to walk through this life with him. " - Peggy Anne, Account Manager

jamesbday"I'm thankful for the little things in life, the things most of us take for granted on a daily basis. To have a decent job in today's economy is a blessing, while there are others out there struggling to make ends meet. Having things like clean water, a bed to sleep in, and a roof over my head is more than enough to be thankful for. I'm also thankful that I have a wonderful support system in my family and friends, I don't know where or who I would be without them. Having someone to talk to, to laugh with or even just share a comfortable silence is a lucky thing to have." - James, Media Support Specialist 

Jourdan"As a gardener, I’ve come to learn a lot about growth. Most importantly, I’ve learned that the process of growing involves a lot of sowing and reaping that can be a bit more smooth with help from others. This Thanksgiving, I’m especially thankful for all of those who’ve helped me to grow personally and professionally. I’m thankful for those who’ve shared their own journeys of growing and cultivating lives (and plants) they love.

The work we do at Garden Media is the product of many people working in harmony together and the support for each other is unmatched. I have immense gratitude for my coworkers and clients that believe in my visions and educate me on everything from flowers to Facebook insights. I’m thankful for the Chester County Master Gardeners for providing me with hands-on opportunities to get the community more involved in the plant world. And in a time where digital connections are often valued more than Face to Face, I’m particularly grateful for the online plant communities that answer my questions, meetup in real life and challenge me to constantly be curious about nature." -Jourdan, Account Manager

Last but not least, we want to express our gratitude to YOU, our readers!  It is a great pleasure to be a part of your lives and your successes!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Topics: Garden Media



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